The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Happy birthday. Going to do anything special today?

  • [removed]

  • Just saw Avengers 2. Hot diggity, that was awesome. I applaud Marvel for all the effort and planning that goes into their films. Kept me entertained the whole way, some laughs, sleek fighting sequences, entertaining villain and great acting by the entire cast.

    My personal favorite? If I had to pick one, Clint "Hawkeye" Barton. He had so many snappy remarks while also being the most grounded of the Avengers, especially this one line. "The city is flying, we’re fighting an army of robots and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense." Loved how they expanded his role after being out of commission for most of the first Avengers movie.

    I also liked how they showed some of Black Widow's backstory and Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. And of course, Iron Man, Thor, Cap, Hulk, always fun to watch on-screen.

    Bravo, Marvel. Bravo.

    Alt text

    (Any of you see that mid-credit scene? I smell a Guardians of the Galaxy/Avengers crossover! Get hype!)

  • They confirmed that crossover before this movie was released, the next Avengers film is called Infinity Wars part 1, so yeah that'll happen and it will take 2 movies.

    My personal favourite was the Cap, he's just so good, a complete badass and he genuinely cares, I don't know I just love him, he's just perfect which is odd because I feel that I should hate him for being boring but considering how everyone is in these movies he just feels like a breath of fresh air, it's just nice to have him as a stark contrast of Iron Man (Pun very much intended).

    Anyway it was a fun movie.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Just saw Avengers 2. Hot diggity, that was awesome. I applaud Marvel for all the effort and planning that goes into their films. Kept me ent

  • I don't really follow Marvel because of how much they've saturated the market with their movies today, so I didn't know. So thanks for that.

    I didn't really like Cap in his standalone movie, but I'm liking him in The Avengers. I think he's best when he can play off the wild shenanigans of his fellow cast. (Tony, Banner, Thor), because he's like the perfect "straight man" character amongst the cast. But yeah, Cap was a caring badass.

    kaleion posted: »

    They confirmed that crossover before this movie was released, the next Avengers film is called Infinity Wars part 1, so yeah that'll happen

  • Happy birthday!

    edited May 2015

    I still don't understand why the fuck is he there, you have no super power, why are you there?!

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Just saw Avengers 2. Hot diggity, that was awesome. I applaud Marvel for all the effort and planning that goes into their films. Kept me ent

  • edited May 2015
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I still don't understand why the fuck is he there, you have no super power, why are you there?!

  • Does anyone on this forum have remote hopes for the Hitman movie reboot? I try to remain optimistic, but everytime I see THAT trailer, what optimism I have withers.

  • Vote for Jeremy as President of Hollywood.

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  • This is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. It has so many different meanings in it but this is what I think:

    The narrative of the two Vermilion songs is ostensibly about a killer and his victim, but the subtext suggests that the victim is merely a personification of an ideal quality that the narrator does not or cannot ever possess. She could also embody addiction; a craving that can never be sated, or an ignorance that can never be edified.

    This song makes me think about having such strong feelings about something that it makes you crazy and out of control. You become obsessed and all you think about is the fixed image you have of that person/object. You can't accept any deviations from that image so you lash out at it and despise yourself for it. The part where it says "she isn't real, I can't make her real." - I think it could be about not accepting the deviations from the image you set up in your mind of that other person. Possibly that image is that she loves you back or is in an exclusive relationship with you, but isn't. Also, it could be that towards the end he tries to tell himself that "She isn't real" and that he "Can't make her real", these strong feelings are basically a manifestation of loneliness.









  • XD not weird this is epic @allthatremains showed me this before

    @Markd4547 How weird is this song? Weirder than my previous?

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited May 2015

    And I think that's beautiful

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    This is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. It has so many different meanings in it but this is what I think: The narrativ

    edited May 2015

    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    And I think that's beautiful

  • Haaaappy Birthday :)

  • I think it'll have good action scenes but a shit story.

    Does anyone on this forum have remote hopes for the Hitman movie reboot? I try to remain optimistic, but everytime I see THAT trailer, what optimism I have withers.

  • I've heard that Slipknot is fond of putting secret hidden meanings in their songs if you interpret the lyrics in a certain way, but I haven't heard enough of their songs to judge that for myself. Maybe I should fix that.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    This is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. It has so many different meanings in it but this is what I think: The narrativ

  • You should watch Winter Soldier then, the whole premise of that movie is that it's a typical spy thriller but with the Captain as the protagonists, it's all spies, double agents and all that shit and well the Cap contrasts very well against all that, definitely one of Marvel's better movies.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    I don't really follow Marvel because of how much they've saturated the market with their movies today, so I didn't know. So thanks for that.

  • edited May 2015

    nvm :)

  • edited May 2015

    C'mon, I don't get this complain, the Cap is just a guy with slightly better reflexes, strength an indestructible shield and Black Widow is just an assassin and nobody complains about them.

    Besides did you watch the movies he's in?

    He's clearly as capable as anyone else for the most part and can clearly hold his own, plus he's always been in the team in the comics so they kinda had to include him, then again Wasp and Hank Pym (Ant-Man, Yellow Jacket, Giant Man and whatever other name he has the fucking undecisive asshole) aren't in them and they've always been a part of the team so whatever.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I still don't understand why the fuck is he there, you have no super power, why are you there?!

  • Do it :P

    Well, the album is called "subliminal verses" after all.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I've heard that Slipknot is fond of putting secret hidden meanings in their songs if you interpret the lyrics in a certain way, but I haven't heard enough of their songs to judge that for myself. Maybe I should fix that.

  • I'm a little late but happy Uterus Independence Day.

  • just spam the button and create art

  • It's in my youtube likes playlist haha

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD not weird this is epic @allthatremains showed me this before

  • edited May 2015
    torkahn808 posted: »


  • Oh shit

    My one year anniversary was yesterday! WTF

    Anyways I totally didn't think I'd ever stick around this long...I feel so powerful now

    Kind of weird how fast one year can go by...

  • Yay!

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Oh shit My one year anniversary was yesterday! WTF Anyways I totally didn't think I'd ever stick around this long...I feel so powerful now Kind of weird how fast one year can go by...

  • Welcome to the forums, ComingSouth! :)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Oh shit My one year anniversary was yesterday! WTF Anyways I totally didn't think I'd ever stick around this long...I feel so powerful now Kind of weird how fast one year can go by...

  • cock on a block

    ComingSoon posted: »

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