The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Happy birthday!!!

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm officially 16 years old. PARTY TIME!! Well it was a few days ago but who cares

  • Oh... I seemed to have been mislead here. I'm so sorry for my misinformation, I didn't mean to offend anyone who is part of gamergate.

    I Just found out what ‪#‎Gamergate‬ Is. There are some disgusting People on the internet, But these guys are Monsters. I mean, There's Horri

  • edited May 2015

    And Hawkeye is Jeremy Renner in a skin tight leather suit, I mean have you seen his butt in that costume?


    In any case that was an attempt at trying to defend him not dis Black Widow.

    Click here

    and Black Widow is just an assassin and nobody complains about them. No ones complains about Black Widows Because it's Scarlet Johan

  • I'm defending both. XD

    kaleion posted: »

    And Hawkeye is Jeremy Renner in a skin tight leather suit, I mean have you seen his butt in that costume? DAMN! In any case that was an attempt at trying to defend him not dis Black Widow. Click here

  • Well, that cockroach must be happy to have gained a friend.

  • edited May 2015

    Gamer-gate has nothing to do with equality or race it's about Journalism ethics and standards over illegal paid reviews and gifts for good reviews etc feminazis came in and lied about gamergate making up it's about equality or something like Anita for tax free donations off people when it had nothing to do with that they wanted a quick buck. So the gaming media who control the news tried to cover up their corruption by putting all these feminazis in charge and gave them all the news headlines to brainwash you and others about gamergate

    I Just found out what ‪#‎Gamergate‬ Is. There are some disgusting People on the internet, But these guys are Monsters. I mean, There's Horri

  • Alt text

    Happy birthday bro :D

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm officially 16 years old. PARTY TIME!! Well it was a few days ago but who cares

  • Yep, already found out as I said in the comment above, I was EXTREMELY mislead there and I'm so sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Gamer-gate has nothing to do with equality or race it's about Journalism ethics and standards over illegal paid reviews and gifts for good r

  • Thanks bro that was awesome :)

    joshua007 posted: »

    He Markd

  • edited May 2015

    No don't apologize I wouldn't blame you or anyone being mislead on this issue as the media control the news so want gamergate to be seen as monsters so they would release lots of false info and others false stuff on this topic so it's perfectly understandable on your part

    There so much lies being spread about this it would be hard to learn the truth tbh

    Yep, already found out as I said in the comment above, I was EXTREMELY mislead there and I'm so sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

  • Well I know now, and I feel like an asshole.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    No don't apologize I wouldn't blame you or anyone being mislead on this issue as the media control the news so want gamergate to be seen as

  • lmao there's an Atheist vs Christian war. Who woulda knew

    J-Master posted: »

    You know, I don't think I'm going to be alive when this Atheist vs Christian war ends, I just kind of wished things weren't so grim and horr

  • edited May 2015

    Your not with the info you were given you made the right decision anyone would unfortunately it was wrong info about gamergate in this case and you admitted it so you earned my respect please your fine :)

    Well I know now, and I feel like an asshole.

  • Thank you.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Your not with the info you were given you made the right decision anyone would unfortunately it was wrong info about gamergate in this case and you admitted it so you earned my respect please your fine

  • INTJ "The Architect". I took the test before and got the same result.

    blueneon posted: » In the end scroll a bit to the bottom to read your full results. You don't need to share anything, just c

  • Here's my experience...I bought AC:U day 1 and played through the entire game experiencing two-four bugs in total. I trust the game and it had little problems to me.

    kaleion posted: »

    Fair enough, though I don't understand how you can trust them to release a game that actually works considering their track record.

  • Extremely mislead.

    Oh... I seemed to have been mislead here. I'm so sorry for my misinformation, I didn't mean to offend anyone who is part of gamergate.

  • Only 5% J though so I could be INTP. I'm Assertive variation, also.

    hayd24 posted: »

    INTJ "The Architect". I took the test before and got the same result.

  • Ugh, i just received another death treat.. Im so sick with this shit

  • What happened?

    What ever it is, I hope it ends soon.

    Ugh, i just received another death treat.. Im so sick with this shit

  • edited May 2015

    death treat

    Alt text

    trick or treat motherfucker

    Ugh, i just received another death treat.. Im so sick with this shit

  • How'd it taste?

    Ugh, i just received another death treat.. Im so sick with this shit

  • Happy birthday!

    Alt text

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm officially 16 years old. PARTY TIME!! Well it was a few days ago but who cares

  • Got a tooth removed today, now my gums feel all puffy.

  • Alt text

    Today is one of those days I'm glad I joined these forums great entertainment and debates tonight :)

  • basicaly got a call i was gonna die in 1 hour by suffocating, nothing happend but im getting so fed up right now

    FauDeef posted: »

    What happened? What ever it is, I hope it ends soon.

  • yee

    Got a tooth removed today, now my gums feel all puffy.

  • I hope your ok that is horrible inform the police

    Ugh, i just received another death treat.. Im so sick with this shit

  • Huh... Which version was it if I may ask?

    You're like the first person I've met that has said that, everyone else had a lot of game breaking bugs and awful graphical glitches, how strange, even the other people that liked it that I have talked with complained about the bugs and glitches.

    Here's my experience...I bought AC:U day 1 and played through the entire game experiencing two-four bugs in total. I trust the game and it had little problems to me.

  • Saw those, They're kewl but I hope this doesn't mean that Harley will have a relationship with Deadshot :(

  • I don't like it to be honest.

    Deadshot though.

  • PlayStation 4

    The only game breaking bug was in Co-op where my partner disappeared and I couldn't finish the side mission until he left (Not even game breaking just delaying). The only graphical glitches were civilians sometimes floating or glitching through the ground and one where my sword freaked out (These were actually pretty funny).

    I can agree that Unity wasn't the best. However my problems come from it's lack of a modern day story, the reverse character progression and lack of strong characters. I've come to the conclusion that Unity was more of a day to test Co-op and next gen quality, while this may be false it's a logical assumption. I don't think the Assassin's Creed franchise is failing as many recent games as 3, BF, and Rogue (which released alongside Unity) had great gameplay and story progression.

    I have high hopes for the next game.

    kaleion posted: »

    Huh... Which version was it if I may ask? You're like the first person I've met that has said that, everyone else had a lot of game break

  • Smh.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Today is one of those days I'm glad I joined these forums great entertainment and debates tonight

  • Happy birthday.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm officially 16 years old. PARTY TIME!! Well it was a few days ago but who cares

  • But if most people are downright unable to play it at launch because of how unfinished the game is don't you think they should take more time developing the games until they launch in an acceptable stage?

    I mean people like to thrash Call of Duty but at least those games work when they launch and if there are bugs and glitches it doesn't take them months to fix them.

    It's kinda funny though, that they took until Unity to try Co-op considering that Assassin's Creed 1 started development as a co-op spin-off of Prince of Persia (Player 1 was The Prince and Player 2 was Altair, his bodyguard).

    PlayStation 4 The only game breaking bug was in Co-op where my partner disappeared and I couldn't finish the side mission until he left (

  • [removed]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Today is one of those days I'm glad I joined these forums great entertainment and debates tonight

  • That unpopular opinion thread can be entertaining.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Today is one of those days I'm glad I joined these forums great entertainment and debates tonight

  • They're trying too hard

    I don't like it to be honest. Deadshot though.

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