The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • 420 blazing sushine.

  • Civil War looks like it's going to be kickass for sure. I think Iron Man's team looks to be the better of the two so far.

  • What's going on my dudes

  • sup

    ComingSoon posted: »

    What's going on my dudes

  • Hola Amigo.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    What's going on my dudes

  • Hey, not much, starting my first day of college tomorrow.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    What's going on my dudes

  • Go back to your hole.

    Green613 posted: »


  • Iron Man are the bad guys though, I mean the story is kind off morally ambiguous but always made it clear that Cap had the moral high-ground, because well heis Captain America and of course he's the good guy.

    Civil War looks like it's going to be kickass for sure. I think Iron Man's team looks to be the better of the two so far.

  • edited August 2015

    b quiet fuccboi

    papai46 posted: »

    Go back to your hole.

  • I don't think that's entirely true, even if it is a Captain America movie. Of course, Captain America will probably win, but just for the sake of watching a spectacle, I'm going to root for Iron Man as I think he is the more interesting hero out of the two in terms of abilities.

    kaleion posted: »

    Iron Man are the bad guys though, I mean the story is kind off morally ambiguous but always made it clear that Cap had the moral high-ground, because well heis Captain America and of course he's the good guy.

  • Well, tropical storm Erika broke apart over Cuba. The good news is that I probably won't be hit by a hurricane. The bad news is that I had to fill and cart around two dozen sandbags for no reason...and it's still gonna rain 3-5 inches on Tuesday.

  • Hey

    ComingSoon posted: »

    What's going on my dudes

  • I'm saying that's how it was in the Civil War comics, can't tell you about the movies, I would tell you how the comics end but that might be a spoiler for the movies, though I highly doubt they'll end it the same way.

    I don't think that's entirely true, even if it is a Captain America movie. Of course, Captain America will probably win, but just for the sa

  • Well Scarlet Witch is definitely going to be in Cap's team if she is in the movie, her characterization and backstory make it pretty nonsensical for her to be on Iron Man's side, both because of her dislike of Stark and what Iron Man was fighting for in the comics, I don't know if they are going to be fighting over the same thing.

    As for Black Panther, well he was there because they needed someone to have Spider-Man's role and they didn't have Spider-Man, from what I gather due to this Spidey's role will be pretty small in the movie, mostly because it was far too late to change it back when they made the Spidey-deal, so I don't know how that's going to work, all I'm sure is that Spidey's role will be very small, don't know if that means unimportant though.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Huh, for some reason I didn't see this reply in my notifications.... I don't really read the comics but I heard that basically Spider-Man

  • I've heard that what they're fighting for is gonna be some registration thing like in the comics. And I figured she would be on Caps team but I still don't get why she's missing but Agent Carter is there when we didn't really know she was gonna be on a team directly even though she supports Cap.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well Scarlet Witch is definitely going to be in Cap's team if she is in the movie, her characterization and backstory make it pretty nonsens

  • Exactly. I just don't know how they're going to pull it off in 2 hours. I really hope for a season 2 but at the same time, if they did make a season 2, we'd be left with huge cliffhangers, and the wait would suck.

    They just have so much to cover in such a 2 hour time-span. Maybe there'll be a season 2 or DLC for the wait on Borderlands 3 ))))))))))))))))

  • Sup m8

    Green613 posted: »


  • Go back to your hole.

    papai46 posted: »

    Go back to your hole.

  • Hey, how are ya?

    Hola Amigo.

  • Nice, good luck and hope you have fun :)

    Hey, not much, starting my first day of college tomorrow.

  • Hey m7

    Saltlick123 posted: »


  • This my hole tho, Green was out of his thread, his "hole".

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Go back to your hole.

  • I don't use only one thread

    I've been here for one and a half years, my thread has only been up since March

    papai46 posted: »

    This my hole tho, Green was out of his thread, his "hole".

  • This my hole

    This my swamp

    his "hole".

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    papai46 posted: »

    This my hole tho, Green was out of his thread, his "hole".

  • Dying. School is killing me. Send help. Pls.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Hey, how are ya?

  • That sucks, I start school Wednesday

    Dying. School is killing me. Send help. Pls.

  • Christ, BL2 is killing me right now.

  • Thanks

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Nice, good luck and hope you have fun

  • Yeah, it will do that.

    J-Master posted: »

    Christ, BL2 is killing me right now.

  • edited August 2015

    Well, I've got plenty of side missions to do, so maybe that'll help get me some EXP and level up at least to beat the story mode. But yeah, fuck Nomads, fuck Goliaths, fuck "Badass" anything, and FUCK YOU Hyperion Constructors.

    Yeah, it will do that.

  • if they did make a season 2, we'd be left with huge cliffhangers

    I'm sure that Tales is a link between BL2 and BL3 so the questions would most likely be answered in BL3. I seriously think Fiona and Rhys will be important characters in BL3, also.

    MrNoodles posted: »

    Exactly. I just don't know how they're going to pull it off in 2 hours. I really hope for a season 2 but at the same time, if they did make a season 2, we'd be left with huge cliffhangers, and the wait would suck.

  • wth, why am i laughing so hard at this :D


  • what you playing on?

    J-Master posted: »

    Christ, BL2 is killing me right now.

  • Maybe. But Borderlands 3 is still a long wait aways.

    if they did make a season 2, we'd be left with huge cliffhangers I'm sure that Tales is a link between BL2 and BL3 so the questions

  • Which is why a Tales Season 2 would be a nice fill in until the game comes out.

    MrNoodles posted: »

    Maybe. But Borderlands 3 is still a long wait aways.

  • Same here. I'm still surprised that I'll have been here for two years in only five months.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I know the feeling. I showed up in March 2014 and it doesn't feel long ago at all.

  • Goliaths just suck, you can't critical hit them otherwise it will cause them to start raging, and constructors are just the worst. Tip, aim for the constructors eye. If you hit them in the eye enough times as they're building, you can interrupt the process and cause the building to stop.

    J-Master posted: »

    Well, I've got plenty of side missions to do, so maybe that'll help get me some EXP and level up at least to beat the story mode. But yeah, fuck Nomads, fuck Goliaths, fuck "Badass" anything, and FUCK YOU Hyperion Constructors.

  • I found this pretty funny. Shia!

    wth, why am i laughing so hard at this JAST DU IT!

  • I don't know why but the ''Make sure you're playing with audio'' Thing made me nope the fuck out of that site

    AWESOMEO posted: »

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