The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Saw it and loved it, can't wait for the second half and can't wait for Negan.

    While I love my new computer so very much, the fact that it won't let me install my Silent Hill 3 PC disc is complete bullshit. Skyrim won't

  • Same. Hopefully he'll be just as good without the F-bombs.

    Saw it and loved it, can't wait for the second half and can't wait for Negan.

  • From what I've heard, especially from showrunner Scott Gimple, they're sticking pretty close to his comic counterpart. I have a small, sliver of hope that they'll grow some balls and allow him to say a few F-bombs (not like his comic version, but maybe a couple here and there), but even without them, I have no doubt that, if what they say is true, he'll be great.

    Same. Hopefully he'll be just as good without the F-bombs.

  • I can't wait for a speech about Lucille.

    From what I've heard, especially from showrunner Scott Gimple, they're sticking pretty close to his comic counterpart. I have a small, slive

  • Yeah uncensored version is way better.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I know right? Seriously the shows lack of F-bombs is kinda sad. "They're screwing with the wrong people!" Like come on, that just sounds corny.

  • I know, just thinking about it makes me excited. Also, I just checked, the mid season premiere is actually entitled No Way Out and it's being directed by Greg Nicotero, now I'm even more excited for February.

    I can't wait for a speech about Lucille.

  • okay now im really sad that i didnt get the job i mentioned earlier on the forums but the girl didnt get it either im still annoyed that now im never going to get my own place next year like i was planning and now im nevergoing to get a girlfriend without a job life is going down the drain and now im going to have to look for another job which sucks and be lonely for another year at least i can pursue my goal of being in computer maintenance

  • Yeah, I was real excited when I heard that.

    Do you remember when Morgan said something with "no way out" in it?

    I know, just thinking about it makes me excited. Also, I just checked, the mid season premiere is actually entitled No Way Out and it's being directed by Greg Nicotero, now I'm even more excited for February.

  • True.

    From what I've heard, especially from showrunner Scott Gimple, they're sticking pretty close to his comic counterpart. I have a small, slive

  • Damn straight, and I can do it legally too.

    Are you ready to get drunk tonight?! (Says the underage guy asking other mostly underage people)

  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year guys, it's 2016 for me in Australia!

  • I do remember him saying that, but it was sometime early in the season, like first episode I think.

    Yeah, I was real excited when I heard that. Do you remember when Morgan said something with "no way out" in it?

  • In my city it's 2016 already, sooo...


    enter image description here

  • Bacon'D


  • That final one is majestic beyond all comprehension! Hail to Comrade General Kim Jong-un!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Interesting to see what the different reactions are :')

  • Happy New Year and all that. Now to brace myself for yet another year to slog through.

  • Sooo... Looks like it's 2016 in a couple hours (At least in the UK). It's been an... interesting year.

  • So, it's 2016 at my country now so...

    Happy new year, guys <3

  • We are on the same timeline as it looks

    enter image description here

    Happy new year to you,too <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So, it's 2016 at my country now so... Happy new year, guys

  • @ABigBadWolf I found a dating website for you :

    furrymate . com

    We all know you're a furry <3

  • Internet's slow as hell. What a great way to start 2016.

  • The older Batman Arkham games are on sale for five bucks on Steam. Would either of the first two titles be a good way to get acquainted with the Batman source material for someone who otherwise doesn't know that much about the series? I'm asking because I want to be a little familiar with the source material before I play Telltale's game when it eventually comes out.

  • Definitely and are amazing games true to source material I cant speak highly enough of asylum and city both masterpieces (city my fav batman game ever) must plays

    The older Batman Arkham games are on sale for five bucks on Steam. Would either of the first two titles be a good way to get acquainted with

  • edited December 2015

    So glad that my boss is no longer having me come in to work at 6am tomorrow.

  • enter image description here

    3 different years on the forums: 2014, 2015, and 2016. Still pretty amazed I became a mod, and I hope I continue to serve you all well into 2016.

    Right on time, Happy New Year to all!

    P.S. Yes, I know this similar to the Rhysha thread's one. Don't have to point it out :)

    I've chosen this song to begin this year and end the next!

    enter link description here

  • I just got done playing Asylum earlier today, and I'd definitely say it's a pretty good way to gain some info and background on some of the characters in Batman. Like with the Book of Fables in TWAU, Asylum has character information stuff that is unlocked when they are introduced, which gives a brief background as to who they are, there are also some interesting recordings of the doctors talking to the prisoners, which gives some more background on them. I can't speak for City as I haven't played it yet, but Asylum was great.

    The older Batman Arkham games are on sale for five bucks on Steam. Would either of the first two titles be a good way to get acquainted with

  • edited December 2015

    I've chosen my song for the start of the year.

    enter link description here

    EDIT: Also, happy new years!

    3 different years on the forums: 2014, 2015, and 2016. Still pretty amazed I became a mod, and I hope I continue to serve you all well into

  • Well, my New Years Resolution has already happened. My resolution was to give into pier pressure and record Undertale as a let's play. And might I remind you, I hate Undertale so very much from what I've seen, and I played it once for 40 minutes, but it was the middle of the night and I could hardly see my own hands, much less look at a game. So I recorded it, and I must say, it's not completely shit, so 2016 is at an okay start so far, speaking of which, Happy New Years all you sassy sailors.

  • edited December 2015

    I wouldn't exactly recommend playing them if you want to get acquainted with the series, I mean, they're fantastic games, but they run on an original story which doesn't give you much insight on the franchises routes and backstory (unless you want to read all the character bios). I recommend watching the Micheal Keaton Batman movie, and watching the first 2 seasons of "The Batman", that's how I got introduced to the caped crusader. Both very amazing pieces of film and TV, and they've got some cute callbacks to the comics.

    The older Batman Arkham games are on sale for five bucks on Steam. Would either of the first two titles be a good way to get acquainted with

  • ayyy lmaoaoaoaoao 2 years boiz

    enter image description here

  • Asylum and City are pretty different games. Asylum is kind of metroidvania as in you need to unlock gadgets to progress and it's pretty linear, there's not really any side objectives aside from the collectibles (which are really fun to collect). City just went full on open world with side missions and more collectibles. Origins is pretty much just more of City with very minor improvements.

    Both are great games and it's all based on peoples tastes, for example I liked Asylum more because of the metroidvania style.

    The older Batman Arkham games are on sale for five bucks on Steam. Would either of the first two titles be a good way to get acquainted with

  • Haha, got you there. Mine is on Christmas 2013.

    Green613 posted: »

    ayyy lmaoaoaoaoao 2 years boiz

  • Dec 24th 2013 ;)

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Haha, got you there. Mine is on Christmas 2013.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    My account will be 3 years old in 2 days :P

    Green613 posted: »

    ayyy lmaoaoaoaoao 2 years boiz

  • edited January 2016

    Star wars episode 7 is fucking amazing

  • i will ignore this

    Eryka posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf I found a dating website for you : furrymate . com We all know you're a furry

  • I know right, Rey is amazing.

    Tolispro posted: »

    Star wars episode 7 is fucking amazing

  • 2015 went by insanely fast; I still remember several things happening in 2014 as if they were only a few months ago, which is crazy.

  • Why are you ignoring this? It's a website for you, for a furry.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i will ignore this

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