The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Huh didn't know that, all I saw was them saying that it'll be a PC focused game.

    You can preorder it for consoles at

  • What? That ain't the truth... >.>


    Well... maybe it is... maybe it's not...

    This guys got an army of like bots liking his comments I swear.

  • You hook me up and I'll forget this conversation ever happened ಠ‿↼

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    What? That ain't the truth... >.> <.< Well... maybe it is... maybe it's not...

  • Now all I can think of is takoyaki, I love it so much my phone predicts it after only 3 letters lmao

    enter link description here

  • I was browsing the site last night trying to find a game to hype over because there nothing im looking forward to atm and to my shock/horror I saw a £100 overwatch preorder bundle for ps4.

    Huh didn't know that, all I saw was them saying that it'll be a PC focused game.

  • :)

    Obi-YTP-Kenobi is the name

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, now I have to subscribe! Also congratulations @Duck_Hunt!

  • edited April 2016

    Woah... O.O

    Well, if you really wanna, though, then alright. :^)

    You hook me up and I'll forget this conversation ever happened ಠ‿↼

  • Lmao you know when a new thread about shipping opens up there's gonna be some of that shitcourse™

  • edited April 2016

    Don't you mean shipcourse? I'm sorry, that wasn't even remotely funny.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Lmao you know when a new thread about shipping opens up there's gonna be some of that shitcourse™

  • it's okay, I made that joke too. Nobody laughed.

    Don't you mean shipcourse? I'm sorry, that wasn't even remotely funny.

  • edited April 2016

    I just drove past someone who had "Pedo" on their license plate...

  • Was it a white van?

    I just drove past someone who had "Pedo" on their license plate...

  • More like a white Prius.

    I think the dude was just unfortunate enough to have a plate like that.

    Was it a white van?

  • edited April 2016

    @Wolfenus54 is a cyber bully. Unfriend, block and report him. Also now let's make #wolenusexposed a trend on twitter.

  • Hahahhaaaahaa Pedo is Spanish for I am NOT going to say...

    I just drove past someone who had "Pedo" on their license plate...

  • May I ask why?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    @Wolfenus54 is a cyber bully. Unfriend, block and report him. Also now let's make #wolenusexposed a trend on twitter.

  • nah i'm just shitposting.

    _BEARZZ_ posted: »

    May I ask why?

  • I only have 21 days of school left. I'm not that excited.

    As soon as I get out I have to get a job and start driving since I got my permit recently.

  • So I finaly did something with my youtube channel

    enter image description here

    Also at those who was in the Skype chat, I lied I can't sleep.

  • Just finished watching Bone Tomahawk and it was insane. The gore is intense, the plot is great, and it has Kurt Russell in a western role. What more can you ask for?

    WubsTheFadger Rating: 9.2

    enter image description here

  • Linkified.

    Now you just need some content....

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So I finaly did something with my youtube channel Also at those who was in the Skype chat, I lied I can't sleep.

  • My Panthers were eliminated. I'm sad about it.

  • I'm waiting for content.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So I finaly did something with my youtube channel Also at those who was in the Skype chat, I lied I can't sleep.

  • I plan on that soon ;>

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Linkified. Now you just need some content....

  • Don't listen to her! She is the cyber bully! Have her nudes leaked all over the internet so she will stop!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    @Wolfenus54 is a cyber bully. Unfriend, block and report him. Also now let's make #wolenusexposed a trend on twitter.

  • May I get tips on how to kill my brother on cold blood?

  • Maybe if he slipped on it.

  • edited April 2016

    So homosexual marriage was legalized almost a year ago now. And in that time we've seen homosexual rights being celebrated, while the rights of religious citizens being trampled on.

    Here's a video that discusses what happened when Canada legalize homosexual marriage. and what the consequences have been because of it, and now that homosexual marriage is now legal here in the US, what it might mean for the future freedom in America.

    enter link description here

  • I'm Canadian and that guy is off his nut.

  • Hey look its mine too! ;)

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So I finaly did something with my youtube channel Also at those who was in the Skype chat, I lied I can't sleep.

  • edited April 2016

    People of telltale, I have twitter ---> JordaaNPopee <---

  • I can't take this guy seriously at all. "Marriage is a religious institution", this guy doesn't even know what he's bloody talking about, marriage was around before religion, at first it wasn't even about a man and a woman. I don't know how anyone can listen to this guy spout nonsense for 11 minutes.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    So homosexual marriage was legalized almost a year ago now. And in that time we've seen homosexual rights being celebrated, while the rights

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    This guy is full of sourced and unsubstantiated.

    A fraction of 1%


    Gays are promiscuous!

    A crude stereotype backed by anecdotal evidence

    Marraige is sullied!

    i know! It's almost as though social norms CHANGE over time, the horror!

    Would we be dancing in street if we forced Indian women to go into a tent while mrnstrating?

    what an awful analogy

    Knights of Whatever fined!

    Fining people for this is wrong, but these cases are statistically very small exceptions. Also, it's irrelevant to the topic of gay Marraige in the U.S. because we lack said comission. American clergy can and do say vile things about LGBT people without reprocussions.

    Cigarette analogy

    One causes cancer, the other hurts your fee fees.

    Christians being forced!

    Now we get to the crux of it, the classic reactionary persecution complex.

    You KNOW they went to places that would say no.

    No we don't, because you didn't source anything.

    Comparing the LGBT community to Armenian Genocide activists.

    Another shit analogy, also the Irisg Day story is completely unsourced, making it suspect.

    marriage is sacred! Gays just want it for the benefit.

    Lots of heterosexual partners get married for the benefits. Also, by what right does this loser make sweeping generalization about homosexuals motivation for getting married.

    Schools in Quebec have to teach that same-sex parents are same as normal ones!

    Perhaps because this theory is widely accepted by the Social Science community. Good to see that Canada enforces academic honesty.

    chance of getting touched 23%

    Really wish I could see where he was getting this "data" from. Until I know, I gotta assume he's 'lying with statistics' for the sake of fearmongering.

    the Weekly Standard

    A "Neoconservative Opinion Paper. No bias here, folks!

    Making heterosexual non monogamous!

    M O R A L. P A N I C

    They've redefined marraige!

    Nope, I'm pretty sure it's shitty as it's ever been.

    Allthe benefits! No hard work!

    Still making dumb assumptions about gay couples. Here's a revelation: promiscuous gays, probably won't get married.

    The right wing is great at crapping out shitty YouTube pundits it seems.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    So homosexual marriage was legalized almost a year ago now. And in that time we've seen homosexual rights being celebrated, while the rights

  • Not sure which is worse: the thinly veiled bigotry of the facial hair.

    I can't take this guy seriously at all. "Marriage is a religious institution", this guy doesn't even know what he's bloody talking about, ma

  • Final X-Men Trailer dropped not 30 mins ago

    enter link description here


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Don't listen to her! She is the cyber bully! Have her nudes leaked all over the internet so she will stop!

  • Followed

    People of telltale, I have twitter ---> JordaaNPopee <---


    lottii-lu posted: »


  • Kenny/Lee posted: »

    So homosexual marriage was legalized almost a year ago now. And in that time we've seen homosexual rights being celebrated, while the rights

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