The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Interesting. Proudhon and Anarchists also draw a distinction between personal and private property. Personal property like cars and houses are strictly off-limits, but private (capitalist) property is considered illegitimate unless proven otherwise.

    This is somewhere where you'll find me sympathetic to your side of the argument. The main problem I have with any system though is that I just have no faith in them to work. I feel like history has shown us that no matter what we try we can only hope for things to be marginally better for brief periods of time before they lapse back. If humans are involved it's going to get ruined someway somehow. This is why I prefer a stance of minimalist intervention by outside forces; I just don't want to be bothered by the symphony of destruction if I don't have to be.

    As for Proudhon, I'd recommend you check out Kevin Carson instead as P.j. was incredibly dry and doesn't translate into English very well. I'd definitely recommend checking this out. It's a real eye-opener, probably one of my biggest influences.

    I'll certainly give it a look tomorrow and let you know what I think about it.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'll have to read more into him, as I haven't read anything of his yet besides the quot you provided. Private property is something that I c

  • Seems like nobody wants to talk about it. Something for another time, I guess!

  • Breaking Bad.

    Guys, I need your advice. What should I catch up on first: Breaking Bad or Daredevil?

  • Mystery Incorporated is the best.

    Man Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated was the sh*t man. So glad they put it on Netflix.

  • I've been seeing a lot of crap about disturbing images, what exactly happened here while I was away? Visit this subreddit if you want to get gross images out of your head.

  • I beat Ornstein and Smough on NG+4 earlier.

    Desperately looks through conversation starter cards Ah ha, I am eating Chipotle and listening to AC/DC. How was your day?

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    It's not, I swear.

  • Misery Inc. is better. Love me some Soul Asylum.

    Mystery Incorporated is the best.

  • We don't talk about that here. Let's just say it involves those who would seek to destroy our minds and sully the sanctity of this wonderful place.

  • Judging by what is being said on this particular thread, I am glad that my Internet went down.

  • The only time you'll ever be glad to have chosen Telstra, I guarantee it.

    Judging by what is being said on this particular thread, I am glad that my Internet went down.

  • Definetly Breaking Bad. Best show ever made or well top 3 atleast.

    Guys, I need your advice. What should I catch up on first: Breaking Bad or Daredevil?

  • I loved that it had an actual story and dark tones. I wish it was still on. Only complaint is Scooby annoys me in this series lol

    Mystery Incorporated is the best.

  • Kids will never know the creepiness of listening to a song, on mainstream radio, that is a narrative about a girl using an outhouse.

    21 years ago, Soul Asylum released Just Like Anyone. The rest is history. Very creepy history.

  • I did that for a good purpose, though. :(

  • What are the other two?

    Definetly Breaking Bad. Best show ever made or well top 3 atleast.

  • my dad is being a dictator again i tried to get more than 2 hours to go on the internet even offered to pay part of the contract and still a big fat nope im doing a job i hate and the only thing i enjoybgets limited oh and hes threatening to kick me out

  • ErykaEryka Banned
  • A huge bullshit. It showed up in my feed, 2 photos. Jesus save me that was worse than death.

  • Is there a way for it to be deleted from my feed?

  • They are probably reading the reactions here and having a creppy ass laugh. It is so pathetic and I feel sorry for their parents and their way of life. I wonder whether mods can track their IP or shit because that person needs to be banned from the whole internet.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You know that person has to be a really sad one. To get soooooo into such stuff, and even more wasting his/her time to look for such things. Probably don't have many friends and that's his/her way to get attention, maybe a neglected teenager?

  • Like I said pityfull little person

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    They are probably reading the reactions here and having a creppy ass laugh. It is so pathetic and I feel sorry for their parents and their w

  • edited May 2016

    Yeah I already know what it was, I'm glad I wasn't here.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    A huge bullshit. It showed up in my feed, 2 photos. Jesus save me that was worse than death.

  • Is there anything you can do that would make him appreciate your presence more?

    my dad is being a dictator again i tried to get more than 2 hours to go on the internet even offered to pay part of the contract and still a

  • This shit is like Fight Club man, we don't talk about it.

    I've been seeing a lot of crap about disturbing images, what exactly happened here while I was away?

  • That bad, eh? Aight, I'll play along and not ask questions.

    papai46 posted: »

    This shit is like Fight Club man, we don't talk about it.

  • Well, at least you didn't have 8 photos...


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    A huge bullshit. It showed up in my feed, 2 photos. Jesus save me that was worse than death.

  • wow bruh may your old innocence rest in peace that shit was deadly

    who could be that person I wonder

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, at least you didn't have 8 photos... ALIENS TAKE ME OFF THIS PLANET.

  • I assume your internet provider has bandwidth cap. If so then that kind of sucks to you, unless you can afford to pay it entirely.

    my dad is being a dictator again i tried to get more than 2 hours to go on the internet even offered to pay part of the contract and still a

  • Been watching Gotham show. If the first season is something to go by, that wannabee Joker in the second season is probably excellent.

    Also in other news, that show is surprisingly good even though Bruce Wayne is way too young to be the Batman yet.

  • edited June 2016

    wow bruh may your old innocence rest in peace that shit was deadly

    Ripperoni in pepperoni. ;_;

    who could be that person I wonder

    Who knows... maybe he's just a fucked up person that wants to send to people extremely NSFW pictures just for his own pleasure.

    So probably he's a troll.


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    wow bruh may your old innocence rest in peace that shit was deadly who could be that person I wonder

  • really dude really

    papai46 posted: »

    This shit is like Fight Club man, we don't talk about it.

  • Does he actually explain why he says no?

    my dad is being a dictator again i tried to get more than 2 hours to go on the internet even offered to pay part of the contract and still a

  • Was it really that bad?

    The only time you'll ever be glad to have chosen Telstra, I guarantee it.

  • Yes.

    Was it really that bad?

  • Now that my internet is back up, I can finally download Far Harbour!

    ........and play it after school.

  • Your a adult with a job he cant do that. I know your in the uk so I suggest buying a cheap 3 phone and getting a all you can eat data add on, you can tether to ps4, thats what I play online and stream with, its the only internet I have it works fine and its cheaper than a real provider.

    my dad is being a dictator again i tried to get more than 2 hours to go on the internet even offered to pay part of the contract and still a

  • I still can't play it, computer has no space.

    Now that my internet is back up, I can finally download Far Harbour! ........and play it after school.

  • At least you didn't make the bug suffer

    Hurray for bugs. Unfortunately for them, I'm the party crasher. Mwahahahah! bug: eheheh time to annoy the house owner bug notices a sh

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