The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You do know that a new Prey is coming out right?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    5 years later and I'm still pissed off that Prey 2 was cancelled because of Bethesda's bullshit. Seriously, it looked great and way more

  • Whoops, I'm fresh out of salt. Will Garlic Salt work?

    enter image description here

  • Today marks the first day in history I called one of the pieces of electronics I own a "retarded ass monkey". I was trying to use Cortana to open Skype and she pulled up like 30 different options, and I always use the same one so I said out loud "You retarded ass monkey! I always use the same one! Open Skype you dango dongis!"

  • edited August 2016

    Thanks! Would you mind?

    Whoops, I'm fresh out of salt. Will Garlic Salt work?

  • No problemo, fam.

    Okay so I actually poured the Garlic Salt on my desk while writing this comment and got way too into the joke and now I need to vacuum this shit.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Thanks! Would you mind?

  • edited August 2016

    Watched the two Aliens vs Predator movies back to back with a friend. I actually liked AvP, it had a good mix of both franchises. AvP: Requiem however is awful and is radically different from the previous movie. It tried too hard to be a horror movie with all the violence and its characters.

  • Yeah, I really liked AvP as well. Not sure why it gets so much hate. Requiem is definitely shit though, but it's a funny kind of shit where you can laugh at how bad it is.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Watched the two Aliens vs Predator movies back to back with a friend. I actually liked AvP, it had a good mix of both franchises. AvP: Requi

  • You were supposed to pour the garlic salt in your speakers not your desk, everyone knows that!

    Now I gotta eat my fries unsalted...

    No problemo, fam. Okay so I actually poured the Garlic Salt on my desk while writing this comment and got way too into the joke and now I need to vacuum this shit.

  • Wow, creating an AI is harder than I thought.

  • To add to the evergrowing list of villains he's played, he was Firelord Ozai in Avatar: The Last Airbender.

    I noticed something else. Hobgoblin in Spider-Man TAS is the same voice as the Joker in Batman TAS and the Arkham games.

  • Thanks.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm back people let me see what I missed... Whoa that is alot I'm glad MetallicaRules is alright, finding out when BlindSniper became a moderator and other interesting comments

  • Not a huge fan, I much prefer Tosh.0, at least he's actually funny.

    Has anyone ever watched Ridiculousness on MTV?

  • Am I the only one who kept asking myself if Scarecrow knows Batman's identity in Arkham Asylum?

    He even called him out by his name. "What is going on inside your head, Wayne?"

  • Well I made it out okay, the older woman, I have no idea. When they finally got her out of the car, they had her on a gurney and sent her to the hospital. I haven't heard anything about her since, I have no idea what the extent of her injuries are, and I don't even want to consider the worst case scenario.

    Glad you'se two made it out okay. Holy crap. o_o

  • Thanks.

    Yikes. Glad you're alive.

  • I like Assassin's Creed. Pretty rude to call them cancerous, isn't it?

    Two years and 5 released games. It's like Ubisoft decided to make cancerous horror games instead of cancerous Assassin's Creed games! In

  • Yeah, I was exaggerating a bit for the purpose of being a douche. I like a few of the AC titles myself, I was just being salty.

    I like Assassin's Creed. Pretty rude to call them cancerous, isn't it?

  • edited August 2016

    Why arent the @'s working to tag people on some threads?

  • You know, a lot of people really hated the Silver Samurai's design in The Wolverine, but I think it's really cool, minus the extremely fake-looking CGI. He looks like Shredder from the new TMNT movies if Shredder looked cool.

    enter image description here

  • They work, try it.

    Why arent the @'s working to tag people on some threads?

  • Of course I know it's coming out. And itlooks like it could've easily been a new IP, considering it doesn't resemble Prey 1 or 2 in any way, nor does it have any story connections.

    papai46 posted: »

    You do know that a new Prey is coming out right?

  • Scott Cawthon showed a Picture of him modelling Freddy.
    enter image description here

  • What should I have for dinner im so hungry I cant decide

  • I liked this design and the movie in general.

    You know, a lot of people really hated the Silver Samurai's design in The Wolverine, but I think it's really cool, minus the extremely fake-looking CGI. He looks like Shredder from the new TMNT movies if Shredder looked cool.

  • How 'bout a Burger.

    What should I have for dinner im so hungry I cant decide

  • Hey, does it make sense if a user here hates Telltale's games, but still posts on its forum?

  • bean goulash

    What should I have for dinner im so hungry I cant decide

  • it makes sense if he's here for other stuff, like I am here for Forum Games, although I don't hate (most) TT games

    Hey, does it make sense if a user here hates Telltale's games, but still posts on its forum?

  • Most likely an hallucination within Batman's mind.

    Am I the only one who kept asking myself if Scarecrow knows Batman's identity in Arkham Asylum? He even called him out by his name. "What is going on inside your head, Wayne?"

  • Just because someone isn't a fan of the newer games doesn't mean they hate them. Im sorry I think its a sign of your autism (I dont mean to offend) but things aren't always black/white love/hate or good/evil there is plenty of middle ground to mess about with.

    Hey, does it make sense if a user here hates Telltale's games, but still posts on its forum?

  • Mmm bean burger goulash

    What should I have for dinner im so hungry I cant decide

  • Finally beaten Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain after like a decade. lol Think I'll do a review of this, been a while since I've done those.


    I thought it was not too bad, it certainly had me interested and was quite complicated so I had to look back at times and really listen. The Skull Face act was really good and fun. Learning the background of the characters a bit was an interesting experience as this was my first MGS game. Unfortunately, around Act 2 the story seems more empty and spread about in intervals too far and wide. Not only that but they were building the Eli act to an epic conclusion but it's left unfinished in game. Creating sort of a plot hole that can only be viewed incomplete. I think the plot of the Vocal Cord Parasites was a rather unique one and well thought out, the horrors it could bring was huge. Not only that but I liked Quiet sections of the story, it was interesting and her ending kinda made me sad. Still, they could've done a bit more with that part of the game, such as exploring Quiet's and Venom Snake's relationship as it was implied. Not only that but some scenes, such as Quiet's torture scene didn't really make sense to be honest and were kinda sloppy. As for audio documents, they were a nice touch that fitted in well like a novel. Some documentaries did felt like they belonged in cutscenes though. Finally the Truth Ending, holy heck just when I figured it out I was given more twists than I can count but they, for the most part, make sense and fills out future confusions in the later games (I've seen a bit of MG 1).


    Venom Snake and Big Boss

    Getting to know them and their connection was cool. I like how they're similar but also different. Big Boss seemed kind of a dick based on what I learned. Venom Snake seems like a more better person overall and I felt sorry for him knowing all the shit that guy went through. Poor guy was just fodder, got played like a damn fiddle. I do like that he kinda accepted his fate, he is loyal but damn he deserved better. Also, wish he talked more.

    Kazuhira Miller

    At first, around the early bit he done some things that made me go wtf but thinking deeper about it, many of his "crude" actions have pretty good reason. He's sick of all the bullshit and I can't blame him. Played like a damn fiddle. The voice actor was awesome in this role too. I wish more of his light hearted moments were on screen though.


    He's slightly interesting. Complicated in personality though. Between sadistic interrogator to caretaker to teacher, it's an interesting mix. Also pretty charismatic with a hint of ego. His story definitely jumps to a lot of places though, if you catch my drift.


    Plenty of character development. Sure the reason she is almost naked is cheap but I can't deny that her story is good. From starting as someone wanting to kill "Big Boss" to wanting to protect him over time, that's quite something. I enjoyed nearly every moment she had to interact with the cast. The built up to her last moments in the game were good, two of us kicking ass to the end. Knowing what her fate would be though was sad though, especially when it happened. Although it was ambigious too so I wonder if they make another game she'd be in it. Doubtful though. As I mentioned however, they could've done more with her relationship between her and Venom.

    Skull Face

    Really loved his character. Every bit of a sick asshole that you'd love to hate. He had a Bond Villain charm to him as well (I discovered 007 was an inspiration to the series so that's a bonus). Every moment with him kept me on my tones guessing what he had up his sleeve down to his last pitiful end. I'm surprised he's not part of the other games beside GZ, he felt like a big deal. Little shame that we didn't get a traditional boss fight with him. Feels like Illusive Man all over again.

    Eli The White Mamba

    Quite the little bastard. The kid just tries to mess with everyone over anything. Seeing him get put into his place felt good man. In the fights with him I just casually walked to him as he thrown shit before charging at him with a punch. lol He's tough and stubborn I'll give him that. Sadly, in the game his fate with the others were left inconclusive until I watched the final ending on youtube. Which to be frank, was awesome to see. Knowing that he did everything he could to try and fuck over Venom Snake up until their final battle was a natural progression that should've physically happened. I can just imagine Skull Face's... well, face if he were to learn that Eli was the one to screw him over at the end of Act 1.

    Man on Fire and The Third Child

    Seriously these two are freaking dangerous. Every moment was me going "Oh shit!". The boss fight with Man on Fire was hard as heck, I died so often cuz of how OP he was. Figuring out the mystery behind and the boy was also interesting to experience. The Third Child seemed to have dreadful fate due to his circumstances, trying to find his place in the world. I liked how Eli and him teamed up. Two friends in a battlefield.

    Code Talker

    He's okay. Very intelligent, but sometimes his documentaries can be boring. Except for Kazuhira's hamburger's lmfao His story was pretty screwed up honestly and listening between Skull Face and him in that cassette was one of the best moments in the game.

    Huey Emmerich

    Used to feel sorry for him but was also curious as to what he had done. When the truth finally went out, the guy was a fuck face. Will give him credit to his mechanical works though.

    Paz Ortega

    Jesus this girl went through hell. It's sad that my first memory of her is that helicopter part. Slowly learning the truth of her apparent survival to the end just made think how awful it must feel for Venom knowing how much he wanted to save her. Learning more about her, she seemed like a sweet girl that met a tragic end.


    Phenominal is all I can say. No glitches. No lag. So smooth in every aspect when in action and such a intricate system it has. It really made you think and not be brainless about it. It's obvious most of effort went to the gameplay. Also, I might add, the 2nd Sahelanthropus boss battle was EPIC!


    Okay, so there's definitely some I already mentioned but my finger is starting to hurt from typing so I'll go for bits I mostly want to talk about.

    Quiet's torture scene. Really, a good chunk of the scene is a mess. They know she can't talk cuz of the parasite yet they expect her to talk? Lol wtf? It's like Ocelot and Miller just forgot, then remembered and shortly after forgot again. The only good parts were about Venom and her, and her with Code Talker.

    Pacing. The second act was rather sloppy and lost some focus. A good chunk of Act Two were repeated missions, some forced upon you. It was merely a waste of time on the player and the development team. If I want to challenge myself in those ways I can do it myself.

    Finally the final mission that was cut. It's such a crime to leave such an important part out of the game and expect everyone to be okay with that. The last mission would've been incredible to play and would give the conclusion to the Eli, Third Child and Sahelanthropus plot. I know it's common to give shit to Konami (quite deserved too), as they should've given more time to Kojima to at least complete the last mission, this is partly their fault. I say partly, because I feel Kojima is also responsible for the missing mission. He wasted time on filler and repeated missions and also went too crazy with the gameplay portion and focused less on the story. Yes the gameplay was amazing but his focus on that overshadowed the story in some aspect. Both sides are to blame.

    Final thoughts

    Despite those set backs, it was a really fun game and I enjoyed for the most part what story I was given to me. I rate 7.5/10

  • RIP my finger, that post I just done killed it. ;-;

  • Another one.
    enter image description here

  • @JordaaNPopee If you start the comment with an @ (like Twitter when you're just replying to that user), it doesn't work right, but if you tag someone @JordaaNPopee in the middle, then it does work. Another bug in the new system.

    Why arent the @'s working to tag people on some threads?

  • I hear @lupinb0y has some fries, but they're unsalted.

    If the standard looking in the pantry and refrigerator and seeing what looks most decent doesn't work, try writing some food on each card in a deck, shuffle, and turn them over until you find something both appetizing and doable.

    Just don't play cards with that deck afterward, or people are going to wonder.

    What should I have for dinner im so hungry I cant decide

  • If someone really hates all of Telltale's games, old and new, then I would wonder why they came here in the first place. Only if they have friends who are Telltale fans, and this is the best way to communicate with them.

    Hey, does it make sense if a user here hates Telltale's games, but still posts on its forum?

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2016

    My boss makes a dollar and I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time!

    Doing it right now tbh.

  • edited August 2016
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