The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited November 2016

    Oké what games should I buy this month besides FF15 which btw don't spoiler aynthing about the game please I have been waiting 10 years or so

  • I think it looks cool, but I hope they have a good reason for using Classic Sonic again. At this point, it seems they are pandering to nostalgia without understanding the context of what made Classic Sonic games good in the first place.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Even though we barely see anything, it actually looks like it's going to be really good. I hope they go for a more serious tone again.

  • Today I attended these Faraday lectures. The guy who entertained the crowd, Lee Marek, appeared frequently on the David Letterman show years back. He spewed puns and blowed things up, what more could you ask for? He also put a cement block on his assistant's chest and broke the block with a sledgehammer, which was pretty interesting to watch, to say the least.

  • Yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about Classic Sonic returning, I've always preferred the Modern Sonic stages in Generations.

    But Sonic Mania is looking pretty good.

    I think it looks cool, but I hope they have a good reason for using Classic Sonic again. At this point, it seems they are pandering to nostalgia without understanding the context of what made Classic Sonic games good in the first place.

  • I don't get why so many people say this. As someone who followed Melanie before she was on the voice and listened to Halsey when she was only known as Ashley, their styles are so different. Melanie has a rather bazaar and childish style. Halsey's is rather... well, sexual and rebelling. They also sound so different. I don't see how a duo would end up pleasing to the ears.

    On the other hand, if Halsey paired up with a band like PVRIS, it would be perfect.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    She and Halsey should make a duet.

  • Boss and coworker have been out on health and family-related issues. Pretty much been running my division on my ownsome. All the while learning/testing some newish software. Fun times, NBD

    Just really kinda hoping I don't get sick rn

  • edited November 2016

    To anyone that gives a shit:

    I'm streaming Season 2 of The Walking Dead game in a few minutes because I'm incredibly bored and have nothing else to do. Stop by and say hi if you'd like! :)

    (Nevermind it was a clusterfuck lol, but I will try to upload it later)

  • Rewatching The Nostalgia Critics old 'Commercials' videos to get ready for the new one next week.

  • There's going to be a new one? Awesome.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Rewatching The Nostalgia Critics old 'Commercials' videos to get ready for the new one next week.

  • Yeah he teased it at the end of his newest video.

    There's going to be a new one? Awesome.

  • Does anybody know a really good (and preferably free) animation software? I've been trying to get into animation while improving my art skills and make a thing but the three I've tried were all shit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • edited November 2016

    I'm only gonna say one thing about this because this comic is so jumbled and I'm not good at speaking english, but:

    This only counts if you read the book NO it is just stupid in my eyes I could just make this scene better with a bit of the book:)
    Movie: I would like to say something dear sir Voldemorth
    Book version: Fuck you I am not gonna bow down before you!

    I get your criticisms on this, and yeah, it was much cooler in the books. But here's the deal, in the movies (and the books from my memory) Neville was never the brave kid. He was always scared and for the most part trying to distance himself from the action. Not to mention he wasn't the best wizard either. The thing about that is, I like how the movie handled it much better, because of course we get the fear from him still because it's a genuinely scary situation and he's... well Neville, but he also remembers all the shit he, Harry and the others went through since Order of the Phoenix, all the lessons he had been taught.

    He was scared and he was still the Neville amount of nervous inside, but it was such a rewarding moment because while he still is cowardly, he breaks through just enough to tell Voldemort that he won't win and let him know that Harry's memory will live on. Whereas in the books, Neville had still been cowardly and mostly a pussy, but this sudden "Fuck off Voldemort you right wanker" came out of fuckin' nowhere. This wasn't really the character Neville was made out to be. The situation hardened him and that's not realistic at all. There was no rewarding payoff because Neville's character threw a curveball at the readers, whereas the movie, Neville was still scared and in character, but pulled out just enough courage to save the day in the end. It was more rewarding in turn, and much more well written if you ask me.

    I'll probably respond to the rest of the comment soon (as I adore Harry Potter) but right now my brain is hardly functioning.

  • What were the three you've tried?

    Does anybody know a really good (and preferably free) animation software? I've been trying to get into animation while improving my art skills and make a thing but the three I've tried were all shit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I've just been introduced to the Nostalgia Critic 2 weeks ago, and so far I think he's fucking hilarious.

    He states all the pros and cons (mostly cons) in movies, but at the same time, makes some funny one liners.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Rewatching The Nostalgia Critics old 'Commercials' videos to get ready for the new one next week.

  • Ajax, Pencil and Creatoon.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    What were the three you've tried?

  • edited November 2016

    Off the top of my head I can only think of Stick Pivot Animator (which is a simple stick figure animation software that I've used quite a bit before) or Blender which is a primarily 3D animation software but can be used for 2D animation.

    You could also try the trial version of Toon Boom.

    Ajax, Pencil and Creatoon.

  • edited November 2016

    My mom just insulted me.

    Okay, so here's what happened. My mom wanted to use my laptop and she couldn't find it. And then she asked me where it was, and then I politely said "I don't know." And then she told me some rude stuff, like "Fuck you", "Little punk-ass fuck" and then eventually she said "Go to Hell". And then she threatened to break it if she ever found it.

    I dunno if she's doing drugs again, or if she's just being a bitch.

  • Jeessuuuusss.

    Sorry man, that sounds rough :(

    My mom just insulted me. Okay, so here's what happened. My mom wanted to use my laptop and she couldn't find it. And then she asked me wh

  • Thanks man. I can't wait until I move out of my house.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Jeessuuuusss. Sorry man, that sounds rough

  • Shit, man. That's bad.

    I'm really sorry. Does this happen often?
    (If you don't want to answer that question that is completely fine)

    My mom just insulted me. Okay, so here's what happened. My mom wanted to use my laptop and she couldn't find it. And then she asked me wh

  • edited November 2016

    Well, What lupinb0y said, Blender is a good one. But it's quite advanced and takes a while to get used to.

    And GIMP 2 is a good, free 2D art software, and you can create animations on it.

    Those are the only two I can think of.

    Does anybody know a really good (and preferably free) animation software? I've been trying to get into animation while improving my art skills and make a thing but the three I've tried were all shit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • What are your thoughts on Lobotomies?

  • -slow clap and nod-

    Clemenem posted: »

    What are your thoughts on Lobotomies?

  • Hell I'd get one if I could stop feeling emotions or depression as a result, or at least die.

    Clemenem posted: »

    What are your thoughts on Lobotomies?

  • A car with a dying transmission, football heading to state, practicing guitar and bass. My life is stressful; at least I have my friends, The Goonies.

  • A guy I know(used to call him a friend, but not really anymore) is selling random junk online and one of the pictures he took has some particular paraphernalia in the shot.

    I'd laugh, but it's a bit sad.

    This guy once tried to make it as a photographer.

    Who am I kidding? I laughed.

  • PS4 system update is live to improve the system quality. Remember if you don't install it, your PS4 will break down by start rendering all games between 480p and 720p, before setting itself on fire.

    enter image description here

  • You just went full Scarce with a double upload.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    PS4 system update is live to improve the system quality. Remember if you don't install it, your PS4 will break down by start rendering all games between 480p and 720p, before setting itself on fire.

  • If this is something that happens often, you need to talk to her about this or let someone else know, no parent should treat their kid that way.

    My mom just insulted me. Okay, so here's what happened. My mom wanted to use my laptop and she couldn't find it. And then she asked me wh

  • This may be the greatest thing I've ever seen.

  • Damn. Maybe I need a quality update. Or maybe it's the forum that needs it, since I still can't see notifications or my avatar on my phone.

    enter image description here

    You just went full Scarce with a double upload.

  • I've done both. I hide my laptop every night so I don't risk her smashing it. And when I talked to her, she acted like a bitch.

    If this is something that happens often, you need to talk to her about this or let someone else know, no parent should treat their kid that way.

  • When it does, she's usually drunk af.

    But this time, I can't tell.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Shit, man. That's bad. I'm really sorry. Does this happen often? (If you don't want to answer that question that is completely fine)

  • edited November 2016

    this is somehow pink

  • enter image description here


    Also what is Luna Doing with her hand? Is she trying to touch Noctis' butt? Can't blame her. It's a nice butt.

  • I'm really sorry to hear that, man.

    When it does, she's usually drunk af. But this time, I can't tell.

  • Amazing how15 years years ago, Metal Gear Solid 2 painted a pretty accurate picture of our society in the (now) present.

    Towards the end of the game, there's an extraordinary conversation in which the motivations of the Patriots are revealed, along with their disturbing ideas on the effects of mass culture and social media on the people.

    "But in the current, digitized world, trivial information is accumulating every second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always accessible," says Campbell, now revealed as an AI.

    "Rumours about petty issues, misinterpretations, slander..." continues Rose.

    "All this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate. It will only slow the rate of progress, reduce the rate of evolution," says Campbell.

    And then Rose says, "Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever 'truth' suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large." Somehow, it'd foreseen the effect of Facebook's algorithmically curated newsfeed long before even MySpace was invented.

    It's not that Metal Gear Solid 2 offers any particular answers to today’s post-truth world. But this transcendent, bizarre, base, confusing, funny, rambling, rich, ridiculous, self-indulgent, and deeply generous game can still hold a mirror up to it. 15 years later, it still has us talking.

  • Was about to post this and tag you haha!

    This may be the greatest thing I've ever seen.

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