The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • The vice president behind trump believes in electric shock for curing gays so you could use that.

    What's the most painful and distubing way to "cure" homosexuality (those two words together make me sick) Now, before you kill me, I'm co

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited November 2016

    Goddamn Aerin a.k.a. Mr. Take Yo Bitch is back. Followed my family the whole way across Skyrim. Still playing dumb like he's not some wife-stealing cassanova. "I've never SEEN Mjoll this upset. This city really gets to her!" We live in a fucking salt marsh, you prick.

    At least they're sleeping in different beds now...when I'm around, that is.

    Also, my kids are yellow now for some reason. Mods are a helluva drug.

  • My tweet about my art is at 1,500 retweets and 2,300 hearts with 480,000 impressions. I am happy.

    My others have an average of 100 retweets. I am really happy.

  • I never said homosexuality was bad! Everyone should be happy the way they want (unless they are happy as serial killers or something like that. You DO need a "cure" in that case)! I only want to know how to make my beloved protagonist wish death the right way!

    You know, it's a book. Characters suffer in my books. They are tortured, mutilated, traumatized, etc. In this case, she's tortured in a specific way, they want to make her straight, and I'm scared to add some kinds of torture that would never get to make her heterosexual. I don't know if it's possible to change someone's sexual orientation, but this guys in the goverment surely do, and will do anything to make homosexuality dissapear. I'm thinking about brain wash and electroshoks, but I don't know if it works that way.

    Oh, I thought you were talking about a guy couple. Derp! But while I'm on-topic, I don't think homosexuality needs a cure. If 2 grown men wanna live together and be happy for the rest of their lives, then that's fine by me.

  • Congrats my dude, your artwork is awesome so you deserve all of that.

    My tweet about my art is at 1,500 retweets and 2,300 hearts with 480,000 impressions. I am happy. My others have an average of 100 retweets. I am really happy.

  • Wow, this is great! Thank you!

    Here is an idea. First act: establish the main characters and their relationships. Maybe do it so that one of them feels self deprication

  • Ahhh Pence, the shithead that embodies everything the media thinks Trump is. What a lowly piece of subhuman waste.

    The vice president behind trump believes in electric shock for curing gays so you could use that.

  • edited November 2016

    Yep, that'll happen when you play Metallica, it's been the story of my life. I'll just be driving down the highway, and all of a sudden I start smelling smoke, it's why I keep an emergency Metallica fire extinguisher on the passenger seat.

    Fuck me Metallicas new album is mad, they're playing tracks on the radio. It's setting the damn radio on fire

  • Fuckin' Aerin man.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Goddamn Aerin a.k.a. Mr. Take Yo Bitch is back. Followed my family the whole way across Skyrim. Still playing dumb like he's not some wife

  • Git gud.

    Hey guys, any tips on how to beat Aldrich in Dark Souls III without having a mental breakdown or throwing my PC out the fucking window?

  • Gee, it's not like I heard that one 20 times today already.

    Git gud.

  • Your welcome.

    Wow, this is great! Thank you!

  • Cheating wife and jaundiced kids. What a life

    Fuckin' Aerin man.

  • edited November 2016

    I'm an idiot.

    My ethernet cord messed up yesterday, so I sat around bored for three or so hours. Messaged my oldest brother over Xbox about it because he's a nerd, and I knew he'd know what to do. Explained to me over the phone how to make sure the cord was the problem. The cord was the problem. He said he'd bring me one of his extras tomorrow. I wake up around 2:00 P.M (I sleep stupidly long), and sure enough, he brought me one. After some fiddling, I get the new one working. Immediatly after seeing my modem light up, I look to my left and spot my OTHER (non-broken) ethernet cord.

    I look at the damn thing everyday. It's literally just left of my TV, and yet I forgot I had it.

  • What's the most painful and disturbing way to "cure" homosexuality

    Have dozens of different men rape her "until she likes it" as they could put it. This could take place during days or even weeks, while she's chained up in some basement. That's probably the worst I can think off, but it could also be accompanied with severe electric shocks.

    What's the most painful and distubing way to "cure" homosexuality (those two words together make me sick) Now, before you kill me, I'm co

  • That's fucking insane and immoral! I love it!

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    What's the most painful and disturbing way to "cure" homosexuality Have dozens of different men rape her "until she likes it" as the

  • If the third Cars movie is actually brilliant and a cinematic masterpiece, I'm going to fucking eat an entire tree.

  • Looking to play another telltale game but cannot decide from
    A Wolf among us or back to the future?
    Your advice, opinions, ratings on any of these games would help thanks everyone.

  • hahaha that happens to all of us man, lol

    I'm an idiot. My ethernet cord messed up yesterday, so I sat around bored for three or so hours. Messaged my oldest brother over Xbox abo

  • The Wolf Among Us definitely. Take it slow and enjoy every part of it.

    Telltaleman posted: »

    Looking to play another telltale game but cannot decide from A Wolf among us or back to the future? Your advice, opinions, ratings on any of these games would help thanks everyone. -Telltaleman

  • thanks, have you played back to the future?

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    The Wolf Among Us definitely. Take it slow and enjoy every part of it.

  • Wolf Among Us, for sure!

    Telltaleman posted: »

    Looking to play another telltale game but cannot decide from A Wolf among us or back to the future? Your advice, opinions, ratings on any of these games would help thanks everyone. -Telltaleman

  • thanks for your reply, I think I will play a wolf next looks pretty good.
    Can't wait to start playing it!

    Wolf Among Us, for sure!

  • Back to the Future is fun, but Wolf is fantastic!

    Telltaleman posted: »

    Looking to play another telltale game but cannot decide from A Wolf among us or back to the future? Your advice, opinions, ratings on any of these games would help thanks everyone. -Telltaleman

  • Do you own it?

    Telltaleman posted: »

    thanks for your reply, I think I will play a wolf next looks pretty good. Can't wait to start playing it!

  • Don't believe them! Back to the Future is WAAAAAAAAAY better than any Dog among Crap porn and cheap story!

    Telltaleman posted: »

    Looking to play another telltale game but cannot decide from A Wolf among us or back to the future? Your advice, opinions, ratings on any of these games would help thanks everyone. -Telltaleman

  • thanks for your reply that helps.

    Back to the Future is fun, but Wolf is fantastic!

  • enter image description here

    you... you fuckin' serious?

    Don't believe them! Back to the Future is WAAAAAAAAAY better than any Dog among Crap porn and cheap story!

  • Wolf is pretty great, although Back to the Future is awesome too. I'd personally suggest Wolf over BTTF, but if you want a more light hearted game, definitely Back to the Future.

    Telltaleman posted: »

    Looking to play another telltale game but cannot decide from A Wolf among us or back to the future? Your advice, opinions, ratings on any of these games would help thanks everyone. -Telltaleman

  • really wow, most say wolf is better your making me rethink ahhhh

    Don't believe them! Back to the Future is WAAAAAAAAAY better than any Dog among Crap porn and cheap story!

  • no not yet, still figuring which one i want to buy next.
    wolf or back to the future.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Do you own it?

  • thanks allot your comment really helps.
    I think I will start with Wolf I like wolf stories.

    Wolf is pretty great, although Back to the Future is awesome too. I'd personally suggest Wolf over BTTF, but if you want a more light hearted game, definitely Back to the Future.

  • I can give you a Steam or Telltale code for TWAU and you can buy BTTF.

    Telltaleman posted: »

    no not yet, still figuring which one i want to buy next. wolf or back to the future.

  • a code to play on xbox 360 or p.c.?
    and will you give it to me for free?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I can give you a Steam or Telltale code for TWAU and you can buy BTTF.

  • Please sign in the available space given to you under "Signature of party".

    If the third Cars movie is actually brilliant and a cinematic masterpiece, I'm going to fucking eat an entire tree.

  • Characters suffer in my books. They are tortured, mutilated, traumatized, etc.

    Jeez, even fictional characters don't deserve this kind of thing.

    I never said homosexuality was bad! Everyone should be happy the way they want (unless they are happy as serial killers or something like th

  • edited November 2016


    enter image description here

    cough context behind reference at 18:20 cough

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Please sign in the available space given to you under "Signature of party".

  • Nice doing business with you. See you in a year!

    Signed. cough context behind reference at 18:20 cough

  • Telltalemanitalic text

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Please sign in the available space given to you under "Signature of party".

  • I really hope that movie blows.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Nice doing business with you. See you in a year!

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