Cut out ResE 6. I promise you it's a disgusting, shitty, awful experience, and the worst ResE game of all time. Worse than Umbrella Corps, Survivor AND Operation Raccoon City.
Cut out ResE 6. I promise you it's a disgusting, shitty, awful experience, and the worst ResE game of all time. Worse than Umbrella Corps, Survivor AND Operation Raccoon City.
Because Resident Evil 6 is the first main ResE game to not only betray Resident Evil as a whole, but to betray the entire horror genre. It goes from a dumb fun horror series with integrity to a Michael Bay movie in one swoop. And not a "so bad it's good" Michael Bay movie like Bad Boys or I Am Number Four, I mean Age of Extinction where it's so bad it's genuinely insulting. The worst Umberlla Corps does is that it's a broken game, and even so it's a spin off. Resident Evil 6 is canon, and doesn't work on ANY level.
The internet never ceases to amaze me. ...Wait, is this running on another engine (like Unity), or is this a fan attempt at a legitimate port (well, demo in this case but you get the idea).
Because Resident Evil 6 is the first main ResE game to not only betray Resident Evil as a whole, but to betray the entire horror genre. It g… moreoes from a dumb fun horror series with integrity to a Michael Bay movie in one swoop. And not a "so bad it's good" Michael Bay movie like Bad Boys or I Am Number Four, I mean Age of Extinction where it's so bad it's genuinely insulting. The worst Umberlla Corps does is that it's a broken game, and even so it's a spin off. Resident Evil 6 is canon, and doesn't work on ANY level.
The internet never ceases to amaze me. ...Wait, is this running on another engine (like Unity), or is this a fan attempt at a legitimate port (well, demo in this case but you get the idea).
After xx years (depending if Gistix full finished version) a dedicated fan finally turns Sonic 06 into the game it should've. That, or they use the assets to create something awesome.
A.I is an issue, and it does stray away from horror. But it's super fun and even more fun with friends. You'll probably only be bothered by the lack of overall horror, but it can be tense.
To be fair, the last mission in Resident Evil 5 is more Michel Bay than anything Michael Bay has even done. I still stand behind 5 being worse than 6(even though both are the worst of the canon games). Damn it, just buy Revelations 2 and move on.
A.I is an issue, and it does stray away from horror. But it's super fun and even more fun with friends. You'll probably only be bothered by the lack of overall horror, but it can be tense.
At least 5 is fun. If you play with a friend it's the best fun you could have with a horror game. Cry and Jessie Cox have been playing 5 and they've been having a blast. Not once did I even SMILE while playing 6, and I was even playing it with a friend. Well wait, there was one time. It was the scene where the big Nemesis type asshole surfed on explosions after going though shit that'd kill Nemesis 3 times over, and Jake and Sherry killed him with the power of love. That shit was hilarious.
To be fair, the last mission in Resident Evil 5 is more Michel Bay than anything Michael Bay has even done. I still stand behind 5 being worse than 6(even though both are the worst of the canon games). Damn it, just buy Revelations 2 and move on.
Well... alright. When I think of 6, I think of Leon's and Ada's stories If we're comparing 5 to Chris' and Sherry's, then oh yeah, I'd definitely play 5 over those and I'm not a Leon fan. The big thing that bothered me about 5 more than 6 was the amount of daylight. Zombies in the sun didn't work in Dead Island and it doesn't work in Resident Evil.
At least 5 is fun. If you play with a friend it's the best fun you could have with a horror game. Cry and Jessie Cox have been playing 5 and… more they've been having a blast. Not once did I even SMILE while playing 6, and I was even playing it with a friend. Well wait, there was one time. It was the scene where the big Nemesis type asshole surfed on explosions after going though shit that'd kill Nemesis 3 times over, and Jake and Sherry killed him with the power of love. That shit was hilarious.
Zombies in the sun didn't work in Dead Island and it doesn't work in Resident Evil.
People seem to forget that despite it being dark at the time, the first section of Resident Evil 3 takes place during the day. Resident Evil 4 also has a few day sections and it's a beloved masterpiece. There's even a point in Revelations 2 where you have to fight Zombies in a very bright daylit area, and it's terrifying. Zombies in the sun can work, it's just that sometimes it doesn't work well. I.E, ResE 5 and 6.
Well... alright. When I think of 6, I think of Leon's and Ada's stories If we're comparing 5 to Chris' and Sherry's, then oh yeah, I'd def… moreinitely play 5 over those and I'm not a Leon fan. The big thing that bothered me about 5 more than 6 was the amount of daylight. Zombies in the sun didn't work in Dead Island and it doesn't work in Resident Evil.
At least 5 is fun. If you play with a friend it's the best fun you could have with a horror game. Cry and Jessie Cox have been playing 5 and… more they've been having a blast. Not once did I even SMILE while playing 6, and I was even playing it with a friend. Well wait, there was one time. It was the scene where the big Nemesis type asshole surfed on explosions after going though shit that'd kill Nemesis 3 times over, and Jake and Sherry killed him with the power of love. That shit was hilarious.
I miss the dislike button so much. I remember there were tolls and all my posts would have 15+ dislikes. Funny times. Some people took it seriously though.
Has anyone else ever wished they could erase their memory in order to play an amazing game again or re-watch a show/movie in order to get th… moreat awesome feeling that you got the first time you played/watched it? This is EXACTLY how I'm feeling right now about a game after watching the assassin's creed movie...
Are you sure the car didn't stall on you? All the dash lights come on, no steering or gas? Is it cold where you are? I have a car that tends to get ice in the gasline(solved with gasline antifreeze). Though with that, the car revs up and down on it's own when idling before it stalls.
I've been playing the Japanese version of Michigan: Report From Hell, and I'm actually having a fun time.
The voice acting, while I don't understand Japanese all that much but can still figure out the context of most scenes, is vastly superior to the atrocious English dub. There's no awkward pauses in between every line spoken by the characters, which makes the pacing of the gameplay and report section faster and tolerable. It even makes the infamous character Brisco more likable and tolerable to listen to.
The music when monsters attack is also different than the western release, which is more appropriate to listen to than a soothing piano melody. I guess the western version had the wrong music played on the OST for every monster attack sequence.
Michigan: Report From Hell is supposed to be a B-Horror documentary style game, but the English voice acting made the entire game far too comical and cringe-worthy to take seriously, and I'm happy that I decided to purchase the Japanese game to experience what the game should have been like to begin with.
Was finally able to have the time to send away my wedding present to my friend as I hadda been going elsewhere a lot this week. The awesome thing is mailing from south western Ontario to northern Ontario is a lot cheaper than I expected. I still have so much money to spare. Yee!
Crowd play ! The explanation sounded different to the reality ! There's me thinking cool while I play,other friends/family can watch and vote on the actions that pop up on screen. The reality friends/family get four different colours that pop up with no explanation as to what the colours represent. I see now that you have to all be in the same room and watching me play at the same time.
To make crowd play a million times better your friends/family can be anywhere (not even in the same house ,let alone room) and a quick explanation pops up letting them read briefly what's just happened or going to happen while I'm playing and then they get to vote. Or even better just that section of the game that I'm playing that requires an answer is streamed to their phone, tablet so they can see and hear what's just happened and then vote on it.
Got to be honest how many people are going to sit around while one person has all the fun of playing the game while others just vote using four coloured squares.
I just get a bit emotional now... 5000 likes and over and I miss the S2 users we were kinda like a family but I have a new Telltale family now with some old users to;)
OMG, after watching this video, I was completely surprised Toby Maguire (Sam Raimi's Spider-Man) ended up on the list. I never knew he was kind of a dick to his fans, smacking their cameras (Just like in Spider-Man 3 where he destroys Eddie Brock's camera). I feel so bad because Toby was my favourite Spider-Man actor.
OMG, after watching this video, I was completely surprised Toby Maguire (Sam Raimi's Spider-Man) ended up on the list. I never knew he was k… moreind of a dick to his fans, smacking their cameras (Just like in Spider-Man 3 where he destroys Eddie Brock's camera). I feel so bad because Toby was my favourite Spider-Man actor.
So I just realized something about something my mom once did with our first dog...
So our first dog was a female miniature schnauzer. This one time, my mom randomly asked me for a pair of my underwear, and I didn't ask why. I was like, 5. I just gave her a pair. So my mom randomly cuts a hole in it and just sticks it on our schnauzer, with her lil nub tail sticking out of the hole. I asked why she was wearing my underwear and my mom just said she was bleeding. I didn't question it further.
Now, nearly 11 years later, I'm finally realizing that our schnauzer was in heat and was pretty much having her period. Whoops. We have a different miniature schnauzer now, a male, and he's neutered - but I once was playing dress up with him when I was 7 and stuck a pair of underwear on him because I thought it was basically the same thing...
Hey kids, ever wanted to play the all time classic, the GOAT, Sonic The Hedgehog on your PC? Well now you can!
Cut out ResE 6. I promise you it's a disgusting, shitty, awful experience, and the worst ResE game of all time. Worse than Umbrella Corps, Survivor AND Operation Raccoon City.
How is Resident Evil 6 worse than Umbrella Corps? I saw Umbrella Corps gameplay and looks worse, look so unfinished.
Because Resident Evil 6 is the first main ResE game to not only betray Resident Evil as a whole, but to betray the entire horror genre. It goes from a dumb fun horror series with integrity to a Michael Bay movie in one swoop. And not a "so bad it's good" Michael Bay movie like Bad Boys or I Am Number Four, I mean Age of Extinction where it's so bad it's genuinely insulting. The worst Umberlla Corps does is that it's a broken game, and even so it's a spin off. Resident Evil 6 is canon, and doesn't work on ANY level.
The internet never ceases to amaze me. ...Wait, is this running on another engine (like Unity), or is this a fan attempt at a legitimate port (well, demo in this case but you get the idea).
Ok. If I get RE 5, what will bother me the most? The A.I. partner only?
I really hope someone mods the fuck outta this.
Yep, a whole different engine. It's running on Unity.
I don't know, you can only polish a turd so much, y'know?
After xx years (depending if Gistix full finished version) a dedicated fan finally turns Sonic 06 into the game it should've. That, or they use the assets to create something awesome.
A.I is an issue, and it does stray away from horror. But it's super fun and even more fun with friends. You'll probably only be bothered by the lack of overall horror, but it can be tense.
Damn... My YouTube account got terminated for the first time in my life I've been using for nearly seven years.
To be fair, the last mission in Resident Evil 5 is more Michel Bay than anything Michael Bay has even done. I still stand behind 5 being worse than 6(even though both are the worst of the canon games). Damn it, just buy Revelations 2 and move on.
At least 5 is fun. If you play with a friend it's the best fun you could have with a horror game. Cry and Jessie Cox have been playing 5 and they've been having a blast. Not once did I even SMILE while playing 6, and I was even playing it with a friend. Well wait, there was one time. It was the scene where the big Nemesis type asshole surfed on explosions after going though shit that'd kill Nemesis 3 times over, and Jake and Sherry killed him with the power of love. That shit was hilarious.
For why
I'm sorry btw
Well... alright. When I think of 6, I think of Leon's and Ada's stories If we're comparing 5 to Chris' and Sherry's, then oh yeah, I'd definitely play 5 over those and I'm not a Leon fan. The big thing that bothered me about 5 more than 6 was the amount of daylight. Zombies in the sun didn't work in Dead Island and it doesn't work in Resident Evil.
People seem to forget that despite it being dark at the time, the first section of Resident Evil 3 takes place during the day. Resident Evil 4 also has a few day sections and it's a beloved masterpiece. There's even a point in Revelations 2 where you have to fight Zombies in a very bright daylit area, and it's terrifying. Zombies in the sun can work, it's just that sometimes it doesn't work well. I.E, ResE 5 and 6.
There is only one man which made me laugh about Resident Evil 6. Even if you don't watch him, he made me laugh so hard when he played this game.
I wish I could just go back in time and relive my memories of Kingdom Hearts 2 and the old Assassin's Creed games:)
Ooh God I have my final exams this year... This is gonna be hell
Are you sure the car didn't stall on you? All the dash lights come on, no steering or gas? Is it cold where you are? I have a car that tends to get ice in the gasline(solved with gasline antifreeze). Though with that, the car revs up and down on it's own when idling before it stalls.
I've been playing the Japanese version of Michigan: Report From Hell, and I'm actually having a fun time.
The voice acting, while I don't understand Japanese all that much but can still figure out the context of most scenes, is vastly superior to the atrocious English dub. There's no awkward pauses in between every line spoken by the characters, which makes the pacing of the gameplay and report section faster and tolerable. It even makes the infamous character Brisco more likable and tolerable to listen to.
The music when monsters attack is also different than the western release, which is more appropriate to listen to than a soothing piano melody. I guess the western version had the wrong music played on the OST for every monster attack sequence.
Michigan: Report From Hell is supposed to be a B-Horror documentary style game, but the English voice acting made the entire game far too comical and cringe-worthy to take seriously, and I'm happy that I decided to purchase the Japanese game to experience what the game should have been like to begin with.
Was finally able to have the time to send away my wedding present to my friend as I hadda been going elsewhere a lot this week. The awesome thing is mailing from south western Ontario to northern Ontario is a lot cheaper than I expected. I still have so much money to spare. Yee!
Crowd play ! The explanation sounded different to the reality ! There's me thinking cool while I play,other friends/family can watch and vote on the actions that pop up on screen. The reality friends/family get four different colours that pop up with no explanation as to what the colours represent. I see now that you have to all be in the same room and watching me play at the same time.
To make crowd play a million times better your friends/family can be anywhere (not even in the same house ,let alone room) and a quick explanation pops up letting them read briefly what's just happened or going to happen while I'm playing and then they get to vote. Or even better just that section of the game that I'm playing that requires an answer is streamed to their phone, tablet so they can see and hear what's just happened and then vote on it.
Got to be honest how many people are going to sit around while one person has all the fun of playing the game while others just vote using four coloured squares.
Final Josh Sexy Fantasy 15 is a very sexy game people
The Metro in Fallout 3 is in better condition than the Metro in real life.

And have another like.
You to sir
Telltale's progress with the walking dead story so far...

Telltale: BREAK TIME!
And everyname he writes doen somebody dies

I just get a bit emotional now... 5000 likes and over and I miss the S2 users we were kinda like a family but I have a new Telltale family now with some old users to;)
OMG, after watching this video, I was completely surprised Toby Maguire (Sam Raimi's Spider-Man) ended up on the list. I never knew he was kind of a dick to his fans, smacking their cameras (Just like in Spider-Man 3 where he destroys Eddie Brock's camera). I feel so bad because Toby was my favourite Spider-Man actor.
Happy 5:10, boys and girls!!
Oh good, WatchMojo has boosted it's cancer tenfold by adding red symbols (arrows, lines, circles) in their thumbnails... Ugh...
So I just realized something about something my mom once did with our first dog...
So our first dog was a female miniature schnauzer. This one time, my mom randomly asked me for a pair of my underwear, and I didn't ask why. I was like, 5. I just gave her a pair. So my mom randomly cuts a hole in it and just sticks it on our schnauzer, with her lil nub tail sticking out of the hole. I asked why she was wearing my underwear and my mom just said she was bleeding. I didn't question it further.
Now, nearly 11 years later, I'm finally realizing that our schnauzer was in heat and was pretty much having her period. Whoops. We have a different miniature schnauzer now, a male, and he's neutered - but I once was playing dress up with him when I was 7 and stuck a pair of underwear on him because I thought it was basically the same thing...
Thanks mom.