The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Anyone know how to tie a noose when you don't have a rope? Like, is there a shoe-string I can use or maybe a cord?

  • Have fun with that. Back to surfing the web and playing games to fill in time for my Summer weather-induced insomnia.

    Finished my homework at 1:30 in the morning and I should probably go to sleep because school starts in a few days and I need a normal sleep schedule, but for some reason I'm watching the Harry Potter films instead.

  • Happy birthday!! :)

    It's my birthday.

  • And the cry for help award goes to...

    Seriously dont be stupid. Dont do that shit. Dont put that on us. Please.

    Anyone know how to tie a noose when you don't have a rope? Like, is there a shoe-string I can use or maybe a cord?

  • Happy Birthday

    It's my birthday.

  • Happy birthday

    It's my birthday.

  • Yeah I haven't been able to sleep much over the holidays. Even on high my fan doesn't do jack shit.

    Have fun with that. Back to surfing the web and playing games to fill in time for my Summer weather-induced insomnia.

  • Its a saying I use @ work almost constantly..."In 1000 yrs no one will care." Drives my boss nuts. That said I think your probably wrong. We are witnessing outstanding things no other civilization could ever have dreamed of witnessing. As a whole humanity is in fact far better off than any mass grouping of life ever has been. Is our world perfect? Hell no! I'm just agrueing that the math says we will destroy ourselves long before any space bound graviton hole. So no worries,we will see death coming. Number one chance is still global nuclear destruction. Number two is Climate change. Three is a global pandemic...plz be zombies its the only one we all trained for. Your cause is in the top best. BTW with ANY of these the result = no one remembered. Because we as a race would be dead. My advice....get out there, do something "constructive". Everything thing today it seems has a best if used by date. The thing we take for granted is thinking we can control that date. See almost any news headline from 2016 for what I meant there. Go now...and breath in life. It is so fleeting. Cheer up man. Rant over Drangonfire out!

    You know what's scary? The fact that there's a black hole that's 1800 lightyears wide and we're smaller than atoms compared to that size. No

  • EFF founders must have had a hard go of it back in 1990. Most ppl would have been like. World Wide Web...does what now? If only we understood what was coming. Now that job is likely next to impossible.

    [For forum users in USA] [Organizations that will benefit from Donations] * American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) - The American Civ

  • Hey not sure if your kidding? But here's a number to call 1-800-273-8255. Its free and confidential. No one will know you called. I called it years ago. They really helped me through the death of my grade school GF. Lets repost this number everywhere just to be safe plz.

    Anyone know how to tie a noose when you don't have a rope? Like, is there a shoe-string I can use or maybe a cord?

  • Happy Birthday

    enter image description here

    It's my birthday.

  • [removed]

    Anyone know how to tie a noose when you don't have a rope? Like, is there a shoe-string I can use or maybe a cord?

  • edited January 2017

    Yeah. Makes one glad that they live in Victoria and not, say, in Queensland or NT.

    Yeah I haven't been able to sleep much over the holidays. Even on high my fan doesn't do jack shit.

  • Funny thing is, I went to Brisbane in 2008 and it was actually pissing down for most of the trip. But I know what you mean about NT. I went up to Darwin a few years later and it was unbearably hot. Not to mention you can't even go in the water in most places up there because there are crocs near the beach!

    At least in Melbourne, you can count on a bit of rain in summer!

    Yeah. Makes one glad that they live in Victoria and not, say, in Queensland or NT.

  • Whatever happened to the days of paying for software once and then being able to use it for as long as you desired? My Office 365 subscription has just expired and now I can't even use Word on my laptop (hopefully it's still available on the netbook I bought from my school), which sucks because I rely on Word for not just a ton of schoolwork, but also every story I've ever written! I'm looking at using Google Docs as an alternative in the meantime, and I can afford to renew my subscription, but I'd like to be able to keep using software that I already payed for.

  • Paying a subscription for word is borderline criminal this is why I support piracy

    Whatever happened to the days of paying for software once and then being able to use it for as long as you desired? My Office 365 subscripti


    Apparently this was my 10,000 comment. Ack. I wish I had realized that then and made a better one.

  • Happy birthday!

    It's my birthday.

  • Yeah, really, let's not. Even if he's kidding (which I rather hope it be some sick joke then be real), let's not even go there.

    Also guys, even if you joking, don't post things that could be seen as encouraging suicide. That...yeah I don't have to say much.

    And the cry for help award goes to... Seriously dont be stupid. Dont do that shit. Dont put that on us. Please.

  • edited January 2017

    Thanks also to:







    Oh, and @lupinb0y as well. Yeah, it's only a day late; I can deal with that lol.

    It's my birthday.

  • edited January 2017

    A zombie movie with people actually trying to survive and the characters arent all unemotional badasses?

    yeah I'll probably give in and watch it.

  • You can still buy regular Word without a subscription. You might also be interested in OpenOffice.

    Whatever happened to the days of paying for software once and then being able to use it for as long as you desired? My Office 365 subscripti

  • TLDR: Hellie rants about periods.

    So my sister's friend is having a birthday party at our local Great Wolf Lodge next week and we're staying there for 2 nights... I swear to God, if I start my period before we leave the 2nd day, I'm gonna scream. I never get to go to water parks because of it, and it's dumb.

    I hate the irregularities; I don't even get cramps or heavy bleeding - it's just irregularity because I either go 3 months without it or I have it for a week, then nothing for a week, then I have it for another 3 days or something like that. It's so annoying and my ovaries always hurt.

  • Yep. Even so, when it gets hot down here, it gets HOT. I intend to perhaps move to Tasmania one day; I have been in love with the place since I went there on a school camp. Beautiful landscape and the coolest climate in Oz.

    Funny thing is, I went to Brisbane in 2008 and it was actually pissing down for most of the trip. But I know what you mean about NT. I went

  • I just noticed Adam West voices a security guard in the begining of GTA V

  • Damn I am no fan of horror games and I decided for fun to look up the famous Sillent Hill 2 because people love the story here... No freaking wonder I only watched a few cutscenes about Angela and they are great

  • edited January 2017

    What the fuck it wasn't a cry for help, I was literally asking a question. And it was a joke question at that, I do want to die constantly but I'm not gonna do it. I'm too much of a pussy to end it. I was joking on how shit my life is going and how horrid my depression has been.

    And the cry for help award goes to... Seriously dont be stupid. Dont do that shit. Dont put that on us. Please.

  • edited January 2017

    Called that number before, didn't help at all but thanks I guess. Idk

    EDIT: I'd also like to mention that my comment was mostly a joke. I've got horrible depression of course and I do think about those things, but it was mostly a joke on how shit things are going in my life right now and I was mostly joking... mostly.

    Hey not sure if your kidding? But here's a number to call 1-800-273-8255. Its free and confidential. No one will know you called. I calle

  • You should definitely play it. It's an amazing story.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Damn I am no fan of horror games and I decided for fun to look up the famous Sillent Hill 2 because people love the story here... No freaking wonder I only watched a few cutscenes about Angela and they are great

  • Its not a very funny joke

    Sorry if I hurt your feelings but dont call it a joke because its seriously not funny at all

    What the fuck it wasn't a cry for help, I was literally asking a question. And it was a joke question at that, I do want to die constantly b

  • Yeah... well humor is subjective. It's not like I haven't lost people to suicide too, it's just that I'm desensitized to it now. So many people I cared about died in 2016, and a lot of it was suicide. So it's just happened enough for me not to give a shit anymore, meaning I feel comfortable joking about it.

    Its not a very funny joke Sorry if I hurt your feelings but dont call it a joke because its seriously not funny at all

  • When I replayed Resident Evil HD Remake a few days ago, I remembered that I enjoyed and replayed that game a lot more than Resident Evil 4. Not saying that I didn't enjoy RE4, it had better boss fights and better story but looking at the original Resident Evil, it has a scarier atmosphere, better puzzles, better characters (I felt attached to like everyone being Jill, Chris, Barry and Rebecca) and enemies that still get me (Like crimson heads and hunters). Resident Evil Remake is now my favourite one of the franchise with RE4 being the second.

  • Yeah I went to Port Arthur last year, and the climate down there definitely suits me.

    Yep. Even so, when it gets hot down here, it gets HOT. I intend to perhaps move to Tasmania one day; I have been in love with the place since I went there on a school camp. Beautiful landscape and the coolest climate in Oz.

  • It just dawned on me that I'm going to be a (technical) uncle in a few months. Christ.

  • What'd you mean by technical? Is it a step-sibling that's having a baby?

    It just dawned on me that I'm going to be a (technical) uncle in a few months. Christ.

  • Close, it's one of my best friends. I've known her for 3 years.

    What'd you mean by technical? Is it a step-sibling that's having a baby?

  • WatchMojo? More like Clickbait Mojo. AHAHAHAHAHAHA. EX DEEEEEE

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