The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited February 2017

    Things My Dad DOESN'T Believe in:

    • my professionally diagnosed hypoglycemia

    • my professionally diagnosed genetic urinary disorder that I inherited from his father

    • my professionally diagnosed depression

    • my mom's professionally diagnosed hypoglycemia

    • my lactose intolerance despite my severe reactions

    Things My Dad DOES Believe in:

    • starvation mode

    • vaccines causing autism

    • that my sister and I are autistic despite this conflicting with his previous belief... (actually, I can understand this one)

    My family is weird.

  • I haven't played that, so I don't know.
    And I also want to add, some people dislike the first like 30 minutes of the game, so you don't stop playing it if you find the opening bad.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Should I also play the Old Blood DLC?

  • Doesn't look that bad.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    I haven't played that, so I don't know. And I also want to add, some people dislike the first like 30 minutes of the game, so you don't stop playing it if you find the opening bad.

  • starvation mode

    Never heard of that before. What is it?

    My family is weird.

    Just join my family and my brother will build you a gaming PC lol

  • edited February 2017

    So my dad and I went to the archery club near us earlier today. Here's my best round.

    enter image description here

  • Pretty damn good ...considering I once went to a range as a teen and completely lost an arrow in the woods behind the targets. So far off the mark it was totally gone. Great shot, horrific aim.

    So my dad and I went to the archery club near us earlier today. Here's my best round.

  • edited February 2017

    I agree, but some people don't like it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Doesn't look that bad.

  • I finished the prologue and I chose to sacrifice Fergus, it was really tough but the youngest come first.

  • If I knew for sure which stocks were going up the highest, I would be out making lots of money and not talking to you. :)

    For these "contests", the usual winner is someone who put all their money into a single penny stock and gets lucky. You wouldn't want to do that in real life, though. (All the ones who put all their money into a single penny stock, and it went to zero, don't stand out.)

    If your holdings are all public to each other, you might want to look at what the winners are holding, and see what they're missing, on the off chance that that might rally before the contest ends. For example, I don't see a consumer products stock in your list like Procter & Gamble (PG). That's not a particularly exciting segment at the moment, but it could do better than most of the stocks on your list if there's a sudden market downturn.

    Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Nobody should buy any real stock based on what I write.

    Not sure how attentive people are concerning the stock market, but any advice would be great. My finance class is doing this online stock

  • I did the opposite, my reasoning was that his experiences where more valuable to the group.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I finished the prologue and I chose to sacrifice Fergus, it was really tough but the youngest come first.

  • Sweeet. Too bad it's just for the Pro then.
    I can just manage to tolerate the framerate in the game on my normal PS4.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well, Sony might've done what Avalanche Studios failed miserably to do. Fix Just Cause 3. No more.

  • I think I feel bad.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    I did the opposite, my reasoning was that his experiences where more valuable to the group.

  • It wasn't an easy choice that's for sure.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think I feel bad.

  • I am honestly more excited for Wonder Woman. While I don't really loathe Batman v Superman, it certainly didn't live up to the hype it generated, and it's not even a good movie in it's own right even with the "Ultimate Edition" in mind, the main problem for me with that movie was that they wanted to cram like 5 or 6 stories from the comics into a single feature-length movie and as you can see, that din't work out well, it only ended up making too much plotholes and inconsistencies within the story which made it hard to follow it, and I can see that problem happening again with Justice League. I mean, how do they expect us to care about what happens in that movie when none of the characters that will show up in it have their own movies yet (except Superman, Wonder Woman and maybe Batman if you count BvS as a Batman movie)? They will either have to take up the majority of this movie's runtime to introduce the other characters or just go on with the story without giving them proper introduction. So, if DC is smart, they should just cancel the current JL movies and focus more on the solo superhero movies before we get to see them unite, but that sadly won't happen because they know it will generate a ton of cash even though it would do better in the Box Office if we actually cared about anyone beside the formerly mentioned superheroes.

    With that said, I think the Wonder Woman movie is going to do better both critically and financially. For starters, the trailers look more focused on the story rather than the insane action-packed trailers we got for BvS, the setting is interesting and not very explored in Cinema like the other movies and not everyone knows that much about Wonder Woman and her stories so it adds more ambiguity to the story, maybe this could be the Captain America of the DCEU if it turns out well!
    While I'm not insanely hyped for Wonder Woman ( I learned that lesson quite painfully with BvS), I'm still more interested to check it out than that JL movie. For me, this the last chance for DC to make a decent movie for their extended universe. If it fails, no one would care anymore about what DC does in Cinema for a really long time.

    Ho boy. I wanna say I'm excited for the Justice League movie this year, but after what happened with BvS, I might have low expectations. Oh

  • Starvation mode is the myth that if you eat too little in a day, your body will store every other calorie as extra fat, and thus, you gain weight from not eating.

    My sister and I are proof that that's not true, but my very overweight dad doesn't believe it. He thinks his metabolism is broken.

    "Don't eat too little, HelloWorld. You'll mess up your metabolism. I think that's what happened to me." - my father as he ate half of a pizza.

    starvation mode Never heard of that before. What is it? My family is weird. Just join my family and my brother will build you a gaming PC lol

  • No offense, but your dad sounds like an idiot.

    Things My Dad DOESN'T Believe in: * my professionally diagnosed hypoglycemia * my professionally diagnosed genetic urinary disorder

  • Toddjesse? Yeah, I've seen it before.

  • OMG, help. Asshole is private messaging me with porn fanarts is back. Ban this motherfucker @toddjesse

  • I private messaged Blind. He's dead...for now.

    AronDracula posted: »

    OMG, help. Asshole is private messaging me with porn fanarts is back. Ban this motherfucker @toddjesse

  • He's awesome if you're looking for computer or technical advice. But everything else... well...

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    No offense, but your dad sounds like an idiot.

  • Just when I thought the nightmare was over with, he comes back and shows it all again... god dammit.

  • I privated messaged Blind. He's gone, for now.

    Just when I thought the nightmare was over with, he comes back and shows it all again... god dammit.

  • Again I quit this forum and wish I would've never came here, but a friend and I talk here often, but HOLY shit LOL, haahahaa. I knew something was up when I refreshed our conversation with "1" new one, so yeah, the first time this asshat posted that rule 34 shit I already accidentally saw in the corner of my eye and knew it was bad, so I haven't really been effected yet, but it kinda destroys my feed for a while (please direct message "spodes ur gay" or something so I can bump those pictures downwards?), I've learned to every time I check a new notification to just look up and SURE enough this morning it payed off well once again. I was just asking Blind Sniper yesterday if they had a fix for this by now out of curiosity and when there was no fix I said this: "Ah alright, thanks for letting me know, but I do have to keep that subconscious 'why do I have a notification if it's not from my friend' now, so when this happens again (it most likely will), I'll be prepared", which was just yesterday, so god damn my prophecy came true! You guys need to build the habit I have to avoiding this completely by looking up for new notifications and viewing if there's pictures below or not, it's god tier, and luckily I haven't seen anything yet. Here's hoping the web developers will add a spoiler to new DM's so you have to reveal the discussion before viewing anything, therefore you can check their account first (see when it was made, how many likes, etc.) and if you open it just look up and hope it's nothing bad, if it's bad, you then have the option to delete it and block the user from direct messaging you.

  • I just got the last few trophies I needed to get in TLoU remastered. Now I can just have fun and finish the game without going for trophies. :D

  • enter image description here

    It happened again.

  • Did he take it on faith? Or can vmod check private messages?

    I privated messaged Blind. He's gone, for now.

  • idk

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Did he take it on faith? Or can vmod check private messages?

  • But the notifications in my feed aren't.

    I privated messaged Blind. He's gone, for now.

  • "Oh boy! Someone replied to a comment of mine!"

    (Opens it up to find my inbox tarnished with Clementine porn)

    Okay, seriously. Is there any way to IP Ban this guy? He keeps coming back.

  • IP bans are futile.

    "Oh boy! Someone replied to a comment of mine!" (Opens it up to find my inbox tarnished with Clementine porn) Okay, seriously. Is there any way to IP Ban this guy? He keeps coming back.

  • Thanks.

    @AronDracula @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @MetallicaRules @TheSloaningDead @AnyoneElseReally Here's some eye bleach in case anyone wants to erase their memory of...that.

  • Ah, Spodes. You return.

    Hello. :)

    Spodes posted: »

    IP bans are futile.

  • That's my uncle Donnie in a nutshell.

    He's awesome if you're looking for computer or technical advice. But everything else... well...

  • edited February 2017

    oh and I thought I was on such a great streak, welp I got some of dat clem porn for the first time, wasn't even new porn just stuff that's been spammed on these forums for a while


    dude's name is rudigerport fyi

  • edited February 2017

    My clementine cosplay is so lit

  • Are you motherfucking kidding me? It happens again not 1 hour later.

  • Didn't happen to me. Not keeping my guard down though.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Are you motherfucking kidding me? It happens again not 1 hour later.

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