The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • When I was in Portugal last year, in the place I was staying there were several bakeries (they would sell savoury stuff too) and once it was after midnight - about 2 or 3 in the morning - people working there would keep the lights up and wait for hungry students who could buy everything in the bakery for 1 euro each. Back then I used to think they would get rid of leftovers (better sell than throw it out am I right) but pastries and pizzas were fresh, hot and quite tasty, so I believe they were for the morning shift or something.

    They probably do what they can to earn as much money as possible.

    Last night I was getting real hungry, didn't felt like cooking anything so I went to a pizza store, turns out the store had no more slices m

  • I had psychology courses too, it's quite complex topic but really interesting. Good luck!

    That's really inspirational! i want to do something like that too, but more on the psychology side of things.

  • Thanks. Too many people these days think it's better to place their kids in other people's hands than to raise them themselves.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If you can actually rehabilitate them, that's a pretty awesome benefit to society! Good luck!

  • It's definitely a smart business practice, it makes customers more inclined to come back for more if they enjoy the product's quality and pricing.

    fallandir posted: »

    When I was in Portugal last year, in the place I was staying there were several bakeries (they would sell savoury stuff too) and once it was

  • Which ones are your favorite?

    No, i like crossover ships too. Actually most of my shippings are crossovers, lol

  • Aaaaand now I'm hungry.

    It's definitely a smart business practice, it makes customers more inclined to come back for more if they enjoy the product's quality and pricing.

  • Well, as you said in the video, there is a bit of a flaw with the plan where the trolls and self-advertisers can still work around the time-barriers between demographics of viewers who comment on the video. But I do think it can help to organize the types of comments better. Even though there is a chance it may not improve the comments by much, it is still better than leaving the comments the way they are now.

    kaza125 posted: »

    What do you think of it?

  • Awesome

    Well, as you said in the video, there is a bit of a flaw with the plan where the trolls and self-advertisers can still work around the time-

  • Tmw you first try out discord and it's like... ten times better than Skype. And I just started using it. xD

  • I thought this was a marijuana leaf for a second. I was very, very wrong.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2017

    It is the 10 year anniversary of one of my favorite shows, Total Drama, specifically, Total Drama Island, the 1st season. I have been binge-watching the first season today as a result, and I got a new avatar (that will be loading slowly, I presume) of one of my favorite guys, Chris McLean, the most handsome host to ever live. That is all. Happy anniversary Total Drama! Can't wait for Season 6.

    enter image description here

  • Watched Spider-Man: Homecoming and really enjoyed it! Tom Holland is by far my favourite Spider-Man, the villain is actually pretty good, the side characters are funny and charming, lots of different things are done to differentiate it from previous movies, and twists and turns are great!

    It's easily the best Spider-Man movie since Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2. But in my opinion it just falls behind the first two ever so slightly, so I would rank it just behind 2 and 1.

    Also as usual there's a mid credits scene and an after credits scene. The after credits scene in particular is very important but the you gotta be patient and wait through the credits.

  • It wasn't Gwen it was Betty Brant. But they made her look like Gwen for some reason :P

  • The after-credits scene is a game changer.

    Seriously though like 10 people left my theater before they saw it. They missed out big times.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Watched Spider-Man: Homecoming and really enjoyed it! Tom Holland is by far my favourite Spider-Man, the villain is actually pretty good, th

  • How do you guys prefer your whiskey? Some say it's absolutely barbaric to mix it with Coke and others say the real men drink it straight. Me personally I like it chilled with a slice of lime.

    I'm in a middle of a discussion and I need opinions.

  • I like it mixed with a dark cola and lemon.

    fallandir posted: »

    How do you guys prefer your whiskey? Some say it's absolutely barbaric to mix it with Coke and others say the real men drink it straight. Me personally I like it chilled with a slice of lime. I'm in a middle of a discussion and I need opinions.

  • Guess they didn't think they'd be rewarded for their patience.

    The after-credits scene is a game changer. Seriously though like 10 people left my theater before they saw it. They missed out big times.

  • That show was the shit, I used to watch it all the time when I was younger.

    It is the 10 year anniversary of one of my favorite shows, Total Drama, specifically, Total Drama Island, the 1st season. I have been binge-

  • It's on Netflix man. They got more seasons, a few of which are excellent. Another season is coming.

    Favorite character?

    That show was the shit, I used to watch it all the time when I was younger.

  • I usually drink it plain or with a couple ice cubes. Nothing wrong with mixing though.

    fallandir posted: »

    How do you guys prefer your whiskey? Some say it's absolutely barbaric to mix it with Coke and others say the real men drink it straight. Me personally I like it chilled with a slice of lime. I'm in a middle of a discussion and I need opinions.

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    I prefer it with ice cubes. Lemon would be a good mixing as well.

    fallandir posted: »

    How do you guys prefer your whiskey? Some say it's absolutely barbaric to mix it with Coke and others say the real men drink it straight. Me personally I like it chilled with a slice of lime. I'm in a middle of a discussion and I need opinions.

  • Think Sniper did too... That must be why he deleted his own post. #AbuseOfPower

    I thought this was a marijuana leaf for a second. I was very, very wrong.

  • I heard, but I don't thinkI'll be watching. I think it was around All Stars when I stopped, at that point, it seemed like they were really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel and were running out of ideas. But I still love the first few seasons immensely. Well obviously it has to be Chris, but I think he's everyone's favorite, so excluding him, I'd probably say Owen.

    It's on Netflix man. They got more seasons, a few of which are excellent. Another season is coming. Favorite character?

  • TDI was a godsend to television and I miss the absolute shit out of it.

    It is the 10 year anniversary of one of my favorite shows, Total Drama, specifically, Total Drama Island, the 1st season. I have been binge-

  • Coke.

    fallandir posted: »

    How do you guys prefer your whiskey? Some say it's absolutely barbaric to mix it with Coke and others say the real men drink it straight. Me personally I like it chilled with a slice of lime. I'm in a middle of a discussion and I need opinions.

  • Rewatching it has been one of my favorite things to do. I remember first watching it when it came out in the States, the first episode I know I watched in full (although I'm pretty sure I had seen prior ones) was Paintball Deer Hunter.

    TDI was a godsend to television and I miss the absolute shit out of it.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2017

    Owen is definitely in my top 5. I think Duncan is my favorite though. The dude is just so cool. I'm also a big Chef Hatchet guy.

    All Stars was pretty mediocre. I loved the characters and some of the interactions they had, but it just didn't really fan out. Pahkitew Island was meh, although there were some good characters. I do have to say that I was a big fan of the spin-off, Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race, which while not having the god that is Chris McLean, it does have Geoff, Owen, and Noah, who I must say is fantastic in it. It's pretty creative, I enjoyed it very much.

    Hopefully whatever comes next is good.

    I heard, but I don't thinkI'll be watching. I think it was around All Stars when I stopped, at that point, it seemed like they were really s

  • What happened to Kenny/Lee user here?

  • edited July 2017

    I didn't know there was a Season 6 happening? Well that's awesome!!! Also I'm favorite character? I think I have three and they are Owen,Izzy,and Duncan! I can't wait!!! Will this season have old characters who I love or will they have new ones?

    Owen is definitely in my top 5. I think Duncan is my favorite though. The dude is just so cool. I'm also a big Chef Hatchet guy. All Star

  • what is this marijuana doing in my good christian suburbs

  • isn't that the guy who posted nothing but genuinely depressing shit and bad advice 24/7?

    joshua007 posted: »

    What happened to Kenny/Lee user here?

  • I restarted Resident Evil Code Veronica X because of one reason: the Tyrant Plane Boss Fight. One of the worst boss fights I've ever approached.

  • edited July 2017

    Man, I used to watch it every day and I watched all the episodes of Season 1, watched a few episodes of the latest seasons but I don't remember much and I'm not interested anymore.

    It is the 10 year anniversary of one of my favorite shows, Total Drama, specifically, Total Drama Island, the 1st season. I have been binge-

  • Can't wait for Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age to arrive soon. Could have gotten it digitally on my PS4 so I won't have to wait for too long, but I've only just found out after making a purchase online.

    Ah well, it saved me a few pounds buying the game on a disc than it would from PSN.

  • edited July 2017

    Goddamned I have a fucking belly. All my other parts of my body look oke like a normall figure but all my fat goes to my belly this is partly me to blame for of course but I grew up with ''eat as much as you want'' from my parents ugh I am so used to that. I walk around but it doesn't change and now I am done with school yes I passed my exams THANK YOU! I sit around all day got 3 pounds extra in 4 days and have hardly any motivation. Tomorrow I go to my therapist so maybe I can ask for advise... I can also cut my fat away with a knife and ask the doctor for fake meet GENIUS!

  • ... Yeah

    isn't that the guy who posted nothing but genuinely depressing shit and bad advice 24/7?

  • i see.

    joshua007 posted: »

    ... Yeah

  • Yah. I've been struggling with weight gain for most of my life. Why do our bodies try to prepare ourselves for a famine that will never come? It's not that I'm always on the heavier side. My problem is that I can't get myself to maintain a certain body weight. I can lose weight to the point that I see my ribs and then two weeks later I've eaten so much that the pants that almost fell off me two weeks ago feel tight. It's just been and endless cycle of putting on weight and losing it and I wish it could stop.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Goddamned I have a fucking belly. All my other parts of my body look oke like a normall figure but all my fat goes to my belly this is partl

  • exercise + proper diet

    joshua007 posted: »

    Goddamned I have a fucking belly. All my other parts of my body look oke like a normall figure but all my fat goes to my belly this is partl

  • don't forget all the bait threads

    lots and lots of bait threads

    isn't that the guy who posted nothing but genuinely depressing shit and bad advice 24/7?

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