The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Nowadays any game that has any sembkance of difficulty is clearly Dark Souls. Even those that existed around a decade or more before it. Just like Crash Bandicoot. Especially the "Prepare to woah" remaster.

    Even stole the damn text.

    The game is difficult then, not Dark Souls. People need to stop saying Difficult = Dark Souls.

  • Speaking on this topic I'm currently writing a screenplay and its mostly in jumbled pieces. I currently don't know where it'll fit in the overall structure of the narrative, but over time it will. David Lynch makes a good analysis of finding a place for ideas in general, and where to get it from. It has really helped me and I hope it helps you too.

    I started writing on Wattpad again (I lost my old account). Does anyone else start writing somewhere in the middle or end as opposed to the beginning? because I do x.x

  • Great quote I found today:

    For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.

    George Washington, 1783

  • George Washington MY Favorite(including Trump,Reagan,and JFK) president EVER!!!

    Great quote I found today: For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serio

  • including Trump


    strwar3 posted: »

    George Washington MY Favorite(including Trump,Reagan,and JFK) president EVER!!!

  • Boy, in my line of work, I see a lot of people who are at the lowest point in their lives, and it shows me how thankful we all should be that we are at where we are at in our lives. Don't take life for granted yall <3

  • edited July 2017

    Come on!! He is my favorite with others like JFK,George Washington,Reagan I was going to put Trump first,but I love them both Who's your favorite president? @FromTheGallows

    including Trump lol

  • July 18 is birthday,baby 27 years old soon coming up!!!

  • yo happy birthday man!

    strwar3 posted: »

    July 18 is birthday,baby 27 years old soon coming up!!!

  • my favorite president is theodore roosevelt because he looks like the quaker oatmeal guy

    strwar3 posted: »

    Come on!! He is my favorite with others like JFK,George Washington,Reagan I was going to put Trump first,but I love them both Who's your favorite president? @FromTheGallows

  • Nobody, I'm not American

    strwar3 posted: »

    Come on!! He is my favorite with others like JFK,George Washington,Reagan I was going to put Trump first,but I love them both Who's your favorite president? @FromTheGallows

  • Not my place to ask? What? Why the hell am I supposed to walk a mile in his shoes before I can be curious? Isn't that why I'm asking the question, because I haven't been in their situation?

    I hate to be a dick, but it honestly isn't your place to ask. There's been plenty of kids growing up that were so horrified of going to s

  • edited July 2017

    Nah, you just came off as condescending with how you worded it, whether that was your intention or not.

    But I digress. I think I gave you a pretty logical answer so what does it matter anyway? Nice backtrack.

    Not my place to ask? What? Why the hell am I supposed to walk a mile in his shoes before I can be curious? Isn't that why I'm asking the question, because I haven't been in their situation?

  • The more I rewatch Rick and Morty, the more I start to realize how much I relate to Rick minus the alcoholism and murdering.

    The rants, the cynicism, our tone and voices sound pretty similar, the unnecessarily excessive amount of smartass comments, even right down to the same facial expressions:

    enter image description here

    I have far too many things in common with this character. More than I'm willing to admit, and I think its something I really need to work on man.

  • I wanna be like Rick when I become a Grandfather lol.

    The more I rewatch Rick and Morty, the more I start to realize how much I relate to Rick minus the alcoholism and murdering. The rants, t

  • Oh, same here. Being old is different in this case.

    When I'm at the age where I no longer have to collectively give a fuck since its socially acceptable for me to not do so, I'm going full on Rick.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I wanna be like Rick when I become a Grandfather lol.

  • Happy birthday :-)

    strwar3 posted: »

    July 18 is birthday,baby 27 years old soon coming up!!!

  • What is you're job?

    CooCooCole posted: »

    Boy, in my line of work, I see a lot of people who are at the lowest point in their lives, and it shows me how thankful we all should be that we are at where we are at in our lives. Don't take life for granted yall

  • Thanks!!

    yo happy birthday man!

  • Hearing the Soviet Union anthem when winning in Modern Warfare is a beautiful thing.

  • Happy birthday! that's when my best friend's birthday is too, lol

    strwar3 posted: »

    July 18 is birthday,baby 27 years old soon coming up!!!

  • mother russia is always a beautiful thing

    Hearing the Soviet Union anthem when winning in Modern Warfare is a beautiful thing.

  • For some reason I love Russia's anthem but it doesn't come close to the USA anthem!!

    Hearing the Soviet Union anthem when winning in Modern Warfare is a beautiful thing.

  • I replayed Until Dawn. Still an awesome game and the characters that I kept alive is Chris, Sam and Emily.

  • Unpopular opinion: I actually liked Emily

    AronDracula posted: »

    I replayed Until Dawn. Still an awesome game and the characters that I kept alive is Chris, Sam and Emily.

  • I like her too. She is overhated. Everyone who chose to shoot Emily is an idiot.

    Unpopular opinion: I actually liked Emily

  • She at least is honest about her abrasive personality, actually does something to get everyone off the mountain and doesn't really try to kill anyone during the anniversary, unlike...ugh, Ashley.

    Unpopular opinion: I actually liked Emily

  • It's their opinion. There's a rule around here about respecting opinions... and the correct definition of idiot is somebody with a low intelligence and it doesn't take a low intelligence to have an opinion sooooo. Yeah. Just saying.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I like her too. She is overhated. Everyone who chose to shoot Emily is an idiot.

  • I was being sarcastic there.

    Melton23 posted: »

    It's their opinion. There's a rule around here about respecting opinions... and the correct definition of idiot is somebody with a low intelligence and it doesn't take a low intelligence to have an opinion sooooo. Yeah. Just saying.

  • Oh. Well when I'm being sarcastic Indo this: (sarcasm) so people know. You should try it next time as the internet isn't the best place for knowing what people really mean all of the time.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I was being sarcastic there.

  • Internet has always been a bad place to communicate with people.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Oh. Well when I'm being sarcastic Indo this: (sarcasm) so people know. You should try it next time as the internet isn't the best place for knowing what people really mean all of the time.

  • Heh, real life society is just as bad XD with the whole people getting offended over everything you say and all that.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Internet has always been a bad place to communicate with people.

  • My favorite president was William Henry Harrison.

    strwar3 posted: »

    George Washington MY Favorite(including Trump,Reagan,and JFK) president EVER!!!

  • It all really comes down to whether you find Emily to be an entertaining character, considering that she's meant to be the character you'd love to hate.

    But as person, I'm not a fan of Emily at all with how she treats people, especially towards Matt. I was tolerant of her, until up to the point where I discovered that she can lie to the police about how Matt left her to die if the player as Matt chooses to save her, which makes her look worse if Matt's decision to save Emily gets him killed. This happens not due to the player's choice, but based on whether Matt does enough to appease to Emily's needs beforehand.

    After that, I consider her the second worst character in the game for me. I'd honestly take Ashley over Emily any day.

    She at least is honest about her abrasive personality, actually does something to get everyone off the mountain and doesn't really try to kill anyone during the anniversary, unlike...ugh, Ashley.

  • edited July 2017

    Yeah, you'd take a girl who gives people no chances when they're bitten by wendigos without thinking first. If anything, Ashley deserved that slap.

    Also, she can leave Chris to die if you choose to shoot her.

    Also also, I think Matt deserved that because he used a SELFIE STICK for the prank on Hannah.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    It all really comes down to whether you find Emily to be an entertaining character, considering that she's meant to be the character you'd l

  • From a writer's perspective, I like Emily because yeah, she's meant to be the character you love to hate. But from my own perspective, I just dislike her.

    Yeah, Emily's a bitch, but at least she doesn't pretend to be anything else. And she at least she has a level head in some situations and she actually thought to go to the radio tower to call the cops. Oh, and she goes through a Wendigo-and-stranger-infested mine all alone after her boyfriend, Matt, either died or left her. But with Ashley, she just seems like one of those girls who might seem cute on the outside, but are ugly as shit on the inside: Lost honesty for feeling sympathetic or apologetic about pranking Hannah, killed Chris regardless if she told him to shoot her, argued to leave Josh outside in the shed with the Wendigo, and tried to have Emily exiled because of her bite. Yeah, I know Ashley's experiences in Josh's saw traps gave her PTSD, but that still doesn't excuse her actions.

    I guess I'd just rather be with a level-headed, honest bitch than a hysterical, two-faced one.

    This is just my opinion. :)

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    It all really comes down to whether you find Emily to be an entertaining character, considering that she's meant to be the character you'd l

  • Even if you don't like Emily, you gotta admit this slap AND line is just pure gold. :joy:

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah, you'd take a girl who gives people no chances when they're bitten by wendigos without thinking first. If anything, Ashley deserved tha

  • While Ashley was wrong about Wendigo bite wounds being infectious, I don't really blame her for panicking and demanding that Emily leave the safe room in case she turns into a monster, the same monsters that has just recently been discovered and can kill a human being in seconds.

    In situations like this, if a person was bitten by a supernatural monster, would anyone want to risk keeping them around in case they were infected and could potentially transform into a monster too? It seemed cruel, but it was pragmatic to keep a potentially infected person separate from those who weren't bitten.

    Besides, I feel that Ashley would deserve that slap more if she had chose to hide the detail about bites not being infectious to save face, but instead she gets slapped if she admits to her own fault and apologies to Emily. At that point, Emily is losing sympathy for me due to how self-centered she is, especially when Emily would have likely done the exact same thing as Ashley had done in a panic if it was the other way around. I even find it funny that Chris, if he is alive and inside the safe-room, doesn't defend Ashley from Emily attacking her when he himself was on board with Emily being kicked out of the safe room.

    Also, she can leave Chris to die if you choose to shoot her.

    I get that what Ashley can do after this situation is messed up, and chances are Chris was placed in a trap where he has to kill someone for another to live as advised by a madman, but I doubt that Ashley was volunteering to be the one to be sacrificed as she begs for her life if chosen first, and asked to "choose to save you" if Chris chooses himself first. Once she is shot and with the assumption that she was going to die, her mind likely broke under the stress and found herself less willing to trust her crush who had tried to kill her, even under circumstances where he was forced to kill someone.

    Besides, if anyone is to truly be blamed for what happens later on, it's Josh. He was responsible for placing both of them in the situation in the first place and urging one of them to kill the other after all. I just don't find it fair to place all the blame on either Ashley or Chris.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah, you'd take a girl who gives people no chances when they're bitten by wendigos without thinking first. If anything, Ashley deserved tha

  • Besides, if anyone is to truly be blamed for what happens later on, it's Josh. He was responsible for placing both of them in the situation in the first place and urging one of them to kill the other after all. I just don't find it fair to place all the blame on either Ashley or Chris.

    I would blame Mike and Jessica for making Josh go crazy after losing his sisters. He and his sisters invited them to vacation and they just played a stupid prank on one of their inviters. I mean, this is how they repay them? They didn't even go help Beth find Hannah if they're sorry about it.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    While Ashley was wrong about Wendigo bite wounds being infectious, I don't really blame her for panicking and demanding that Emily leave the

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