The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • If Disney ever buys Minecraft, they will rule the world.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    So 21st Century Fox is in talks about selling their company to Disney. If that happens, Disney will be dominating all of media. All they need to buy now is Warner Bros and they’ll be the biggest thing on Earth.

  • edited November 2017

    I just recently watched Blade Runner 2049 too. Not sure why I did since I hated the original, but I really enjoyed the sequel.

    WARNING, SPOILERS FOR BOTH BLADERUNNER MOVIES! Not sure how to spoiler tag...

    Yeah, that's something I noticed too. How the child was created was never explained. Also, I think they intentionally left whether Deckard is a replicant or not a mystery again. There probably would've been some backlash from the fans if they confirmed it.

    Although I hated the original... (Evil robot rips off all of his clothes after his girlfriend dies and chases the protagonist around while singing and laughing), I really enjoyed the sequel. I thought it had a good plot-line (unlike the original, which was just kinda meh). It had a good mystery present throughout the movie that kept me interested, the climax was done really well (unlike the original...). And also, Drax was in it!

    But although I enjoyed the movie, it actually felt too long to me.

    Anyway, I'm just ranting now. If you want to talk about the movie(s), feel free to PM me.

    Finally watched Blade Runner 2049 yesterday. When I first walked out of the cinema, I was really frustrated because the movie left so many q

  • Nope, it’s dead in the water.

    o:) Thank the Lord

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Well, the deal is on the table once again. It’s actually all over the news when you search it up. This deal alone will make Disney a mega company. Not to mention it’ll get tons of money alone by having the X-Men universe and the MCU crossover.

  • Recently finished Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Great game!

  • edited November 2017

    Don't you love it when you see one of the more unique English words used on a forum?
    A word that isn't commonly used, being used somewhat improperly.
    I get a slight giddy feeling about it. Ooooooo someone learned a new word and needed to show it off. I'm game. I'll hang it on the fridge with a gold star.

    (I purposely waited a few days since this happened. Happy hunting if you're trying to figure it out)

    Oh and this isn't a holier than thou thing. Everyone does it. I just think it's funny when I notice itt.

  • Well, if it wasn't in any of the TWDG threads I'll probably never find it :lol:

    Johro posted: »

    Don't you love it when you see one of the more unique English words used on a forum? A word that isn't commonly used, being used somewhat i

  • If you go under the symbol that looks like a backwards "P" and and "I" you can find the spoiler tag there. Or you can just use >! before each paragraph you want tagged.

    And thanks for the heads up about the spoiler. I never got the chance to watch the bladerunner series, though I want to.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I just recently watched Blade Runner 2049 too. Not sure why I did since I hated the original, but I really enjoyed the sequel. WARNING, S

  • So that means Disney is going to buy Fox's Marvel Universe (X-Men and Fantastic Four)?

    If it happens, MCU will finally get to make movies everyone has been asking for like:

    • Avengers vs X-Men
    • Deadpool and Spider-Man crossover
    • Wolverine and Deadpool crossover (The real one, not the one from X-Men Origins Wolverine)
    • A good Fantastic Four movie

    The things that might go wrong is the casting and Deadpool's character. They might not hire Ryan Reynolds to play Deadpool because they don't want to confuse the audience with the different universes and the next Deadpool movies might not be rated R. PG rate never belonged to Deadpool, the most violent anti-hero of Marvel Comics.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    So 21st Century Fox is in talks about selling their company to Disney. If that happens, Disney will be dominating all of media. All they need to buy now is Warner Bros and they’ll be the biggest thing on Earth.

  • Happy hunting? The only people who would actually go hunting for whatever it is you're talking about are those with no lives!
    Proceeds to search through forums

    Heh, I'm mostly joking. :D

    Johro posted: »

    Don't you love it when you see one of the more unique English words used on a forum? A word that isn't commonly used, being used somewhat i

  • 100 years ago, the history of my county and probably the entire world has changed drastically - the October Revolution happened and bolsheviks got their power. For 70 years it was one of the most important celebrations, yet today the centenary is absolutely silent, almost awkward. It's like nobody is sure how to feel about it. Everyone pretends like nothing is going on. I guess it's our history and we must accept it, but the sudden ignorance... so weird. Foreign media speaks about the centenary more than we do. Proves once again how controversial Russian history was. Or maybe our government doesn't want to bring up revolution right now, when so many people aren't happy with the way things are?

    Anyway, cheers to all the communists here. It's still a very important date, especially for me. Anyone here is also interested in the revolution history?

  • I'm in the minority here but I'm excited for the Unbreakable sequel coming soon from M Night, I thought Split was a great turnaround and the reveal at the end was too good for me not to be hyped to see what he does. I'm the biggest Unbreakable fan too so I will always have a soft spot for his first 3 movies when I think of the worst.

    If you think that's bad, try watching The Last Airbender.

  • It's just that Freddy had only 15 minutes screentime and only 2 deaths have happened.

    Johro posted: »

    I really liked it when I first saw it. Now, it's more just "okay". It's still my favourite sequel after 3.

  • Michael Bendis is no longer working at Marvel.


  • edited November 2017

    Just bought tickets to a midnight screening of a film this Saturday night. I would say what movie it is, but I cannot tell you, it's confidential.

  • Enjoy your screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show!

    Just bought tickets to a midnight screening of a film this Saturday night. I would say what movie it is, but I cannot tell you, it's confidential.

  • edited November 2017

    Story time: I stayed home today because I was feeling pretty bad and I can work online so an absence isn't really an issue. I slept through pretty much the whole day two hours at a time and I've only felt a little bit better now.

    I figure I can handle one or two lessons so I get online and I just. hm. I figured it would only be 10 questions, like it usually is, but surprise! It's a 50 question test that I HAVE to get done in one sitting.

    Edit to avoid double-posting: I got kicked out of the test for inactivity while I was doing dishes and I made a 12. It's bad, don't get me wrong, but considering I only did 8 questions I'm just going to let it slide until I go back to school.

  • edited November 2017

    "it's confidential"

    Just bought tickets to a midnight screening of a film this Saturday night. I would say what movie it is, but I cannot tell you, it's confidential.

  • Both you and WarpSpeed are wrong, but Warp is a bit closer to what it actually is.

    AChicken posted: »

    "it's confidential"

  • A live, on-stage version of Rocky Horror?
    Never been to one, but I do know they exist. They perform the whole thing in front of the movie.

    Both you and WarpSpeed are wrong, but Warp is a bit closer to what it actually is.

  • Is it Shock Treatment!?

  • RIP Doc Halladay
    From Canadian sports fans.

  • @Johro, you've been here for 6 years and you've never started a discussion before?! :open_mouth:

  • edited November 2017

    I haven't started a topic on any forum since about 2007. I've got a good thing going.

    (Edit. Sorry. I had the year wrong)

  • 'Anyways how's your sex life?'

    Just bought tickets to a midnight screening of a film this Saturday night. I would say what movie it is, but I cannot tell you, it's confidential.

  • ...sounds like you need to get a Room. :p

    'Anyways how's your sex life?'

  • Fun Fact!

    A man whom was convicted of "Soliciting to Murder" had previously covered Megadeth"s Killing Is My Business on an album.

  • Was he really important to the company or someone everyone hates?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Michael Bendis is no longer working at Marvel. THANK YOU GOD.

  • ...

    ...sounds like you need to get a Room.

  • Can’t talk about it.

    'Anyways how's your sex life?'

  • edited November 2017

    He used to write some really good and even iconic stories for Marvel. Most notably Ultimate Spider-Man as well as creating Miles Morales. But the past few years he's been putting out some really bad stuff. He has no regard for continuity, he's written characters completely out of character (pretty much made every character he writes talk like Spider-Man along with a few other things).

    It doesn't help that he (before leaving) wrote like ten different series as well as headed a few big comic events like Civil War 2 (which was just straight poop).

    Thankfully he's now got a deal with DC so hopefully Marvel will get some new/better writers to do stuff now.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Was he really important to the company or someone everyone hates?

  • edited November 2017

    Had a small party at a restaurant to celebrate one of my best friends 21st birthday, gave some cool ass presents, got to hang out with friends, ate 22 buffalo styled wings, had a couple drinks.

    All around a good night :)

  • Feeling pretty shitty after hearing about the layoffs at Telltale yesterday, especially with how they closed all job opportunities in the cinematic and writing departments. As a sophomore in college who hopes to work for Telltale one day, this is very disheartening.

  • Some asshole driver almost ran me over in a crosswalk a few minutes ago, glad I kept my eyes peeled so I could jump out of the road. I wanted to teach him a lesson but since I didn't get injured, I minded my own business but I glared at him to notice that he almost touched me.

  • This is great, just FUCKING great. I trusted you Rockstar.

  • Found out I’m going to be an Uncle soon. I feel kinda old now, honestly.

  • I've been really tired this past couple days, missing my 3 year forum anniversary. Oy vey. Tomorrow I got a blood donation, that'll be tiring.

    I hope you guys are doing better!

  • I'm on a roller coaster of feeling fine then feeling ill.

  • Played the entire Zero Escape series recently, damn, I wish other games would use video games to tell stories only video games can tell the way they did

  • Lol, the r/Incels subreddit finally got banned. Took them long enough to do it.

  • There was a kid in my class when I was around 8-9 and he was an uncle, which I thought was so weird at the time.
    You don't have to be old to be an uncle.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Found out I’m going to be an Uncle soon. I feel kinda old now, honestly.

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