The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited December 2024

    So AdHoc is teasing stuff on their twitter and their website too. Looks like a game awards reveal. However, based on that screenshot they posted on twitter, I don't think it is Wolf 2 related. They also deleted everything else. Including wolf 2 stuff. So.

    May have to end up watching the game awards because there will be a wolf 2 update, just probably not one we want to hear. It seems like this is the game they were going to make before wolf 2 which begs the question of you know, what happened? After they reveal this game is I am sure there will be a follow up interview not long after that will ask about Wolf 2. Hopefully, the answer will be they are still working on it, but getting very worried it will just confirm that AdHoc has split for whatever reason from the project.

  • Up until recently adhoc followed telltale on different social medias. They don't anymore, so I think its fairly safe to say that they no longer have any part in making twau2.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So AdHoc is teasing stuff on their twitter and their website too. Looks like a game awards reveal. However, based on that screenshot they po

  • I think it is pretty safe to assume that original delay was because Telltale and AdHoc split, not for any other reason they gave. It seemingly adds up with the timeline from other information we know. Without AdHoc I don't even want this game. Seeing how Telltale decided to just blow all their money and fire everyone, we probably won't anyway!

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Up until recently adhoc followed telltale on different social medias. They don't anymore, so I think its fairly safe to say that they no longer have any part in making twau2.

  • wolf 2 being canceled then feeling

    wolf 2 being canceled now feeling

  • edited December 2024

    They posted another teaser just now. It's definitely not TWAU2; it looks a little like action figures off an assembly line.

    I was still holding out hope, but the nuked Twitter account cinches it. What a goddamn mess. Hopefully Telltale will stop dragging this out and make some sort of announcement in the coming weeks.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So AdHoc is teasing stuff on their twitter and their website too. Looks like a game awards reveal. However, based on that screenshot they po

  • Honestly, I hope they cancel it now.

    The "best case" scenario is AdHoc is finished with their part of Wolf 2 and Telltale are the ones who fucked it all up on their end, so much so AdHoc has reached the point of revealing their own game.

    "Second best" is they had a falling out but Telltale is still keeping the AdHoc story parts.

    However, the realistic answer is that they had a falling out and pretty much all the AdHoc stuff is gone and a different studio has been working on the game, like how we know Deck Nine was apparently considered.

    However, I'm starting to really think that they had a falling out which lead to the delay, and then Expanse fucking bombed and then they laid everyone off and now just nothing is happening but pretending everything is fine.

    So pick your poison, Wolf 2 never releases or Wolf 2 by Deck Nine/Deck Nine quality. The correct answer is Wolf 2 never releases!

    I'm so glad Telltale's comeback was promising Wolf 2 with original devs just to release a shitty Expanse game and then die again, not before also making sure to screw over the original devs again. Oops.

    booper posted: »

    They posted another teaser just now. It's definitely not TWAU2; it looks a little like action figures off an assembly line. I was still

  • Telltale when it comes to wasting all their money on IPs no one cares about, fucking over their employees and dying

  • I'm leaning towards a falling out too; those Glassdoor reviews were really damning. My best case scenario is they just rip the band-aid off and cancel it. Whatever they're doing now clearly isn't working and they haven't exactly helped their case by refusing to communicate.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Honestly, I hope they cancel it now. The "best case" scenario is AdHoc is finished with their part of Wolf 2 and Telltale are the ones wh

  • Damn never would've guessed you would say that you hope Wolf 2 is cancelled. The last time I saw someone say something like this was during the wait for Telltale Game of Thrones Season 2, where one of the users (who was a major GOT fan) said it was 99.9% cancelled (which turned out to be 100% a couple of years later), Telltale wasn't giving out any news until the Game of Thrones show would end but it was so long that Telltale ended up being the one to end first. Honestly I can see the same thing happening again with Wolf 2. Lack of communication for so long and poof they're gone. Not saying I want it to but it's like deja vu all over again, at least for me.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Honestly, I hope they cancel it now. The "best case" scenario is AdHoc is finished with their part of Wolf 2 and Telltale are the ones wh

  • Never getting Wolf 2 is a million times better than getting Deck Nine's Wolf 2.

    According to that article it looks like Deck Nine's Wolf 2 fell through thankfully, but if not Deck Nine, it will just be someone else, and if its a group without a track record then its a coin flip on quality, which after Expanse I don't think Telltale cares about. AdHoc was announced very early on with this new Telltale and I would say it easily was what made me have any confidence in this New Telltale. It wasn't really even in New Telltale, but in the fact it seemed like they understood who should be making these games. But clearly something happened and now the only people giving any real credibility for Wolf 2 seem to be gone. I'd much rather let Wolf die with some dignity instead of join the party of complete ass legacy sequel garbage we keep getting.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Damn never would've guessed you would say that you hope Wolf 2 is cancelled. The last time I saw someone say something like this was during

  • ...Okay, these Gundam series names are getting out of hand.

  • Is it actually THAT hard to execute such a simple concept? I really don't see any sort of Pac-Man identity in this AI-ass looking teaser besides the title itself. Even the Pixels movie gave more respect to the character. This is honestly even worse than Minecraft movie and the original Sonic movie design.

  • Huh. Where is Pac-Man? Is he safe? Is ha alright? :/

    AronDracula posted: »

    Is it actually THAT hard to execute such a simple concept? I really don't see any sort of Pac-Man identity in this AI-ass looking teaser bes

  • Anyone have a high rez version of that really brown poster/concept art for the first season of The Walking Dead game with Lee and Clem walking down the street and they're passing by a car with a body lying against it? I can't seem to find a good copy of it anywhere :/

  • lupinb0y posted: »

    Anyone have a high rez version of that really brown poster/concept art for the first season of The Walking Dead game with Lee and Clem walki

  • Yeah but I was looking for one more poster sized that I could print out rather than a computer wallpaper.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    This one?

  • You see they said his purpose is to eat or be eaten and that’s just like Pac-Man so it makes sense :>

    AronDracula posted: »

    Is it actually THAT hard to execute such a simple concept? I really don't see any sort of Pac-Man identity in this AI-ass looking teaser bes

  • coming back to watch the game awards after saying I wasnt because I wanna know what the AdHoc game is

  • AdHoc at the game awards when the Borderlands 4 trailer starts showing Tales characters

  • Of course I don't want more employees to be let go, but I don't get how it's nearly 2025 and Telltale can afford to basically not release anything, Wolf 2 isn't some crowdfunding scam. Based on the reveal stream in early 2022, the script and story was mostly done but of course AdHoc planned to keep working until release. Don't know how it all exactly fell apart. And then I think there were comments from a laid off employee in 2023 about the state of Telltale and the game? So I'm not sure, (again) if we'll know what happened behind the scenes or the original story, but it doesn't seem like this will end well.

  • Pretty sure they can't afford anything and they're just dragging their feet.

    I just don't understand what their thoughts behind any of their choices were. Instead of just focusing on Wolf 2 they announce Expanse. Then in 2023 they get a few million from investors, delay the game, release Expanse in July and it bombs, then they buy a mobile game company in August, and then fire almost everyone in September, then in October one person who is fired reveals this and Telltale pretty much stops communicating. The guy who was fired heavily implies the game was no where close to being complete and now the only updates we get are screenshots of the same scenes we saw in 2022 or Bigby in an empty room.

    Maybe if we are lucky Telltale gives us an update for the game awards, like a classic "We won't be there but see you in 2025! Good thing so many people didn't realize we did in fact say it was going to be 2024!!!"

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Of course I don't want more employees to be let go, but I don't get how it's nearly 2025 and Telltale can afford to basically not release an

  • Oh well, glad that AdHoc can release their own project that isn't affected by shady management.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Pretty sure they can't afford anything and they're just dragging their feet. I just don't understand what their thoughts behind any of th

  • What was the point of reviving Telltale exactly?

  • About the whole Telltale situation, my assumption is that Telltale wants to take their time and cook for Wolf 2, and released Expanse in the main time in order to still have money coming in, content for their portfolio, work experience (so they can learn what kinks to iron out), etc.

    The other two alternatives were: One, they take their time on Wolf 2, but release nothing - meaning, their income is only from sales of Wolf S1, Batman S1/2, and legacy Telltale titles from the 2000's. Or, two; they rush the release of Wolf Season 2, and people see it as a lesser quality product. Obviously, I know it's been a few years since Wolf 2 was announced, but I think there is some downplaying of Covid's effects.

    I think the combination of relaunching Telltale during the awkwardness of 2020 (remote work + economic downturn), plus, the post-Covid inflation, is probably complicating things a fair bit.

    [Obligatory disclaimer; forum moderators are community volunteers with no inside information/etc. This comment is just discussion and speculation from a fellow fan.]

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited December 2024

    That said; I think that while Telltale 2.0 is taking away the correct lessons about wanting healthy work culture, I think that it would be wise for them to also keep in mind that a lot of why people liked Walking Dead S1 was not because of the "interactive cinema" gameplay for casuals, but because people felt like the story telling format they used itself was immersive and tailored for the Walking Dead IP. Put more simply, I think people don't just necessarily want to replay Walking Dead Season 1 but with [insert pop culture IP], but rather, they want to feel how they felt when they saw how new and novel Walking Dead S1 was, if that makes sense?

    As in to say, it's not just necessarily about the surface level "choice making/QTEs/hubs" gameplay or the tailored story telling, but rather, fans also want the gameplay itself to feel bespoke and tailored to the IP, with more variety instead of just QTEs.

  • Okaaaaaay, I’ve been out of the loop a little too long, what is going on? Why are we talking about a cancellation, I haven’t heard anything official, did I miss it?

  • Nothing official's been announced, just good old doomposting and general frustration with the lack of communication from Telltale.

    Okaaaaaay, I’ve been out of the loop a little too long, what is going on? Why are we talking about a cancellation, I haven’t heard anything official, did I miss it?

  • Oh, so the standard

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Nothing official's been announced, just good old doomposting and general frustration with the lack of communication from Telltale.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I have this one but without the text.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Anyone have a high rez version of that really brown poster/concept art for the first season of The Walking Dead game with Lee and Clem walki

  • Thanks!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I have this one but without the text.

  • AdHoc game is now confirmed to be shown at the game awards, although it was a little obvious before today.

    I will say the silver lining is based on what they've show, it looks like it is about super heroes, but also the style looks more fun than serious, so I'm hoping it is kind of like TFTBL with super heroes. I also wonder when they expect to release it and how similar it is to a Telltale game.

    When it comes to Wolf 2, I hate being all gloom and doom about it but it does look like we are in a bad spot. I really hope that after this is revealed we find out what is happening and hopefully we find out they are still working on it with Telltale, as unlikely as it seems, I would absolutely love to be completely wrong and they are still working on Wolf 2 as well. As long as AdHoc is still working on it, I don't care how long it takes. There is still plenty of issues at Telltale I wish they didn't have, one obviously being the fact we've reached the point where we don't know if their co-developers are still working with them or not lmao, but really AdHoc is all that matters to Wolf 2 for me

  • edited December 2024

    when the adhoc game is actually wolf 2 and bigby fights a giant robot

  • The Tin Man's ultimate form.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    when the adhoc game is actually wolf 2 and bigby fights a giant robot

  • That does sound like a cool fight scene. Wolfman vs. Robotman! Nature vs. Science but not actually science!

    Speaking of Wolf, I wonder if they are hitting their heads that they didn't realize the game with Wicked out (I guess there's a part two), because if the Wicked Witch of the West was around they'd be surfing a pop culture high.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    The Tin Man's ultimate form.

  • I think I'm going to buy Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. All the positive buzz, it's been getting to me.

    TGA has been a lot of ads thus far.

  • Oh. So no Game Awards thread here?

    Anyway, uh that Borderlands 4 trailer... I'm pretty sure one of the main characters there is one of the trio from the New Tales game. Not sure, but he looks like the guy, with a trenchcoat, and older.
    But it was very brief.

    The show has some exciting announcements and I'm sure some people might like, but maaaan, I still want more awards!!
    At least they're giving people more time for speeches though. I think. About 2 have gone over a minute, so thats... progress!?

  • I haven't finished it yet, but it's my personal GOTY! It hits a lot of my buttons in ways I didn't expect.

    I think I'm going to buy Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. All the positive buzz, it's been getting to me. TGA has been a lot of ads thus far.

  • I'm caught up now, as I have been skipping kind of a lot to be honest.

    Borderlands 4 trailer didn't really show much other than the worst designs they've ever had for vault hunters. Borderlands has always been so good at character designs, so I am honestly shocked with how bad they look. Like dude the on the left looks like a generic no name npc you find in BL3, not a playable character. I didn't even realize one of them was a siren lmao.

    Honestly trailer just seems kind of confused.

  • We really getting Telltale got 2 before wolf 2

  • Me when they finally make an open world GOT game but it's a mobile game.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    We really getting Telltale got 2 before wolf 2

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