The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I heard (don't know if this is true or not) that Glenn might die in Season 5.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Can you tell us how many major characters will die??

  • Omg, stuff like that happens to me too. Agh, I hate kids! But ever since I played TWD S1, I've been giving them another chance c:

    I hate it. The youngest likes to climb trees, and he always gets stuck and I have to go up there and get him, and then he gets all scraped up and his parents get mad at me for not watching him. >.< Honestly, I'd rather stay inside and eat.

  • Well...shit...

    ummm.. ok what im about to tell you isn't 100% TRUE OK? i heard one rumor that _ was seen burned to a crisp dead in terminus. and anot

  • I wish all kids were like Clementine. =/

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Omg, stuff like that happens to me too. Agh, I hate kids! But ever since I played TWD S1, I've been giving them another chance c:

  • I hope not. He's one of my favorite characters.

  • did you hear the back story to why people say that? because I did and I can say im pretty friken confident hes gana die.

    I could be horribly wrong though. but if he does die, be better NOT DIE like he did in the comics or ima frken explode from tears.

  • Because of her, I actually kinda want kids now. But I'm not ready!

    I wish all kids were like Clementine. =/

  • Heh, well you do like to annoy others, so annoying yourself shouldn't bother you. B]

    Okay, I'll stop with the gifs cause I'm annoying myself already.

  • omg lol I know so much and you know so little its like I just wana explode and let everything I know out xD

    did you hear the back story to why people say that? because I did and I can say im pretty friken confident hes gana die. I could be horri

  • I want to adopt a little black kid from Zimbabwe. His name is going to be Jamal and he's going to be awesome.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Because of her, I actually kinda want kids now. But I'm not ready!

  • Lol, but if I'm annoying myself I'm probably annoying others waaaay to much. I still care if people like me Pro. :p

    Heh, well you do like to annoy others, so annoying yourself shouldn't bother you. B]


    she looks at me like "what"?! i was like "oh nothing" and then came back to the forums... friken annoying twerps. idk how im ever gana have kids...

    I wish all kids were like Clementine. =/

  • How does he die in the comics???

    did you hear the back story to why people say that? because I did and I can say im pretty friken confident hes gana die. I could be horri

  • Why specifically from Zimbabwe? ._.

    I want to adopt a little black kid from Zimbabwe. His name is going to be Jamal and he's going to be awesome.

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    That's why.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Why specifically from Zimbabwe? ._.

  • brace yourself...

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    friken negan did it... AND YOU KOW WHAT SUCKS?! that SAME DAY Maggie told him she was pregnant with his baby...

    How does he die in the comics???

  • Woah, that looks awesome! But there are other places like that too, you know! :o

    That's why.

  • You're killing me ;_;

    brace yourself... friken negan did it... AND YOU KOW WHAT SUCKS?! that SAME DAY Maggie told him she was pregnant with his baby...

  • Who could hate on SweetPeaClem? Lol, that's crazy. Meh, who cares what others think. B]

    Lol, but if I'm annoying myself I'm probably annoying others waaaay to much. I still care if people like me Pro.

  • heh... you don teven know what i know... O _,O

    You're killing me ;_;

  • Everyone! :p Nah, jk. Heh, I expressed myself wrong, I don't really care about the others, but I care about what my friends will think. 8)

    Who could hate on SweetPeaClem? Lol, that's crazy. Meh, who cares what others think. B]

  • Yeah, like where?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Woah, that looks awesome! But there are other places like that too, you know!

  • ANYWHERE, you numbnuts!

    Yeah, like where?

  • Pssh... Not NY.

    Besides, it's my kid, what do you care where I get him from?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    ANYWHERE, you numbnuts!

  • Have you been to NY, tho? And, I was just asking :c

    Pssh... Not NY. Besides, it's my kid, what do you care where I get him from?

  • what the actually f*ck??!?

    Puncake32 posted: » I found this video o.o

  • Well, no. But I'm guessing it doesn't have majestic waterfalls and rainbows and angels playing harps.

    I'm going to be the next Angelina Jolie and adopt a thousand kids from a thousand different places. They'll all be a part of my army and we will rule the world and banish racism for good.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Have you been to NY, tho? And, I was just asking :c

  • Puncake32 posted: »

  • Ah, then don't worry. We won't get annoyed by it. B]

    Everyone! Nah, jk. Heh, I expressed myself wrong, I don't really care about the others, but I care about what my friends will think. 8)

  • Oh my God, nooooo. T_T Someone help them!


  • Lol, thanks Pro! But I'll stop for a while anyways cause as I said, I was annoying myself. 8)

    Ah, then don't worry. We won't get annoyed by it. B]

  • edited June 2014

    which one are you for?!

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  • Well, there IS a waterfall up at Niagra Falls and I'm sure there are rainbows too. But idk about angels playing harps ._.

    Ummmmmmmm.............yeah, good luck with that! xD

    Well, no. But I'm guessing it doesn't have majestic waterfalls and rainbows and angels playing harps. I'm going to be the next Angelina J

  • You'll see, my army of child soldiers will prevail!

    ... Or maybe I can just be a foster parent. That seems a little easier.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Well, there IS a waterfall up at Niagra Falls and I'm sure there are rainbows too. But idk about angels playing harps ._. Ummmmmmmm.............yeah, good luck with that! xD

  • there fine, there just practicing the stop, drop and roll.

    ALTHOUGH if you have new J's, its stop, drop and crouch, ya know, don't ruin the new J's

    Oh my God, nooooo. T_T Someone help them!

  • Lol. Yeah, don't get crazy, okay? :)

    You'll see, my army of child soldiers will prevail! ... Or maybe I can just be a foster parent. That seems a little easier.

  • What's THAT supposed to mean? o_O

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol. Yeah, don't get crazy, okay?

  • I meant don't get crazy with trying to take over the world instead ._.

    What's THAT supposed to mean? o_O

  • Oh...

    No promises =)

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I meant don't get crazy with trying to take over the world instead ._.

  • NOOOO! Promise me!

    Oh... No promises

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