The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Me too!

    I used to watch that show all the time!

  • <3

    You ain't seen nothin' yet.

  • I had a good fucking sleep, like 11 hours!

    Nice avatar Rachelle.

  • I just woke up and no one's here..?


  • It's cause your picture is dark, it's hard to tell.

    sardines posted: »

    so i guess @PasswordSuck and @Welcome_To_Woodbury (and Joseph lol, but you know, he's not here so) were wrong about me not being manly... us

  • edited July 2014

    Heh.. I don't know why I'm still awake.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I just woke up and no one's here..? ;-;

  • Hi, lol.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I just woke up and no one's here..? ;-;

  • Seems legit.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    I think it is due to the rules some people follow on the internet * there are no girls on the internet * if there is a girl they are really a man

  • Because sleep is for the weak?

    Heh.. I don't know why I'm still awake.

  • When I woke up your avatar was the black and white one, then I refreshed it and it suddenly changed, did you just change it?

    Hi, lol.

  • Oh yeah, that's why. Pfft, I'm not... I'm not wea-- passes out

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Because sleep is for the weak?

  • Yep.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    When I woke up your avatar was the black and white one, then I refreshed it and it suddenly changed, did you just change it?

  • Cool story bro... sis..? BRIS? SRO?


  • Just Rachelle is fine.... lmfao.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Cool story bro... sis..? BRIS? SRO?

  • Do people pronounce your name as it really is, or do they just say Rachel?

    Just Rachelle is fine.... lmfao.

  • OH SHIT! Someone bring her some Elmer, right now!

    Oh yeah, that's why. Pfft, I'm not... I'm not wea-- passes out

  • They pronounce it as it is. Like "ra-shell". People have called me Rachel before, but that's just not how it is.

    Unless my mom's been lying to me all these years.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Do people pronounce your name as it really is, or do they just say Rachel?

  • freaking thunder scared the shit out of me x_x

  • Thunder buddies?

    Alt text

    freaking thunder scared the shit out of me x_x

  • Sounds just like how it's pronounce in Hebrew, just instead of the "sh" there's only an "h": Rahelle.

    They pronounce it as it is. Like "ra-shell". People have called me Rachel before, but that's just not how it is. Unless my mom's been lying to me all these years.

  • It's not that i'm scared of God's farts, it's just that it came out of ABSOLUTELY NO WHERE ;-;

    c r i e s


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Thunder buddies?

    edited July 2014

    I almost never get thunders and I find it funny when girls in my class start screaming after hearing a loud thunder, but yeah that shit can surprise you.


    It's not that i'm scared of God's farts, it's just that it came out of ABSOLUTELY NO WHERE ;-; c r i e s THUNDER BUDDIES 4 LYFE

  • Gonna go do some Parasailing!

  • Well, I'm using Safari now. The virus finally got to Opera. ;-;


  • This thread just ceased to function.

  • Now they're planning their attack on Safari, no matter what happens, do not use IE ;-;

    Well, I'm using Safari now. The virus finally got to Opera. ;-; SAFARI SUCKS I WANT OPERA F U ADS

  • God, one of these days my entire computer is just gonna pull a Sarah and cease to function. -___-

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Now they're planning their attack on Safari, no matter what happens, do not use IE ;-;

  • Where do you live?

  • Egypt.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Where do you live?

  • Sounds like it's dying.. The "adult stuff" is still popping up? Did it get worse?

    God, one of these days my entire computer is just gonna pull a Sarah and cease to function. -___-

  • We're really fucking close right now, I could drive to Egypt, I'm in Eilat near The Red Sea.


  • The read sea? We're very close. I'm in Alexandria.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We're really fucking close right now, I could drive to Egypt, I'm in Eilat near The Red Sea.

    edited July 2014

    My grandpa was born there, his dad was the lightweight boxing champion of Egypt.

    The read sea? We're very close. I'm in Alexandria.

  • Yes T_T

    It got so bad that there would be like 7 or 8 pop ups every five minutes or so. I can't even get through watching a video without boobs showing up on my screen.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Sounds like it's dying.. The "adult stuff" is still popping up? Did it get worse?

  • Just checking out the forums when suddenly, le wild boobs appear!

    You should try to fix it before your mom walks in on you just when some freaky porn pops up, that would so awkward...

    Yes T_T It got so bad that there would be like 7 or 8 pop ups every five minutes or so. I can't even get through watching a video without boobs showing up on my screen.

  • Damn this place is so quiet i can hear the trolls sucking each others balls xD.

  • LOL! You probably earned yourself like 3 personal dislike trolls for that, but it was worth it xD

    Damn this place is so quiet i can hear the trolls sucking each others balls xD.

  • omfg I don't even wanna think about that. I wouldn't even be allowed on the Internet after that. She'd throw my phone away and sell my computer, lmfao.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Just checking out the forums when suddenly, le wild boobs appear! You should try to fix it before your mom walks in on you just when some freaky porn pops up, that would so awkward...

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