The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Ignore it. My opinion counts, not her's.

    I think it depends on the program you download. If I was you, I'd just ask a small Youtuber who will respond to you. I can help you with that, but you have to get a camera. I've seen some of them pretty cheap, just look for it.

    yeah. I saw that comment. and I don't know how to do that thing were you put your face in the corner and on the main screen you put the gameplay.

  • indeed I have. :3 damn I love those movies.

    Alt text

    The Unborn, The Ring. I never get tired of it, I used to be terrified of stuff like that but ever since I started watching the walking dead, It doesn't scare me anymore.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Omg, have you seen the movie Insidious?!

  • Lmfao the fuck is wrong with her?

    It had to be done.

  • is that pokemon named squrtal :3 or something like that?

  • TDMshadowCP posted: »

  • k thanks, ill think about it.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Ignore it. My opinion counts, not her's. I think it depends on the program you download. If I was you, I'd just ask a small Youtuber who

  • She's just giving a handout.

    Lmfao the fuck is wrong with her?

  • me to, you know how they say money doesn't buy happiness?! BULL. CRAP.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I've seen some of those things on facebook already, but HOLY SHIT!! I wish I was rich :P

  • I've seen The Ring. My sister has made me watch scary movies since I was like 5 or 6. And now, she got me so into them. They don't really scare me anymore. But it's still creepy :D

    indeed I have. damn I love those movies. The Unborn, The Ring. I never get tired of it, I used to be terrified of stuff like that but ever since I started watching the walking dead, It doesn't scare me anymore.

  • My biggest dream is to find a music from that Nikon commercial. And what do you dream about, guys?




    My biggest dream is to find a music from that Nikon commercial. And what do you dream about, guys?

  • Whats your youtube?

    k thanks, ill think about it.

  • Exactly, I've never seen a sad person with an indoor pool in their mansion!

    me to, you know how they say money doesn't buy happiness?! BULL. CRAP.

  • edited June 2014

    I know a bunch of one for the show that are just PERFECTION and give you goose bumps!!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    The feels ;-;

  • This looks like something id do.


    Most likely, yes.

  • This is my favorite song, and has been for a while now. Upvote if you like it, downvote if you dislike it, and reply to share your thoughts. I'm curious to see what you all think. Also, I'll listen to your favorite song if you want me to as well. Well actually, this may or may not be my favorite song. I've heard some really good ones recently, so this being my favorite song is a "Maybe".

  • I hate it because im at a store or something and I see a cute top right? and then I go up to it to see the price and its like 50 buck and im like "well its not cute anymore"

    and then I get all sad because I cant have it because im not rich.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Exactly, I've never seen a sad person with an indoor pool in their mansion!

  • she's just giving you the sauce.

    Alt text

    She's just giving a handout.

  • Lmfaoo i did this once in middle school.

    This looks like something id do.

  • edited June 2014

    Oh, I love Skrillex! Gotta add that to my music list. I could let you listen to my favourite song, but I still don`t know how to add videos here.

    Rigtail posted: »

    This is my favorite song, and has been for a while now. Upvote if you like it, downvote if you dislike it, and reply to share your thoughts.

  • Thats nice of her.

    She's just giving a handout.

  • one time, I was doing an exam and knew I was going to fail it horribly, so I drew a lama on the back saying "a lama for some extra credit"

    and then my teacher wrote " haha nice try, maybe you should try studding more instead of thinking about the walking dead"

    the moment I read that I looked up at her to see if she was watching me, SHE WAS LOOKING STRAIT AT ME, then looked back down and slide down in my seat and whispered "she knows"

    Lmfaoo i did this once in middle school.

  • Lol!

    Omg, those shoes are fucking awesome! -sees it's $210- .................they look stupid, anyway ;~;

    I hate it because im at a store or something and I see a cute top right? and then I go up to it to see the price and its like 50 buck and im like "well its not cute anymore" and then I get all sad because I cant have it because im not rich.


    Rigtail posted: »

    This is my favorite song, and has been for a while now. Upvote if you like it, downvote if you dislike it, and reply to share your thoughts.

  • So cheap with it, lol.

    she's just giving you the sauce.

  • click the little earth icon, and then post the url there. you have to post it twice.

    Oh, I love Skrillex! Gotta add that to my music list. I could let you listen to my favourite song, but I still don`t know how to add videos here.

  • How she knows? 0.o

    one time, I was doing an exam and knew I was going to fail it horribly, so I drew a lama on the back saying "a lama for some extra credit"

  • I was thinking about using myself as pic, not anymore.

    That sucks! I have been going back and forth if I should be cool like you, sardines, and TDMshadow and have a pic of myself but I wouldn't want it used against me.

  • I don't know, that why im scared.

    How she knows? 0.o

  • Yeah, I am a psychodelic trance fan.

    Rigtail posted: »

    This is my favorite song, and has been for a while now. Upvote if you like it, downvote if you dislike it, and reply to share your thoughts.

  • I listened to about 2 minutes of each, they're a little too slow for my liking. The second one picked up a bit, but went slow again. the video is kinds... ya know, but I like the song

  • She probably someone on the forums.

    I don't know, that why im scared.

  • that's interesting. I listen to this also.'s interesting. I listen to this stuff also.

    this one has different paces throw-out the song. especially at around 3:22. some people use this to make like fan made videos.

    Yeah, I am a psychodelic trance fan.

  • Interesting. Reminds me of something you'd hear when playing some sort of classic retro type of games XD

    Yeah, I am a psychodelic trance fan.

  • I like slower music though. :p

    Rigtail posted: »

    I listened to about 2 minutes of each, they're a little too slow for my liking. The second one picked up a bit, but went slow again.

  • Instant upvote for music from TWD. Ah, that brings back so many memories from earlier on in the series. Reminds me of Shane. RIP =(
    Strange enough, the second one is slow, but something about it makes me like it. Here's a few more of some of my favorite songs. Zomboy is my favorite Dubstep artist.

    that's interesting. I listen to this also.'s interesting. I

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