The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    edited July 2014

    I know that feel, I'm waiting for the results of 3 finals...

    Lololol, I honestly don't know if I passed or not. It's been like a month and I still don't know my marks for last year xD I should probably check, but I'm kinda scared to >.>

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    Feel better?

    Yes pleaaaase

  • A little bit :) I'm still tired af tho.

    Alt text

    Feel better?

  • Yeah... I always get the bacon ones! I haven't had these in so long, now I'm craving them, lol.

    You see what you do, DLB!


  • Lol, saving this...

    A little bit I'm still tired af tho.

  • ahhh I can taste the daryl fanboys/girls' tears from a mile away but they better save his death for negan tho


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  • I can definitely relate to the last one xD

    Lmao, bro! I'm finding so many of these right now!

  • You probably passed, don't sweat it. Lol, no pun intended. B]

    Lololol, I honestly don't know if I passed or not. It's been like a month and I still don't know my marks for last year xD I should probably check, but I'm kinda scared to >.>

  • I don't even know. I don't even know why I can't say what I originally wanted to because I think it would be "too mean". DAMMIT RACHEL this is lexi porter we are talking about!!

    sigh I don't know how she lives with herself. She says the most vile, disgusting things to people she doesn't even know.

    I never even talked to her before and she was like " I hope you're not dont_look_back from the forums". LIKE WAT DA EEFF I DONT EVEN KNOW HER AND SHE KNEW ABOUT MY ACCOUNT ON HERE. Stalker much... O_O

    Why is she like that anyway? Like, what's wrong with her? Is she insane?

    edited July 2014


    That reminds me, we still need to go over things for the Jadenism.

    But if they take Glenn's death scene and kill Daryl instead, I'm going to lose all the respect I had for Kirkman, talk bout being canon to the comics....

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    ahhh I can taste the daryl fanboys/girls' tears from a mile away but they better save his death for negan tho SAVE GLENN

  • Surprisingly, English is my best subject. I was in IB last year in semester 1 and I got 95%. No joke. And I half-assed pretty much all of my assignments. It was dat Shakespeare tho. I love Shakespeare. I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS I LOVE SHAKESPEAREEEEEE <3

    All my tough subjects were in the last semester, which is why I'm scared to look at those marks, lol.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I know that feel, I'm waiting for the results of 3 finals...

  • I would, but I don't even wanna talk to her... The things she would say.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    DLB, we'd mow her down together, I love mowing down trolls.

  • I'm better in English than my teacher, she pretends to have a half-British half-Australian accent, and when I always correct her for her grammar/vocabulary/pronunciation mistakes she gives me a dirty look because I make her look like an idiot in front of the whole class, she hates me for doing that xD

    Surprisingly, English is my best subject. I was in IB last year in semester 1 and I got 95%. No joke. And I half-assed pretty much all of my

  • Well, she'll never come back on here right? So we don't have to worry about her.

    I don't even know. I don't even know why I can't say what I originally wanted to because I think it would be "too mean". DAMMIT RACHEL this

  • Fuck her, she needs to worry about the things we say, but let's only do it if she starts offending someone in here, because I don't want to get into a firefight with that scum for no reason...

    I would, but I don't even wanna talk to her... The things she would say.

  • Who's lexi porter?

    I would, but I don't even wanna talk to her... The things she would say.

  • I'm teased a lot because I've always been my English teachers' little pet, lol. Usually all my English teachers are the bookwormy types, and I love reading, and when I would finish my work early (which I usually did, because even though I have friends in my classes, I don't talk to anyone because I like to focus on my work), the teachers and I would just sit and discuss books and authors and stuff. :p

    God, I feel bad for high school teachers. They always get shit on by the students, and they rarely ever get to have an interesting discussion at school.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm better in English than my teacher, she pretends to have a half-British half-Australian accent, and when I always correct her for her gra

  • All you need to know is that she shipped Cluke and that she is banned now.

    Who's lexi porter?

    edited July 2014

    Not likely, Cactus_Sauce got her banned while getting banned himself for some reason. He's a great guy.

    Well, she'll never come back on here right? So we don't have to worry about her.

  • edited July 2014

    And apparently she's the Devil in disguise, she's so mean. >.>

    At least, that's what the horror stories tell me.

    Who's lexi porter?

  • Speaking of Jadenism.... did you figure out a decent prayer?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Amen. That reminds me, we still need to go over things for the Jadenism. But if they take Glenn's death scene and kill Daryl instead, I'm going to lose all the respect I had for Kirkman, talk bout being canon to the comics....

  • She could make another account though .

    BUT she commented on my youtube about my account on here... Someone else got into it and... Yeah. :/

    Well, she'll never come back on here right? So we don't have to worry about her.

  • lmao whenever I visit my dad, he still says "hi hungry, I'm dad". -_______-

    y u do dis dad y

    Lmao, bro! I'm finding so many of these right now!

  • Searched her up xD and by the looks of it she had this community on their knees. Would of been interesting to see what she did.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    All you need to know is that she shipped Cluke and that she is banned now.

  • M'kay. But if she ever got into an argument with just me, I'd probably start runnin tbh.

    But if she did to any of you, I wouldn't let that slide.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Fuck her, she needs to worry about the things we say, but let's only do it if she starts offending someone in here, because I don't want to get into a firefight with that scum for no reason...

    edited July 2014

    I'm pretty much the same, only that I talk back to teachers that give me shit (I have rights DUR), and that makes them hate me even though I have good grades.

    Yeah, I feel bad for some of them too, they chose this job to educate and help young people and they always get shit for that, even though some of them are real dicks around here...

    My history teacher is a psychopath, she always says her daughter is in India, doing drugs or some shit.

    I'm teased a lot because I've always been my English teachers' little pet, lol. Usually all my English teachers are the bookwormy types, and

  • Well we can't live in fear of what might happen. If there comes a day when she does come here to start some shit (God have mercy on her soul), we'll be ready to protect ourselves.

    She could make another account though . BUT she commented on my youtube about my account on here... Someone else got into it and... Yeah.

  • I broke my head over it, we only need to fill in 2 more blank spaces I think, maybe if we look at his tweets it will give us an idea...

    Speaking of Jadenism.... did you figure out a decent prayer?

  • edited July 2014

    Lol, I've never talked back to a teacher, ever. If a teacher ever gives me lip, I just let it slide. They have the authority, not me. Unless, you know, it really gets out of hand, in which case, I'd let the principal know what's going on.

    I've had a few psycho teachers too. And real hypocritical ones. Like, one time i was in this Christian class in middle school and one of my teachers was teaching us sex ed, and basically all she kept saying was "choose abstinence, abstinence is 100% fool proof", and all that (which I agree with), and all the while she had on this totally see-through shirt that showed her bra and everything. I couldn't really take anything she said seriously, lol.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm pretty much the same, only that I talk back to teachers that give me shit (I have rights DUR), and that makes them hate me even though I

  • @Welcome_to_Woodbury A new tweet from the walking legend:

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  • Alt text

    Wat does this meaaaaaan??? o_o

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury A new tweet from the walking legend:

  • Rachelle be like...
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    lmao whenever I visit my dad, he still says "hi hungry, I'm dad". -_______- y u do dis dad y

  • Pfft I don't even eat mcdonalds. It's all fake . You can just taste the fakeness.

    The only thing I eat from there is their dollar ice tea and fries. I can't resist the fries . ;_;

    Yeah... I always get the bacon ones! I haven't had these in so long, now I'm craving them, lol. You see what you do, DLB!

  • "Hail Jaden, full of swag. The #MONEY is with thee. Blessed art thou among (???) and blessed is the (???). Holy Jaden, Son of Will, pray for us peasants, now and in the hour of our death. Amen."

    grrrrr..... hmmm... blessed art thou among WHAT? Blessed is the WHO?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I broke my head over it, we only need to fill in 2 more blank spaces I think, maybe if we look at his tweets it will give us an idea...

  • Can you give me an idea of what exactly she said or did that would have a whole ONLINE community in fear?

    And apparently she's the Devil in disguise, she's so mean. >.> At least, that's what the horror stories tell me.

  • Haha yeah

    Thats a lot of ass.

    edited July 2014

    I only talk back to them if they shut me up as I'm correcting them or something, I'm not gonna let them shut me up because I want to help, you know?

    LOL, sex eds are the best, especially when you get to ask questions, it's so funny to just ask them random questions.

    Last year we had a lecture about STD's and protection, so the lecturer suddenly pulled out this huge wooden dildo and I laughed in her face for like a minute, but then she asked one of my classmates to come over and demonstrate how to put a condom on that wooden phallus, needless to say that made me laugh even harder and even record the event.

    Lol, I've never talked back to a teacher, ever. If a teacher ever gives me lip, I just let it slide. They have the authority, not me. Unless

  • shhhhh let's not talk about her anymore

    Can you give me an idea of what exactly she said or did that would have a whole ONLINE community in fear?

  • You are not a true American.

    Pfft I don't even eat mcdonalds. It's all fake . You can just taste the fakeness. The only thing I eat from there is their dollar ice tea and fries. I can't resist the fries . ;_;

  • Lol! That made me laugh. DLB is too awesome right now. B]

    Pfft I don't even eat mcdonalds. It's all fake . You can just taste the fakeness. The only thing I eat from there is their dollar ice tea and fries. I can't resist the fries . ;_;

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