Why I think Duncan is the better Sentinel for Asher

I have been praising Rodrik and Royland a lot in the past. So I have decided to give credits and love to Asher and Duncan. These are just my personal opinion and observation.

I believe that Duncan is the best sentinel for Asher if he becomes lord. It is because that Asher has been away from home in four years. If he becomes lord, he will surely be a great leader just like Rodrik and none can deny that Asher is probably the best and most experienced fighter of the Forrester. However when it comes to actively ruling his lands and taking care of his people, these things are probably something that Asher is inexperienced with. One of the reasons why I have Rodrik kill Duncan for his treachery, it is because that I believe Rodrik has a more capable knowledge of the administrative stuff of his house. He has been groomed and taught since he was young by his father and others after all. Asher has probably never been taught such a thing, due to his relationship with his father and his wild lifestyle before his exile.

Asher can probably do justice like cutting a thief's fingers off or executing traitors, but when it comes to the more mundane stuff of ruling, he needs Duncan for that. Duncan can be a more calming influence to Asher. He can urge Asher to take a more cautious action, a diplomatic solution or generally just offering alternatives to violent solutions. Also Duncan can handle the administrative work while Asher can focus on leading and holding a firm but respectful hand over his people.

So all in all, this is my opinion.

Royland is the best sentinel for Rodrik. He can keep the reins, train soldiers and order in the house. Rodrik can do the same, but he can also focus on the administrative stuff.

Duncan is the best sentinel for Asher. He can keep the infrastructure of the house in order, keep check on the food supplies and other matters. While Asher will keep the rein and order in the house.

What are your opinions? Do you think Royland is the better Sentinel for Asher?


  • I think Royland and Asher would work really well together but I get your point. I'm really interested to see how Asher and Duncan work together, when you get down to it Asher's a soldier and Duncan's a diplomat (not literally).

  • What are your reasons for thinking Royland is the better Sentinel for Rodrik?

  • Mostly because I think that Rodrik can fulfill the same role as Duncan. Being diplomatic, cautious and patient.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What are your reasons for thinking Royland is the better Sentinel for Rodrik?

  • You made really good points, and I agree with you, but I still feel the need to post this gif...

    enter image description here

  • My gameplay right now is ROYLAND + ASHER.


    Mostly because I think that Rodrik can fulfill the same role as Duncan. Being diplomatic, cautious and patient.

  • This is why Rodrik is the perfect lord he is both diplomatic and a great warrior but not as animalistic than Asher in a good way.

  • edited November 2015

    This harkens me back to episode 1. I played Ethan as a kid wise beyond his years and very diplomatic. I picked Royland to 'balance him out' except it didn't work that way at all, all Royland did was say stuff that sounded like he wanted to undermine Ethan's authority. They argued, and there was no 'hey Royland here's a more tempered approach that has your ideas.' There was no balance or middle ground available, i agreed or told him to shut up. So i don't approach choices that way anymore.

  • Duncan/Royland will probably die in the ice dragon...

    Just saying....;)

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