Paid money, where's the game?

edited November 2006 in Site Support
I purchased the full collection of Sam & Max, and I got the order confirmation email and all, but where do I go to actually get it? I can't find any links, there aren't any in the email, and there don't seem to be any emails coming after either?

I expected to be able to play after I paid with my credit card...


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    It's still the preorder period. The first episode will be released on Wednesday, so that's when you'll be able to get it. You'll receive an email notification when each subsequent episode is available so you can come over here and download it.
  • edited October 2006
    How come hundreds of people out there are already playing it? These forums are filled with comments, experiences, hints and so on...
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    The game was released on GameTap on October 17. GameTap has a 15-day exclusivity window, so that's the only place the game is available until November 1, when it will be released here.

    This is discussed in various places on the site but it's not made clear on the store page. We'll fix that. Sorry for the confusion.
  • edited October 2006
    That's really weird. You'd expect the official site to have it first. I never heard of Gametap.
    Anyway, I guess I'll just wait then. Thanks for the quick response. I'm happy S&M are back. A few more days won't hurt.
  • edited October 2006
    Actually, it's not that odd at all that GameTap has it first. After all, they paid for it... Without GameTap, nobody would be playing at all. It makes sense that they want an exclusivity period.
  • edited October 2006
    Maybe not, but if that info is nowhere on the site, and they could have told the buyer that you could be playing it at GameTap, when you buy it from the official site, it is weird to later hear that another site is offering it.

    I mean, how am I supposed to know this?
  • edited October 2006
    except wrote: »
    I mean, how am I supposed to know this?

    There was a big link to GameTap on the old version of this site (the new version just came about today).
  • edited October 2006
    except wrote: »
    Maybe not, but if that info is nowhere on the site, and they could have told the buyer that you could be playing it at GameTap, when you buy it from the official site, it is weird to later hear that another site is offering it.

    I mean, how am I supposed to know this?

    That's a good question. Why ISN'T it mentioned on the new version of the site?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    Here is the blog where the arrangement was first explained.

    Unfortunately the whole GameTap thing isn't very clear on the new site right now, but as Legolas noted, this new version just went up at about 5:00 this morning and then the people who were up all night working on it went home to go to sleep. :D Once they're had some rest, we'll get some clearer messaging up about the game's Nov. 1 availability and the 15-day exclusivity at GameTap.
  • edited October 2006
    Well, I just fell into the information hiatus there then. Just my luck, hehe. Just stumbled upon this site this morning.

    That gametap thing seems like an interesting, fun concept though. Might give that a try. After the halloween hangover subsides and I'm out of this british art library where playing sam and max would probably curl up the hair of the already uptight librarian...

    Although obviously that would be EXACTLY what max would do.
    Anyone in for a lan party at the Yale center for british art? I'l' bring the marshmellows. We could all sneak in with our laptops, and populate the place, and then play the special halloween networkable edition of Sam & Max; The critical librarian.
  • edited October 2006
    except wrote: »
    That gametap thing seems like an interesting, fun concept though. Might give that a try.

    If you're interested, don't forget to sign up by October 31. There is a great deal going on right now.
  • edited October 2006
    ... next time, make your games available to all the world at the same time, other wise some people may feel a bit disadvantaged.

    I just hope, you will earn enough money with Sam&Max, that you can publish the next game or season of Sam&Max all over the world at the same time.

    Well, I already knew it before i ordered, just minutes ago, but if I had´nt seen it on the old page, i would also be a bit confused now - because you can´t find that november the first release-information on your new site. (Why not telling about that in the confirmation-mail, at least ?)
    Perhaps with eagle eyes. But I think no one here has some... well beside, some native american.

    Mole-Eye-Marc aka Pink Panther
  • edited October 2006
    ^ I'm pretty sure all six episodes this season will have a two-week exclusive period on GameTap. Again, GameTap helped fund Sam and Max, therefore you can't tell them they can't have an exclusivity period.

    Besides, what game has a worldwide release on the same day? Can you name one?
  • edited October 2006
    Well, I didnt want to make a big discussion out of it, I just told how people in europe may think about it.

    I can accept, that they just need the money from gametap.. ok. But if they dont need it anymore.. why not relasing it everywhere or at least by an worldwide seller ?

    It would at least be a positive argument for globalization. :-)
  • edited October 2006
    Legolas813 wrote: »
    Besides, what game has a worldwide release on the same day? Can you name one?

    Bone. :D

    You're right, though. ;) Heck, in the old days some games never even made it to certain countries.

  • edited October 2006
    Legolas813 wrote: »
    ^ I'm pretty sure all six episodes this season will have a two-week exclusive period on GameTap. Again, GameTap helped fund Sam and Max, therefore you can't tell them they can't have an exclusivity period.

    Well, you can when you didn't know about this, and honestly, in this day and age, excluding people just because they live in a certain part of the world is just ethically dubious. Seriously.
    I work with professional CAD software that is released in Europe 8 hours later than in the US, because of the time difference. You know how much outrage that creates? People are actually completely and utterly insulted by it, but the guys that make the software are in Texas, so what do you expect. It's only 8 hours, but it's about the principle of it.

    This is just weird because it seems as if most games on gametap ARE available to everyone, with some minor exceptions. You might wonder as to why someone makes a decision like this. I am actually predicting it will cost more sales that it will gain, and it will create an unpleasant atmosphere and correlation with your product that you want to avoid at all costs. You don't want to meddle with ethics when you're making a game that is about straight fun and even cynical about real world occurences. It just doesn't make sense.
  • edited October 2006
    ^ I'll copy over a post of mine I made a few days ago on another board:
    The VP of Gametap recently said in an interview that they haven't expanded outside of the U.S. and Canada yet because they wanted to establish the service and make it as good as it could be before they released it worldwide.

    Not to mention, there are strict licensing restrictions in some situations. For example, Canada has access to less games on Gametap than the U.S. (including all games from Sierra). Also Canada has a law where Gametap can only host 49 videos on Gametap TV, meaning Canadian subscribers cannot get the Sam and Max animated series, Mezzo, Megaman, Sealab 2021, etc.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    Well, I already knew it before i ordered, just minutes ago, but if I had´nt seen it on the old page, i would also be a bit confused now - because you can´t find that november the first release-information on your new site. (Why not telling about that in the confirmation-mail, at least ?)

    Would you believe that it just slipped our minds? We've been so busy working on the new site while also updating the old site, I think we just didn't realize that the information wasn't here. It'll be fixed very soon though. :)
  • edited October 2006
    Legolas813 wrote: »
    The VP of Gametap recently said in an interview that they haven't expanded outside of the U.S. and Canada yet because they wanted to establish the service and make it as good as it could be before they released it worldwide.

    Not to mention, there are strict licensing restrictions in some situations. For example, Canada has access to less games on Gametap than the U.S. (including all games from Sierra). Also Canada has a law where Gametap can only host 49 videos on Gametap TV, meaning Canadian subscribers cannot get the Sam and Max animated series, Mezzo, Megaman, Sealab 2021, etc.

    While I appreciate your response, I believe this is just ehm, what one would call 'rubbish'. PR stuff. The internet is a place in itself, this whole 'expanding into' notion is not valid on the net. There are no borders or regions. I sincerely doubt there is a law in canada that would prevent hosting more than 49 videos, I mean, for what purpose, on earth, would a government waste time on making laws that prohibit more than 49 videos on a site. Does this mean Canadadians are not allowed to watch Youtube? Sorry, doesn't fly.

    While Gametap obviously has every right to do as their wish, they shouldn't rationalise irrational and ancient, perhaps even in judgemental attitude rooted, decisions on their side.

    Its the same with companies in the US that refuse to ship overseas for silly reasons, for companies and organisations in the US that deal with international customers to only accept cheques or money orders, which don't exist anymore in more progressive countries, and the list goes on.

    Anyway, getting a bit off topic. I won't be subscribing to GameTap with this kind of sillyness anyway, although I suppose I am 'lucky' because I'm living in New Haven, connecticut, but I don't see why I should be treated any different from, let's say Erwin in Apeldoorn. Where I'd rather be.

    Erwin, pak een brandje voor me volgende keer in t cafe, ok?

    Emily, thanks for your great support. Of course I understand the slip up.
  • edited October 2006
    Made some changes to the text, and added a big green "Pre-Order" to the box. Hopefully that helps things a bit.

    Apologies to anyone who was confused... like Emily said, by the time 7am rolled around, it completely slipped both my and Jake's minds :(
  • edited October 2006
    Well, I just tried the whole thing again, and the pre-order thing helps, but it is still not axplaining that you can go and play it on gametap, which is where my confusion came from, because all these people out there were playing it.

    Good to see you up and awake though. Did you guys have a happiness release party, complete with cherry bonbons, thingemabobs and the world's biggest ball of twine?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    except wrote: »
    Well, I just tried the whole thing again, and the pre-order thing helps, but it is still not axplaining that you can go and play it on gametap, which is where my confusion came from, because all these people out there were playing it.

    Yup, that's coming too. The text changes were just a quick fix.

    Bad timing for you, since you didn't see the site yesterday with the "Play it early on GameTap!" graphics plastered all over the place. :D (Or maybe good timing, considering the new site is so much prettier!) Anyway, thanks for bringing this to our attention, because it is important that we message this properly.
  • edited October 2006
    Well, the site is certainly very fun, and it looks pretty too. Perhaps I wouldn't have bought the game at all after seeing the old design in the order of "I wouldn't trust these graphical nincompoops with making me a grilled cheese and tomato, let alone Sam and Max, I'm outta here!".
    But I didn't see it. So you'll never know.

    Also, the whole ordering process went without a single glitch... good beta testing!
  • edited October 2006
    except wrote: »
    I sincerely doubt there is a law in canada that would prevent hosting more than 49 videos, I mean, for what purpose, on earth, would a government waste time on making laws that prohibit more than 49 videos on a site. Does this mean Canadadians are not allowed to watch Youtube? Sorry, doesn't fly.

    I'm only stating what the GameTap FAQ says:
    Due to Canadian law the video list must be restricted to 49.

    There is also a long list of games that Canadians can't access, but it has nothing to do with GameTap, and everything to do with publishers (i.e. Sierra) that refuse to allow access to these games outside the U.S.
  • edited October 2006
    Crazy Canadians! :P

    Except: Het brandje staat hier in de koelkast, is dat ook goed? ;)

  • edited November 2006
    Wednesday whoo!
  • edited November 2006
    Whooohooo, its Wednesday, isn't it? :D

    Its 7pm in germany, and I'll stay awake until I get your download-email ;)
  • edited November 2006
    emails are being sent out apparently. Havn't gotten mine yet though.
  • edited November 2006
    Me neither :'{

    I'll wait though :D
This discussion has been closed.