Season 2? Fiona and Rhys or Rhys and Sasha?



  • that wasnt a joke

    I see you copying Green's joke. Nothing evades my three nostrils. 5/10

  • Well I look at it this way, even if that was considered weird, wouldn't shipping Rhys and Sasha be weird as well? Considering you know, Rhys is you, and Sasha is a fictional character, so technically you're shipping yourself with someone imaginary.

    ZillionJape posted: »

    I'm not a fan of the Rhys-Fiona fanfiction at all, like none. That's just awkward. Aren't you technically shipping yourself and... yourself? That's why I don't like it. Rhys and Sasha story is a lot better.

  • thats the joke

    Green613 posted: »

    that wasnt a joke

  • u cant outplay me

    thats the joke

  • -engages hemorrhoids medicine-

    Green613 posted: »

    u cant outplay me

  • But wait, isn't Rhys also a fictional character, as is Fiona? That means you're shipping an imaginary version of yourself with another imaginary version of yourself, either that or you're shipping an imaginary version of yourself with someone imaginary, who also happens to be your imaginary sister of your other imaginary self? Oh God my head hurts now.

    Green613 posted: »

    Well I look at it this way, even if that was considered weird, wouldn't shipping Rhys and Sasha be weird as well? Considering you know, Rhys is you, and Sasha is a fictional character, so technically you're shipping yourself with someone imaginary.

  • fuckisigronlsgjfn exactly.

    But wait, isn't Rhys also a fictional character, as is Fiona? That means you're shipping an imaginary version of yourself with another imagi

  • But then what's real and what's imaginary? If Rhys is imaginary, and I'm Rhys, am I imaginary?

    Green613 posted: »

    fuckisigronlsgjfn exactly.

  • jaden cant melt jet fuel

    But then what's real and what's imaginary? If Rhys is imaginary, and I'm Rhys, am I imaginary?

  • Ummmmm...... somewhere there is that I also mean, so umm.... exactly!

    But wait, isn't Rhys also a fictional character, as is Fiona? That means you're shipping an imaginary version of yourself with another imagi

  • If that's how you want to look at it - over the course of TftB you have, among other things, tried to screw yourself over, insulted yourself, spat at yourself, punched yourself in the neck, left yourself behind and were pissed about yourself flirting with your sister. So I assume the entire game was a pretty awkward experience for you, amirite? :)

    ZillionJape posted: »

    I'm not a fan of the Rhys-Fiona fanfiction at all, like none. That's just awkward. Aren't you technically shipping yourself and... yourself? That's why I don't like it. Rhys and Sasha story is a lot better.

  • Personally, I don't like them together, because I don't see my Fiona as having any attraction to Rhys WHATSOEVER. I mean technically if you look at it that way, there are moments where I'm mad at myself for wanting to bone my sister, because I don't think I'm good enough for her. So...yeah. Not greeeeeeat. Lmfao. Oh God...

    ZillionJape posted: »

    I'm not a fan of the Rhys-Fiona fanfiction at all, like none. That's just awkward. Aren't you technically shipping yourself and... yourself? That's why I don't like it. Rhys and Sasha story is a lot better.

  • Rhysha is the only ship in my heart, since the very first episode. I always saw Rhys and Fiona as a growing friendship and mutual respect for one another (in the end at least). But I do get where the Rhyiona shippers are coming from now I've been in the community a while and can see everyone's take on it. They do share some very intimate and cute moments together. And that's the cool thing about these games everyone has their own experience and feelings'n'what not.

    But still I am RHYSHA4lyf, yo. <3

  • checkm8 fam

    enter image description here

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    Not to mention that they open a VAULT together, with Rhys's undeterminant dialogue that basically CONFIRMS Rhyiona:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Also look how cute they look when Gortys praises them:

    enter image description here

    More non determinant scenes

  • But finding the lucky winner of Rhys' weeny.


    DDbaby74 posted: »

    Right? It would seem like this game isn't about Rhys, Fiona, Sasha, and Vaughn finding a vault. But finding the lucky winner of Rhys' weeny.


  • Welcome to videogames, it seems you're new here.

    Dude let me know when you found a game where you're shipping yourself with an other real person and i'm not talking about Tinder.

    Green613 posted: »

    Well I look at it this way, even if that was considered weird, wouldn't shipping Rhys and Sasha be weird as well? Considering you know, Rhys is you, and Sasha is a fictional character, so technically you're shipping yourself with someone imaginary.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2015

    I'm just going to come out and say it: I'd rather the game focus on things other than the romance, if I'm brutally honest. I've seen enough of the "male and female character don't appear to like each other much and constantly argue and bicker with each other, but secretly liked each other all along, and become a couple at the end" in Rhys and Fiona to the point where seeing it not happen for once would be a welcomed change of pace for me. Rhys and Sasha aren't all that much better in that regard, either. I get that this game has a lot of references and cliches, seeing as it is a comedy game after all, but this is one of the few times where I'd prefer them to subvert it rather than play it straight. No offense to either side, but I just think there's a lot more interesting character dynamics that could be explored over romance, but that's just me. Let me make it clear that I don't hate the romantic elements (I'm more indifferent towards them if anything), but I'd just prefer the focus to go elsewhere.

  • Let's face it: Sashas nothing more than a fling or one-night stand for Rhys but Fiona is a fucking LIFETIME


  • My Rhys would never treat Sasha like that. And besides, doesn't Fiona say, as a determinant dialogue, that if we hurt her she'll kill us. So if Rhys would use Sasha as a one night stand, wouldn't that give Fiona a reason to kill him?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Let's face it: Sashas nothing more than a fling or one-night stand for Rhys but Fiona is a fucking LIFETIME Rhyiona

  • That's why you gotta be all slick and never do anything to ever want to be in a relationship with Sasha and drop "#TheTruth" on Fiona if you know what im sayin

    enter image description here

    My Rhys would never treat Sasha like that. And besides, doesn't Fiona say, as a determinant dialogue, that if we hurt her she'll kill us. So if Rhys would use Sasha as a one night stand, wouldn't that give Fiona a reason to kill him?

  • My Rhys would never treat Sasha like that.

    Actually...he would. I never meant it in a bad way but they would hook up once and it would be awkward and they wouldn't do anything else after that.

    Sasha is nothing special and we all know deep down Rhys and Fiona are THE real couple here....DAT ENDING. Don't even try Metallica, I will literally go to your house, kidnap you, take you to the meat locker and force you to watch Rhyiona action....

    My Rhys would never treat Sasha like that. And besides, doesn't Fiona say, as a determinant dialogue, that if we hurt her she'll kill us. So if Rhys would use Sasha as a one night stand, wouldn't that give Fiona a reason to kill him?

  • Don't even try Metallica, I will literally go to your house, kidnap you, take you to the meat locker and force you to watch Rhyiona action....

    Skip to 0:33

    enter link description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    My Rhys would never treat Sasha like that. Actually...he would. I never meant it in a bad way but they would hook up once and it wou

  • Hey!

    I withdraw my previous statement. Screw Rhysha.

  • Now that was hilarious!

    Don't even try Metallica, I will literally go to your house, kidnap you, take you to the meat locker and force you to watch Rhyiona action.... Skip to 0:33 enter link description here

  • enter image description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Let's face it: Sashas nothing more than a fling or one-night stand for Rhys but Fiona is a fucking LIFETIME Rhyiona

  • enter image description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Let's face it: Sashas nothing more than a fling or one-night stand for Rhys but Fiona is a fucking LIFETIME Rhyiona

  • Guys, did Rhysha win the shipping war since it was the majority of people who played the game shipped them?

  • enter image description here

    kaza125 posted: »

    Guys, did Rhysha win the shipping war since it was the majority of people who played the game shipped them?

  • Nobody "won" anything.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Guys, did Rhysha win the shipping war since it was the majority of people who played the game shipped them?

  • edited November 2015

    it was a tie.

    but if we're counting all the ships, then rhysha and rhyiona won

    and rhack is pissed at us...

    kaza125 posted: »

    Guys, did Rhysha win the shipping war since it was the majority of people who played the game shipped them?

  • Go to 2:17:06 :D

    lottii-lu posted: »

    it was a tie. but if we're counting all the ships, then rhysha and rhyiona won and rhack is pissed at us...

  • edited November 2015

    ...and your point is? That it shows the same stat twice with different numbers attached to it?

    Nevermind, that was the screen before - still I don't get your point. By the way, if you add "&t=2h17m6s" at the end of your link, you will jump straight to that moment.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Go to 2:17:06

  • Means that more people shipped Rhysha than Rhyiona, so they win? :D

    Navoc posted: »

    ...and your point is? That it shows the same stat twice with different numbers attached to it? Nevermind, that was the screen before - st

  • Disregarding that a) people easily ended up "shipping Rhysha" even if they actually didn't ship anybody (which I can tell you from first-hand experience) and that b) I don't think this should be a competition since it comes down to nothing but personal taste - more people eat at McDonald's than at El Celler de Can Roca. Does that make it the better restaurant?

    kaza125 posted: »

    Means that more people shipped Rhysha than Rhyiona, so they win?

  • There's no "winning."

    The only way you win is if you get what you wanted.

    Its a personal preference, not to mention the difficulty to get the other option, I mean if you stay silent the game says you shipped Rhys and Sasha.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Means that more people shipped Rhysha than Rhyiona, so they win?

  • edited November 2015

    i feel as if i should say this because i'm so sick of this argument.

    it doesn't matter how many people went with the rhysha route. most who play are regular gamers and just take anything what telltale gives them, it dosen't mean rhysha "won". not only that but the option for rhys to like fiona was difficult to get.

    at the end of the day we was able to choose who we wanted; i went with fiona, you went with sasha. let's just leave it that. this isn't a competition about how many people went with who.

    as long as my rhys wasn’t forced to be with someone i didn’t want him to be with, then that’s good enough for me.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Go to 2:17:06

  • I second that! We all won...Rhys, which is a good thing? I guess? Honestly, I didn't even know Rhyiona was an option until days after the episode was released. And it is a chore to get that option. So I wouldn't bank on those numbers. (I say as an avid rhysha shipper). There were probably tons of sheep shippers who just went with what Telltale was providing for them (they were not subtle about rhysha, not at all). The people who really got shafted were Gayperion shippers (which SUCKS. Those two really SHOULD have been an option, kinda bitter about that myself.) and Rhack (which luckily was NOT an option. Thank the Gods.)

    So yeah! Shipping wars are lame, unless they're funny. Which Rhysha vs. Rhyiona is NOT. It's just repetitive at this point. Let's all just enjoy our respective ships and be glad Telltale let Rhys the Pimp choose between the two hot Pandoran sisters. Which still sounds SUPER bad, and even worse now that I said Rhys the Pimp. I regret it, but I'm too lazy to go back and delete so. We will all just have to deal with. There it is. Just sitting there. Rhys the Pimp. Yeah. GreeeaT.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    i feel as if i should say this because i'm so sick of this argument. it doesn't matter how many people went with the rhysha route. most w

  • The people who really got shafted were Gayperion shippers (which SUCKS. Those two really SHOULD have been an option, kinda bitter about that myself.)

    yeah, i found gayperion pretty cute (until that vaughn and august shoulder touch) and they would of been a great option, i'd probably be stuck between that or rhyiona.

    Which still sounds SUPER bad, and even worse now that I said Rhys the Pimp.

    he did managed to get either one of the two hot sisters, let alone being shipped with everything and everyone. the fandom make him sound like a pimp, so if anything it sounds pretty accurate.

    besides i like the name "rhys the pimp" ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I second that! We all won...Rhys, which is a good thing? I guess? Honestly, I didn't even know Rhyiona was an option until days after the ep

  • Aw yes the shoulder touch. So gentle. So tender. The stuff OTPs are made from.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    The people who really got shafted were Gayperion shippers (which SUCKS. Those two really SHOULD have been an option, kinda bitter about that

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