What Do You All Think About The Complaints About The Lack Of Male Nudity In The Show

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

My opinion on the issue, if you can call it that. Is that peoples argument about how because there is a lot of female nudity that there should be more male nudity. Is that it doesn't make much sense. The majority of female nudity on the show is bare breasts. Not many vaginas are shown. But people are complaining that they want to see full frontal male nudity. Even though in the show they don't show full frontal female nudity.


  • edited November 2015

    The female body looks a lot better compared to the male body.

    Even though I would agree (considering I'm a straight male) that's completely subjective, I'm sure many straight women, or gay men would be more than happy to disagree with you on that.

  • There has been full male nudity, not much but it's there.

  • I don't watch the show, but the book is full of naked people, both men and women. Usually Tyrion and the occasional prostitute he is bedding. With detailed descriptions of breasts and dicks. I don't remember any descriptions of vaginas, though.

    Maybe they should start showing more male butts in the show so not to blatantly favor one over the other, if they don't want to show genitals? I don't remember any instance when the books described butts, but one good thing about butt is that everybody has them, both men and women.

    Man I can't believe I just wrote this comment.

  • Who honestly gives a crap? This is not rhetorical or dismissive. I'm seriously wondering who gives one fraction of a fuck. I want to hear what these people have to say.

  • I've seen plenty of male nudity in this show to last a lifetime. Just last season there was that fat guy who was shamed by those monk guys.

  • There are plenty of man butts XD

    Abeille posted: »

    I don't watch the show, but the book is full of naked people, both men and women. Usually Tyrion and the occasional prostitute he is bedding

  • I want to see an episode where everyone is in the nude for the entire thing for no reason! I demand it! These things are important to me!

    Who honestly gives a crap? This is not rhetorical or dismissive. I'm seriously wondering who gives one fraction of a fuck. I want to hear what these people have to say.

  • feminists... i guess

    Who honestly gives a crap? This is not rhetorical or dismissive. I'm seriously wondering who gives one fraction of a fuck. I want to hear what these people have to say.

  • edited November 2015

    Probably about the same as women then. I think the showrunners just use nudity when needed and don't give a fawk about gender politics. Because they are writing a TV show that has nothing to do with any of this.

    EDIT: Oh, and I think we can all agree on Hodor's glorious wang.

  • Oh, and I think we can all agree on Hodor's glorious wang.

    I hope this doesn't become a trend...

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Probably about the same as women then. I think the showrunners just use nudity when needed and don't give a fawk about gender politics. Be

  • I honestly couldn't care less at this point. GoT has never failed to be interesting. As long as it stays that way, they can throw in a bloody orgy for all I care.

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