Mira Forrester (and Walter White): Does Mira Enjoy Playing the Game?

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

The Game of Thrones - does she as a character within her personal capacity actually enjoy partaking in the political intrigues of King's Landing?

The comparison to Walter White comes from the realization of a possibility: In Breaking Bad Walter White got into the underground meth industry to support his family, yet overtime it becomes clear with each of his increasingly ruthless actions that he's in the illicit business for more than just his family, as he admits to a part of himself actually doing it not for his family but for himself because he enjoyed it and was good at it.

What if: Mira is actually bored and unsatisfied with her role as a simple handmaiden to the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and while she is obviously concerned for the well being of her family following the Red Wedding and the Bolton's ascent to power which becomes her primary motivation at attempting to play the game (of thrones), what if Mira actually realizing that she's surprisingly competent at it for a mere handmaiden and enjoys the increasingly dark and dangerous path she is carving out for herself? Her new life as a player in the game could somehow be more desirable to her than her old life as a just another handmaiden?

You know in Episode 5 when Cersei confronts Mira she points out (determinantly?) how family is what they use to justify to themselves for what they do, masking their true less noble motivations of actually playing the game not for their family but for themselves? Or at least a part of them do?

And Sera also notices by Episode 5 how much Mira has changed from the friend she knew back in Episode 1, so perhaps the story is indicating that playing the game is changing Mira's personality but in what way? Less innocent and straightforward as she once seemed to be?

Is family Mira's sole motivation for playing the game or is that an excuse she tells herself to mask her enjoyment? It doesn't invalidate her feelings towards her family which are probably her most conscious motivations but do you think deep down her motivations are not as pure?


  • I do think that yes, Mira enjoys playing the game. The way she smiled when Morgryn complimented her on making Andros angry tells me she was feeling proud of herself. Same for when she teases Morgryn about stealing a business deal from right under his nose (determinant).

    So yes, I think she is not doing it only for her family. She found out that, with a few well-placed words, she can get stuff done by herself. Or, even better, she can get people to do stuff for her. She made Sera get her in the Coronation Feast, she got Tarwick to reveal Lyman's secret, then got Lyman to break up his partnership with Andros. She might even have gotten Cersei to kill Andros for her. Sure she has House Forrester's best interests at heart, but I think that she would keep playing the game even after her house is out of immediate danger.

  • edited November 2015

    I think at first the game was really stressing her out but as time passed she grew to love it. You can tell she's enjoying herself by the way she acts in EP3 and EP4.

  • edited November 2015

    So, is Tom Jesse? xD

    Tom, we're cooking tonight...

    enter image description here

  • I made Mira a cunning, wine loving, sassy and secretive person, so I hope for more Mira time dammit!

  • You might be the only funny body part Reggie ever had :)

    ...and then he lost you and became a sad excuse for a character and eventually died.

    So, is Tom Jesse? xD Tom, we're cooking tonight...

  • that's mean...

    You might be the only funny body part Reggie ever had ...and then he lost you and became a sad excuse for a character and eventually died.

  • That's my Mira too. She is also charming and flirty with Tom, Morgryn, Garibald and Tyrion.

    I made Mira a cunning, wine loving, sassy and secretive person, so I hope for more Mira time dammit!

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