What Was Your Initial Reaction When You First Made The Choice At The End Of Episode Five?



  • Not to burst your bubble but both options are bad as Telltale likes to kill determinant characters. Pft Gared and Malcolm wont know of either.

    I thought that "why the hell did they come straight into a trap!!" Then I thought about who would best lead everyone into battle. Then I

  • Just think Rodrik survived the Red Wedding and surgery( surviving the surgery is more impressive ) Took nothing from Gryff, went into his enemies base and survived ( If we get to kill every Whitehill Im on the fence about Gwyn), and he could kill Gryff and Ludd and maybe save Ryon although I fell Telltale will kill him off. Now Norren where ever he is he better bring me an army I saved his squire for him!

    After I realized I had to make a choice 1. Turned off my xbox 2. cried myself to sleep 3. woke up and chose to scruff de Asher (Why I

  • edited November 2015

    enter link description hereThis is how it felt to me!

  • This is how it felt

    Lawrence93 posted: »

    enter link description hereThis is how it felt to me!

  • Welp, not cheating death this time, Rodrik.

  • On a previous thread which I made, it took me 47 days to make a choice between the two. I was going over what positives and negatives they both have and I even shed a tear before letting Asher go.

    He went out in a blaze of glory, took about half of the Whitehills out in that ambush and brought some fighters for House Forrester. He completed his quest home, sadly he doesn't live in my main playthrough but lives on in my alternate file.

    I had to save Rodrik, not because I don't like Asher or all the attention he gets but it's because we've already lost TWO lord's of Ironrath within the space of a few weeks at most for the House. Another loss of a lord would just send the House into utter chaos, the townsfolk would flee.. everyone would be in a mess. Not sounding harsh but losing Asher would calm the house down just a little bit more than Rodrik.

    I know he could become the next lord and I took that into consideration and it is a older brother's duty to protect his younger blood but I had to think what I would do if I was Asher or Rodrik and it just made more sense to leave Asher behind.

    Gryff as well just could not for me smirk over Rodrik's corpse thinking he's won, that is for most people how Rodrik's story ends and Asher's is a extra chapter to his story. It would make more sense for Rodrik to take down the Whitehills, he's come a long way to become what he is today,a man and a true lord.

    It does sadden me that one of them are now deceased and wish they would have both made it to Episode 6, you can still play as two people, they did it with Borderlands.

    Rodrik will avenge everyone this house has lost.

    Iron From Ice.

  • I remember leading up to the choice thinking "oh shit oh shit, how's this gonna work? This is GOT, someone's gonna die...but maybe not, right? Please?". As soon as Rodrik had that look of despair and said "One of us has to stay", my heart dropped. Whitehills readied their crossbows, time slowed down, and by this time I was screaming obscenities at my computer screen lol.

    I had Rodrik stay behind. He was the one who suggested someone had to stay, so it seemed kinda lame to have him be like "One of us has to stay...(waits for Asher to speak up)" Also, as an older brother myself, I know I'd take the fall for my younger brother and Rodrik seemed like the type to do so as well, even if it meant letting Gryff get the last laugh.

    The whole scene was the most impactful, painful choice I've ever made in a video game.

    I'm really hoping for an epic, emotionally tense fight between Asher and Gryff. Gryff will get what's coming to him in a big way.

  • enter image description here

    Catelyn: Me

    Walder: Telltale

  • XD brilliant!

    Catelyn: Me Walder: Telltale

  • I thought what was the point of not killing Duncan and him telling me their plan if I was going to be trapped and had to sacrifice one of them either way.

  • I thought it was a stupid choice and still think so. It's like there's a third man who said to either of them, go sacrifice yourself, because I always put my perspective in the characters shoes. How can I be two characters and decide who will be killed? I wanted to kill Asher because I saw more similarities in myself and Rodrik than in myself and Asher.

  • People say I look like Rodrik. A lot actually.

    ZillionJape posted: »

    I thought it was a stupid choice and still think so. It's like there's a third man who said to either of them, go sacrifice yourself, becaus

  • My first reaction was: "Nooo! Dammit! Fuck that! Rodrick, you're getting the fuck out of there!" And after I made that choice, I then had a huge smile plastered on my face that Asher went out, LIKE A BADASSSSS! Overall, I loved/hated that final choice.

  • Also, as an older brother myself, I know I'd take the fall for my younger brother

    Damn, I never thought about that. I'd take the fall for my brother, I love him to pieces... Now I feel like a douche for letting Rodrick stay alive.

    TimothyJay posted: »

    I remember leading up to the choice thinking "oh shit oh shit, how's this gonna work? This is GOT, someone's gonna die...but maybe not, righ

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