The more I think about it...

The more I think about it, episode 1 would actually work really well as a standalone movie

Most Telltale first episodes basically sets up the story for later episodes, and this one does as well, but if they just took out the ending where they stumble upon the Gortys pieces...this tells a complete story about trying to retrieve the 10 million dollars

Not saying it should become a movie, just saying it would work as one

Anyone else agree?


  • edited November 2015

    I agree. First episode could have seriously been a pilot or something to see if people were interested or whatever for more. It would've ended bitterly I guess since they never got the money, but eh it could've worked.

  • i would rather have a tv series

  • It was by far one of the most enjoyable first episodes Telltale ever made. I loved the episode, and funnily enough it's not even my favourite episode of the game!

  • Whoa never thought about it.. It Actually really is!

  • Oh yeah! Just a few extra scenes here and there, I think that'd be pretty cool. The whole thing would make a great movie/ tv series though if they cast it and done it right though.

  • TftBL would make a fantastic Trilogy. Some scenes would need to Be slightly changed, But still.

  • Every telltale game could be a movie

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