Why Will You Choose Sylvi Over Cotter? (Episode 6 Speculation)

Okay, if it comes down to it in Episode 6 within Gared's storyline where you must choose between saving Cotter or Sylvi I'm expect like 60% to 80% of all players will choose to save Sylvi and let Cotter die in her place. I'm curious as to why most players appear to have this mindset, even though Gared has known Cotter for longer since Episode 1 and Sylvi was only introduced in Episode 4 - so why does she get so much love from the players while Cotter doesn't?

Its not just because people want to ship Gared and Sylvi is it? I mean, am I the only grossed out by that?


  • Bros for hoes :)

  • ...?

    Xemnes posted: »

    Bros for hoes

  • Honestly, because she is like 13. She is (in my eyes, not on GoT character's eyes) just a kid.

  • If both Cotter and Sylvi will become determinant characters, then its likely they won't survive into the next season, so regardless of who you save they will eventually die on way or the other - I do wonder how Sylvi will die, hope she doesn't get mauled by a bear or something like that...

  • I'd save Cotter, he's Gared's last friend and a brother. I really like Sylvi though.

  • Can't I keep both? They're both awesome.

  • I'd save Sylvi because that's what Cotter would want me to do

  • I don't know, I think either one would be pissed off at you for not saving the other one.

  • They're going north. I bet it's mighty cold there. So, Gared will need to hug someone to avoid hypothermia. I'd rather embrace young, pretty Sylvi than Cotter potato fooker.

  • Ha and true because men emit heat and women absorb heat or vies versa.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    They're going north. I bet it's mighty cold there. So, Gared will need to hug someone to avoid hypothermia. I'd rather embrace young, pretty Sylvi than Cotter potato fooker.

  • Cotter just because.

  • I'd pick her because she at least knows something about the North Grove and Cotter's just like um uh I don't know, ask Sylvi. And I love our friendly neighbourhood potato fooker as much as anyone else but I think there's a lot more to Sylvi than we've seen. There has to be a reason she looks like she does. Maybe she's ~magic~

  • Cotter all the way!This guy is absolutely awesome.Great friend indeed.Even if you act like absolute dick to him,he will still help you ,cause he understands how family is important.HE IS DA REAL MVP


  • I really liked Silvy's character and I kinda dislike Cotter...

    And btw we know Cotter since TLL not IFI.

  • Sylvi-because she knows more about the north grove and has information more than cotter. cotter once said "some place north, i'd be as lost as you."
    im not saying that sylvi knows where exactly but she has more history.

  • I actually would save Cotter over Sylvi. We're bros.

  • Always save the potato fucker

  • Bros before hoes*

    Xemnes posted: »

    Bros for hoes

  • Cotter. I can't let him die too.

  • edited November 2015


  • Interesting... I'm actually surprised about the sizable minority of players who actually do intend to save Cotter over Sylvi.

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