/!\ SPOILERS BEWARE /!\ Question regarding ******** (Closed)

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Thanks a lot for the answers, that's what I was looking for.


  • Ummm your sentinel and Talia find Asher/Rodrik at the end of the game...

  • Actually I just played through a version where it was Gwyn and Talia that find you at the end. I don't know what triggered it, but it happened.

    unseenclass posted: »

    Ummm your sentinel and Talia find Asher/Rodrik at the end of the game...

  • In the Codex it says that the sentinel dies fighting off the whitehills. And if you let the traitor live, he ( or Gwyn) shows up at the end with Talia.

  • Royland was my sentinel and I killed the traitor, Royland and Talia turned up at the end

  • For me It looked like Duncan died, and then Talia and Royalnd (my traitor I didnt kill) showed up.

    unseenclass posted: »

    Ummm your sentinel and Talia find Asher/Rodrik at the end of the game...

  • Duncan was my traitor but I didn't kill him in episode 5. My sentinel Royland put Asher on a horse, fought and probably died. The traitor Duncan and Talia found Asher when he dropped from the horse.

  • In mine My sentinal and talia found me so the traitor if you let him live finds you or gwyn does? Gwyn stabbed me in my game so its not her

  • In mine... I'm pretty sure it was Asher/Talia/Gwyn thats it.

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