What's the worst decision you've ever made while playing this game?

Mine would probably be feeding the poison to Cotter. I figured it'd be a calming death for him, and then when the choice to stay at the North Grove or go to Ironwood came up, I chose to go back.

I realized that the girl who used blood magic didn't have enough control over her army, so we aren't going to be very helpful.


  • In your defense, this is pretty much the only episode that introduces magic and then asks you to make a decision regarding said magic that isn't fully explained. It can be quite overwhelming considering most of the game (even series) didn't involve magic at all.

    I feel like I fuck up dialogue the most and do fine for most of the major decisions.

  • Letting Elaena stay at Ironrath...

    I hope to god they knew who she was and didn't kill her...

  • Killing Damian

    And I told Elena that this was war... Which I guess means to stay in Ironrath... And then she got taken. I wanted her to run!!!!

  • I don't regret any of it. Fuck the Whitehills. Fuck the Boltons. Fuck the Lannisters. IRON FROM ICE!

  • Most of my responses were variations of FUCK YOU when I was talking to the Whitehills

    Mautiks posted: »

    I don't regret any of it. Fuck the Whitehills. Fuck the Boltons. Fuck the Lannisters. IRON FROM ICE!

  • My worst decision was believing that episode 6 would be a decent conclusion.

  • Sparing the Whitehill/Bolton soldier as Gared after they attacked the farm. With the replays, I kill him every single time.

  • Believe me man, poisoning cotter wasnt stupid. You can still caught enough beating hearts on the way to iron wrath. No matter what the do in season 2 THIS choice will not make any diffrence. If Telltale wants us to destroy the whitehills, than it will happen. If telltale decides to let the whitehills win, than this will happen. Your choice on cotter will only matter, how sylvi will stay to you. So you choosed bros before hoes so...I say good job.

  • I only regret letting mira die. That was kinda stupid, after betraying Sera^^

  • Deciding to ambush Ludd and then calling it off. Ended in Gryff's death, though I always knew, that if the choice comes to killing either him, or his father, it'll be Ludd. So I'll be rewinding, this is too important for me.

  • Telling Ludd. He was welcome and then not knowing "it's just a chair" would make Asher pull out his note cards and recite a full essay on why it's just a chair.

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