


  • I kinda regret agreeing to marry Morgryn as Mira because now Mira is going to be a slave and Tom died... :|

    Yet I just can't kill her or my heart will break... again ;-;

  • I regret stopping my mother from drinking the wine. I prefer a dead ludd over a dead gryff.
    I played my mira as a true forrester, noble to the very end. She died on her own terms and with honour. I'd rather have a dead mira, than be a prisoner and see my house fall in the hands of that snake. I also took the blame for the garden party and I was a great friend to sera (she didnt deserve it though).
    I protected tom, because he saved my life. He was the only true friend mira had.
    Gared gave cotter the poison, because he was my friend. I made a promise to protect sylvi and i intend to keep it. Also cutting out the beating heart of a person is seriously messed up.
    The thing that bugged me the most though is gwyn stabbing asher. I hope that I get to kill that bitch in season 2.

  • Yeah I dont get this? Does she die in some version because I just played rodrick and she just got taken away

    Elaena. I might actually go back and change it. I don't want to though. Hopefully Gryff does something about it.

  • I did the same... I love Mira, I just couldn't let her die! I don't regret the choice, but I do regret the context of the choice (betraying Tom).

  • edited November 2015

    I couldn't live with not going after Ryon... Beskha rushed it when I ran out of time and picked Ludd for me, I've changed that.
    My only other regret that I can think of is asking Margery for help in episode 1 (in my original save game).

    Oh and I didn't realise you could pick your battle strategy?? I ended up going to their camp, leading to the death of the mother (I didn't get a choice to save/sacrifice her - instead she showed up at the battle to save Rodrik's life and was stabbed in the neck I think). I saved smallfolk over fortifying the keep which was, in hindsight, a rather pointless decision given that they died anyway.

  • I only regret not getting my hands on more of those Whitehill bastards!

    At least I got to stab Gryff in his stomach and behead him and shove my sword through the back of that guard captain's skull. Two down, more to come!

    I just hope that season 2 allows me to express my deepest condolences to Ludd that I had to leave Gryffs head on the ground in the camp, instead of presenting it on a spike at his execution. What a terrible breach of etiquette on my part. Won't happen again.

  • Yeah, her being taken away to be presumably raped.

    Yeah I dont get this? Does she die in some version because I just played rodrick and she just got taken away

  • I let her get dragged off to be presumably be raped. If only the end of the game had Talia, Elaena, and Duncan.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Elaena? What do you mean?

  • I ripped out Cotter's heart for the blood magic, sorry Sylvi.

  • Can you even make her leave? I thought she'd just stay anyway.

    I let her get dragged off to be presumably be raped. If only the end of the game had Talia, Elaena, and Duncan.

  • The fact that our poor brave little Tom could be convicted if Mira were set free didn't even occur to me, I was truly only thinking of myself (Mira). I let pride delay my decision. I should have let Tom die. He was prepared to sacrifice himself for me earlier, I should taken it as implicit consent.

    Plus he was all dirty and didn't have a family to worry about. Mira had so much more to lose.

    I think I'm a horrible person for that sociopathic reasoning, but sigh...... Poor poor Mira....

    Yeah well he did and it put a gigantic damper on my day. Although, at least I saved myself of an even shittier one if Mira had been the one to go. I'm not happier being alive, I just feel like an ass.

  • Wait, so how did people get to kill Ludd and Gryff? Did you have to choose the poison option or something? I couldn't have Asher do that as I wanted to have him killed by my sword not like a little B*tch.

    My only regret was actually looking forward to seeing what the North Grove was, what a let down. I left that place to march South because well...screw it this place was a huge let down to me.

  • I killed the mother! Omg, I was so close to clicking "stop her" then ran out of time. DEFINITELY REGRETTED.

  • Just saw your reaction

    I ripped out Cotter's heart for the blood magic, sorry Sylvi.

  • Cause The North Grove Must Never be Lost I suppose

    Xemnes posted: »

    i only regret letting mira die. the rest was ok and pretty epic. I killed Ludd, because hes obvoiusly a better leader than gryff, saved Elae

  • My choices exactly :-)

    rachida89 posted: »

    I regret stopping my mother from drinking the wine. I prefer a dead ludd over a dead gryff. I played my mira as a true forrester, noble to

    1. Mira's death (I just can't believe this)
    2. Rodrik's death (someones got to stay behind I guess)
    3. Lady Forrester's death (she didn't deserve such a brutal death. Poisoned to death was better than that)
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