Them feels... Ep6 Thoughts

Ive been lurking here for the past few months, patiently waiting for episode six to come out. I got myself pumped up for this episode with this speech that gives me the feels.This episode had some of the best moments during the entire season, like when gryff was squealing with a blade through his throat, when we see asher/rodrik covered in blood and gore and u hear the theme that played when your other bro went out like a badass and u think this is the end, when we see him kneeling beside his dying mother, or when we think mira is gonna somehow escape the execution, we see her walking up those steps and kneeling. When we see that camera angling at the sword in the sky and we get our ned stark flashbacks, and we mildly think oh, wow this is really happening ._.
I think this episode was an epic and emotional ride, that was worth the wait. On other threads I have read this episode in particular has received some criticism that I found myself agreeing with like the graphical glitches and why Mira was mirrored to become a Sansa type of character; be married off to doucheface here, or go out with dignity and pride. I havent read the books but in the tv show sansa is set up to become a victim and lives a miserable life. My mira is a cunning and wise handmaiden that gave the game of thrones her best but ultimately would rather die than to become a prisoner and live a horrible life.

What really bothered me was when we are telling ludd to go eat a dick and we see him and gryff smirking, and you think what r they smiling about? Then you realize and as they slowly pull out asher's head on a spike, i turned away a couple of times, this tbh made my blood boil, like i just said to myself u all are gonna die. When I realized that we were gonna battle it out at ironrath, i was afraid we could lose bc I had duncan as my sentinel, and not royland and royland was great military figure and such. when we were sneaking around their camp, i thought to myself it was life or death so i used the horses as a distraction. When we could follow either gryff or ludd, it would have been smarter to kill ludd bc gryff is a fourthborn dimwit but i was afraid if i went after ludd, gryff would kill ryon and so i went after gryff. Boy oh boy, ludd would have been a fine kill but gryff, revenge is a dish best served cold and we got a satisfying kill. I knew when beskha and ryon were gone she took him with her away from the battle. During the battle I saw the smallfolk being massacred but we had to defend the gate, we were all going to die. When we fight harys you get that mountain vibe like hes too strong to beat in combat so we have to do something else, outsmart him. Idk when I saw his sword go through rodrik, i thought damn that def hit an organ or something, but we get the mom who saves us, but we got a sad scene. When rodrik is battling to ludd and the song kicks in its like, im not going out without a fight and then you see soldiers about to kill u and you see the dialogue options and it was like the north remembers or fuck you all, and i was like fuck you all n duncan dolphin dives to your rescue as you see Elaena getting dragged off... You get that moment where duncan makes his sacrifice as you are lugged onto a horse as all your other riders die n you see the soldier with you got shot with an arrow, n ur like oh shit. When you see rodrik fall off his horse ur thinking back to that moment when he crawled off that corpse cart and ur thinking not this time rodrik ;_; ... and out comes royland with talia and ur like omfg thank you im so glad to see u guys, now pls get me da fuq outta here!

Gareds story was kept to a minimal in the story as you meet with the bastards of gregor forrester, n ur like lol his pull-out game weak xD. no but seriously who is the mother and what is the north grove? I was going in to the tribal ceremony like uhh da fuq is going on? tribal theme starts playing; end cotters suffering or sacrifice. Lol im not an asshole when you see ur friend who helped u get here the least you can do is not make him suffer. When i chose that, the theme just awkwardly and abrubtly ends like cut that shit off.

We had to chose to either go to ironrath or stay and protect the north grove i was thinking about what gregor said about how it must never be lost n so i stayed bc ppl think that they will be rodrik/ashers new army n its like at this point thats not gonna happen as gared doesnt know jack shit, only knows what gregor told him so he doesnt know rodrik/asher lost and could use some backup, so i stayed. When the episode ended i was like damn that was a great season finale, I dont mind the cliff hangers as they pretty much tell us we're continuing the forrester plotline and I look forward to next season whenever it comes out, hopefully soon...


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