Your choices from your first playthrough

So, as you know, after knowing what happens at the story, you kinda know what choices are the right one after seeing the outcomes. What I want to know is all tour choices from you original playthrough and why you choose that. In the menu you can see all your choices. So, here I go.

Episode 1

- Stayed with Bowen / There is no point in letting him stay. I would have another sword by my side at the history. Or so I thought.

- Swore loyalty to the King / Of course I did. It was what Margaery wanted me to do, and Cersei as well.

- Showed mercy on Erik / Yes, he stealed from House Forrester, but, he did to protect his family, or at least he tried. Since I was going to do everything to protect my family, I couldn't punish him, otherwise I would be punishing myself. So, yeah.

- Chose Duncan as Sentinel / I thought it was the right thing to do. Being smart about the war, but I kinda regret this decision.

- Meet Ramsay at the Great Hall / It's fucking Ramsay. Making him wait is not smart at all.

Episode 2

- Didn't write a letter to the Glenmores / What if Margaery found out? She is the only one who could help me in KL. Or so i thought.

- Kiss Ludd's ring / Ryon deserved to see his father and brother funeral. I regret nothing.

- Win the betrothal with Eleana Glenmore / Offered Ironwood. It's nothing compared with loosing Ironrath and all the ironwood trees to the Whitehills.

- Stayed at Cotter side / I actually didn't. I trully wanted to expose him. But somehow I let the time pass.

- Killed Mira's attacker / No one is killing my Mira. Or so I thought.

Episode 3

- Saved Malcom / Family first. I was all "come back to Westeros and help my family" with Asher, but Beskha always said things like "Fuck the North". So yeah. Even though Bheska end up being one of my favorite characters.

- Avoided Tyrion / Margaery asked, and like I said, she is the only one who could help me. But she was just an asshole.

- Abandoned Britt / He was already dead anyway, and I wanted to make look like self defense, which it was.

- Submit to Gryff / Didn't want my mother or sister hurt, or Ironrath burning, so yeah. I do regret though.

- Keep the Ironwood decree / Who knows? Maybe I could help my family with that.

Episode 4

- Bring Finn with you / Why not? I always liked him, even though he is a bastard. But my kind of bastard.

- Showed mercy on Gryff / Wanted to trade him for Ryon, so he had to be with no injuries. And Ludd was always my goal.

- Keep Sera's secret / Didn't want to ruin that poor girl life, at first. So i didn't reveal her secret about being a bastard.

- Ordered the Glenmores soldiers to stay at Ironrath / A Lord with no keep is not Lord at all.

- Stopped Bheska from killing the slave master / Needed Daenerys help. Of course she is a arrogant bitch and didn't help me at all, even though I did EVERYTHING she and Croft asked me to do.

Episode 5

- Didn't stabbed Ramsay / What's the point here, die?

- Told Tyrion Cersei send Mira / I kinda owed him, and I didn't want to be Cersei's puppet. I'm Margaery's puppet. A girl must have a code.

- Imprisioned the traitor / He could redeem himself. Always liked Ser Royland, even though he betrayed me. And, in the end, he was there for me.

- Rodrik stayed behind / I have no explanation for this. I was like, ten minutes watching a paused game trying to fucking decide. But, in my head, Asher is the kind of lord the Forresters needed, and Rodrik hold the reins untill Asher arrive. So... Yeah. I don't know, really.

Episode 6

- Lied to Margaery and Sera was dismissed / After I saw what a bitch Sera was, even though I was always kind to her, I had to do this. And, like I said to Margaery, she always tried to take Mira's place, since the beginning.

- Refused to marry Morgryn / I would never let that man control the Forrester House through Mira. I would never marry a snake like him with my beloved Mira. I couldn't let him win. And I really killed the Lannister guard, not Tom. So yeah, I've lost my head. But the disappointment in his face after I refused was worth it. The blade through my neck though, wasn't.

- Killed Cotter for blood magic / The bastard girl, who I forgot the name already, needed, and Cotter was already dead anyway. The cursed soldiers could be useful, a happy Syilvi, couldn't.

- Exposed the plan to poison Ludd / I couldn't let another Forrester die in my watch, so I stopped Lady Forrester for drinking it and killed Gryff instead. Of course she died later, which make me regret my decision, but what the hell. What is done is done.

- Leaved the North Grove / You will all pay, Whitehill bastards. My cursed army and a fucking snow bear will make sure of it.

I know, it is a long thread, and it could take a while to write everything down. But, I had to make this to see another players choices in the entire game.

Original playthroughs, we don't ever forget it. The Gamers Remembers


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