Parallel between Starks and Forresters in Season 2

This season ends in the same note as Season 1 of GoT TV Show. Stark house fallen, important people dead, the family dispersed. Arya, Sansa, Jon, Rob... And that's where the TV show BEGINS.

What I mean is... Forresters still have a lot of potential in a story.

I had abandoned hope that the Forrester house would be saved. I'm pretty sure we could get some cool POV characters in Season 2 a couple of years after the fall of the house. Ryon, Talia and Gared I'd say. As most of the rest is non determinant, they'll turn into secondary characters (as much as I loved Mira).

What do you think? Would you explore their story after the fall of House Forrester? Or focus on a different family?

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