How would you have felt if Beska died in the finale ?

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Let say it was Beska instead of your sentinel that saved you in the final battle against the whitehills. She then places you on the horse and tells you that you need to survive for all of them. Beska sends you on your way and shortly afterwards get attacked by a whitehill soldier who she kills like your sentinel did. She then gets surrounded by 10 whitehill soldiers and a close up of her face is made where she makes a snide remark about not wanting to be lonely on her way to the underworld, and ask her attackers who would like to join her. The scene then switches back to Asher/Rodrik leaving house forrester. For the closing credits we get the traitor saving Ryon.

enter image description here

How would you have felt seeing Beska die in the finale ?
Do you think her dying in place of your sentinel would of made for a better impact to the story ?


  • Honestly if it came down to choosing between my sentinel and Beskha, I'd choose the latter. I'd hate to see Beskha go.

  • Honestly, I think the traitor saving Ryon would be a really interesting plot point.

  • I would have cried. She was and is by far my favorite character in the game.

  • Beskha is the only character I really connected with. Seeing her go would've really sucked. :I

  • edited November 2015

    The finale didn't make an actual emotional impact on me. I mean, I got sad here and there, especially when Elissa and Cotter died and when Tom was executed, but I am a crybaby and I cried playing Undertale (hell, I cried watching My Little Pony the other day) but this game didn't make me cry. However, I think I would have cried a lot if Beskha died. She is my favourite female character in the game by far.

  • I'd be pissed as hell. Especially since a large percentage of us killed our traitor for a reason. Beshka surviving is important. At least to me.

  • I have a feeling we be playing Beshka in season two. I have no idea where she's taking Ryon, she's bound to get lost as she's never been to Westeros before

  • She could bump into Brienne! I love Book!Brienne (I heard bad things about Show!Brienne).

    Tulipstue posted: »

    I have a feeling we be playing Beshka in season two. I have no idea where she's taking Ryon, she's bound to get lost as she's never been to Westeros before

  • That's a bit more devastating than losing your Sentinel.

  • I would have been pissed. I really did like Beskha, she was a great character, and considering how enough people already died in my game, adding Beskha to that list would have made it worse.

  • I love Brienne in the show not read the books.

    Abeille posted: »

    She could bump into Brienne! I love Book!Brienne (I heard bad things about Show!Brienne).

  • I wasn't really fond of Beskha before the last episode.

    But then, seeing how warm she was with Asher's siblings even though she didn't know them for a long time, I just fell for her. I really hope we'll get to see more of her in the next season

  • As emotional as it would be, I think it'd be a waste for her character and Beskha and Ryon will be an interesting pair. So I'd be emotional and a little disappointed.

  • enter image description here

    Luckily Beska is 2cool4death

  • I wonder if Asher and the traitor/sentinel will be heading for the northgroove.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    As emotional as it would be, I think it'd be a waste for her character and Beskha and Ryon will be an interesting pair. So I'd be emotional and a little disappointed.

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