What do you want for Season 2?

Title is pretty self explanatory. Post what you would want to see for season 2 and maybe Telltale Staff members will see it and take note.

I would personally like: Choices that actually change the story and have an impact, determinant characters surviving, and a wider cast of POV characters. Which leads me to my second question. Who do you think will be the five POV characters for season 2? I think Malcolm is pretty much a sure thing, unless they wrap up everything they intend to do with him in dlc. Rodrik/Asher is very likely as well. Gared is pretty much guaranteed. Mira will be there for some players, while the others who had her die might be controlling Tom or Sera. Which leaves Beshka as the fifth POV character since Ryon is a little too young to be an interesting POV.


  • For Asher/Rodrik not to die in the first few minutes.

  • edited November 2015

    lol. Same here. That would be very disappointing if they died. I takes away from the sacrifice at the harbor if the surviving brother dies anyway.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    For Asher/Rodrik not to die in the first few minutes.

  • edited November 2015
    • POVs I want: Torrhen Whitehill, Talia and Malcolm.

    • A more complex codex system, similar to the one in TWAU.

    • For them not to forget about Mira despite her majority-dead choice status--I'd like her to make an appearance.

    That's all I can think of for now, but I think these would make for a more enriching player experience.

  • To keep the goddamn determinancy up. If Mira was saved, I don't wnat her dead for at least two episodes. I want whole season POVs from determinant characters. And finally, I want Roose fucking Bolton to be in at least one episode.

    1. I want Ludd and all the Whitehills dead
    2. I want my Sentinel Royland to survive and play a big role
    3. I also want Rodrik/Asher to stay alive as well and remain as POV's
    4. Other POV's I'd like to see: Gared, Talia, and Beskha
  • Honestly, I don't want another season, and I won't be buying season 2, I'll just skip it altogether

  • I would definitely like to have at least one Whitehill POV character. It would make things more interesting and maybe more complicated when people start to see that the Whitehills aren't completely evil. It would create some serious mixed feelings about who they want to win if they like people on both sides. Which is sort of a signature thing for GoT.

    ranger563 posted: »

    * POVs I want: Torrhen Whitehill, Talia and Malcolm. * A more complex codex system, similar to the one in TWAU. * For them not to forg

  • Exactly, like in the books where Tyrion is a POV character despite the fact the Lannisters are initially presented as enemies.

    I would definitely like to have at least one Whitehill POV character. It would make things more interesting and maybe more complicated when


    Not a great couple episodes and a horrible ending. I want them to finish the plot before they start developing the game... And then they put out the game. I think telltale has a thing about working episode by episode... But I don't know why the plot should work like that.

    Please telltale... Know what the story is before we immerse ourselves into it

  • They do create the story before hand, it's not like they make it up as they write the episodes. Do they change some parts of it as time goes on, yes, but they create the whole story during the development process and then, once they have the season story created, they start writing the first episode. What makes you think they don't?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I WANT A COMPLETE STORY! Not a great couple episodes and a horrible ending. I want them to finish the plot before they start developing t

  • The progression of the plot throughout the episodes made me think something was off, but when the tales staff talked about how they had the idea to blow up Helios mid-season... It made me weary of their development process altogether. (Although that may have been a minor change, since we don't know what the plot would've been with Helios stil up).

    I just look all the telltale games I've played.. And they all consistently had a great beginning that things make sense but it's still justifiably oblivious. Then the 4th episode (except tales for me, no scooter!) gets a little bit ehhhhhhhh. Then the 5th episode comes and everything before that turns to shit.

    These things make me believe that the writers either don't have it all together when they make the game... Or an even worse thing, telltale removes a lot from the games during the final stages, thus crippling the plot greatly.

    They do create the story before hand, it's not like they make it up as they write the episodes. Do they change some parts of it as time goes

  • Rodrik the Ruined killing every member of the Whitehill house. If they kill the brother that survived, I'll be disappointed. I was so surprised when Rodrik actually made it out of that battle.

  • A winning scenario, weather that means having to make peace with the Whitehills or sacrificing nearly all your loved ones for total victory. I just want there to be the option for the Forresters to come out on top of the Whitehills or side by side with them.

    Other than that, i'd like a new character to play as who has little to nothing to do with the Forresters. I want the Forresters story to be concluded and if there is a Season 3 for it ot focus on different characters so perhaps introducing a new one in season 2 to get an idea of how people feel about it would be a good idea.

  • edited November 2015

    I want Telltale to make some real bad consequences for the people who chose to leave the North Grove. It was such a bad decision.

  • Don't you mean the Unbreakable Rodrik Forrester? Because nothing seems to ruin him.

    Rodrik the Ruined killing every member of the Whitehill house. If they kill the brother that survived, I'll be disappointed. I was so surprised when Rodrik actually made it out of that battle.

  • Same here. Rodrik surviving really surprised me since I wrote him off as dead ever since he became a determinant character.

    Rodrik the Ruined killing every member of the Whitehill house. If they kill the brother that survived, I'll be disappointed. I was so surprised when Rodrik actually made it out of that battle.

  • I think that flashing forward 10-15 years and having Ryon as a young adult seeking vigilante justice for his family alongside an older, wiser, still-able but deteriorating Beskha would be awesome, but (not knowing enough about current/future books) I doubt that would keep things consistent with everything else in the GOT universe. Ah well. Maybe season 3.

  • Agreed, even though that's exactly what I did lol. By the time you make that decision, Ironrath is already burning to the ground and idk how Gared and everyone will get past The Wall heading south. But I just put myself in Gared's shoes and figured if I didn't know the situation at Ironrath (how could I?), I would've tried to get home instead of staying in this cold, weird place.

    FishySticks posted: »

    I want Telltale to make some real bad consequences for the people who chose to leave the North Grove. It was such a bad decision.

  • I wanna kill all whitehills. Asher/Rodrik stays alive. My sentinal Survives.. I wanna have the most powerful army

  • edited November 2015
    • I want the episodes to be as tailored as The Ice Dragon was. I don't care if they need 4 months to do so.
    • Alternate Mira POV scenes (if you have her alive)
    • A new King's Landing POV
    • I'd like to see the remaining Forresters to join the the Northerner Houses that will (probably) rebel against the Boltons. I also don't want to have ANY connection to Stannis.
    • I don't want to be at the wall or North of the wall anymore.

    That's it for now.

    EDIT: If we have to get an Whitehill POV I want it to be Gwyn not Thorren.

  • POV: Malcolm that way they can throw in the son's of the harpy that would be awesome! and imagine.. teaming up with Tyrion and dany! so sweeet!!!
    also still being on of the brothers. and also pov rayon or beshka. and of course if Mira is still alive then her and gerald as well..
    Story: that they will tie up loos ends from season 1.. but also add in new aspects in season 2 like they did for the walking dead that was an awesome game. also i think it's going to be more about separate story's and how the foresters regain there strength and what they have to go through.. to get back what was there. and also.. it will be nice but kill Ludd!

    all in all i'm excited telltale are masters at story telling i'm sure they have something up there sleves for season 2! and lets not forget guys game of thrones.. so more deaths yup that's going to happen.

  • Having the choice at the first episode of either attacking highpoint or take back ironrath ."make them feel how it's like to lose their home" .And having the lord Asher/rodik survive through the entire season

  • edited November 2015

    Likeable characters, less plot holes and general nonsense, more Asher, no villains from the show (sick of plot armor), and more variety in dialogue options and make choices actually matter for once..

  • One thing: for the love of god, don't kill off the surviving brother. I know he won't be playable, but keep him around, keep him important to the story, and keep him safe.

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