This music....

Despite that Ironrath fell to the Whitehills, the music that happened when the gate fall is pretty damn amazing. The first half is so hopeless and sad. It sounds like it signified the fall of House Forrester. We feel just as hopeless, tired and defeated as Rodrik/Asher as the remaining Whitehill army poured through. Rodrik/Asher tried to keep fighting, but it is hopeless, they are too wounded and too tired.

As the drum started, the Whitehill soldiers prepared their killing blow on the Lord of Ironrath, then the second half kicks in and they are saved by their Sentinel. Suddenly there was this more hopeful, energetic, heroic and lively tone. Like fate has decided that Asher's/Rodrik's time wasn't up yet and by extension the rest of the Forresters.

The Forresters may have lost Ironrath, but they will survive and they will keep on fighting.

Fall of Ironrath


  • edited November 2015

    The beginning is a variation of Talia's song/The Ballad of the Forresters btw (if you hadn't noticed already), really great song.

  • Love the music in this game, this piece was amazing aswell. Especially when Rodrik/Asher is put on a horse and runs away, and the camera pans out of a burning Ironrath.. the adrenaline pumped through my veins like crazy

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