Season 2 is not going to happen

Season 2 is not going to happen, I do not even want it to happen, we had a very happy ending and it should not happen, let me know what you think



  • I think you should stay away from crystal meth.

  • If it happens, cool, if it doesn't, I'm fine. I don't feel a necessity for a season 2 of this, while it would be nice, it ended on a good note.

  • If there has to be one, it needs to have a lot of time devoted to it and not just be a rushed hodgepodge and the same crew should be involved. I don't want to pressure them into making one at the moment but I wouldn't mind a sequel IF they take their time with it and have another great tale to tell.

  • That's pretty much how I feel about it - I'd love them to do more, but it's not gonna make my life miserable if they don't.


    I think they created something special. They created a couple of characters that people really got attached to. In fact, they got attached to them so much that there's a thread dedicated to them which, as of now, has more than 150k comments and I'm pretty sure you, of all people, know what thread I am talking about. And while I do believe people at Telltale are capable of doing marvelous things, in my book this has been a benchmark in character design that might not be repeated for years to come, and that it might be something they should build upon.

    Green613 posted: »

    If it happens, cool, if it doesn't, I'm fine. I don't feel a necessity for a season 2 of this, while it would be nice, it ended on a good note.

  • and I'm pretty sure you, of all people, know what thread I am talking about.

    i have no idea what youre talking about

    Navoc posted: »

    That's pretty much how I feel about it - I'd love them to do more, but it's not gonna make my life miserable if they don't. But... I t

  • Oh, I'm sorry. The thread i was referring to is called "Official Rhysha Thread" and the number of comments is more than 15k, not 150k.

    Green613 posted: »

    and I'm pretty sure you, of all people, know what thread I am talking about. i have no idea what youre talking about

  • sounds way lamer than what you were describing before tbh

    Navoc posted: »

    Oh, I'm sorry. The thread i was referring to is called "Official Rhysha Thread" and the number of comments is more than 15k, not 150k.

  • Yeah, I know. Maybe they should not do another season after all. :P

    Green613 posted: »

    sounds way lamer than what you were describing before tbh

  • I wanna know what happened to Rhys and Fiona. They just yeah I want a season two. Or at the very least a DLC that resolves that mystery.

  • Season 2? No. Their story is complete, there is no need for a second season. DLC? Sure.

    I would love to have a second season but I wont be mad if they didnt make one. The game that reallly needs a second season is TWAU.

  • jmmjmm
    edited November 2015

    I Agree, Rhys & Fiona story is ended, but borderlands is larger than one story and some events could be interesting to explore (like the fallout of Helios crashing)

    I'm more pissed by the possibility of not getting more borderlands rather than not getting more tales, but if borderlands 3 gets developed, tales could take a bridging role (even if it is only a single DLC episode)

    I like a lot Rhys & Fiona, but their "vault" story is done and their role should be reduced quite a lot and bring others into the frontline (mainly new guys, the support cast does not work standalone in my view) and if the overt suggestion of Fiona as Vault Hunter in BL3 ends up being used by Gearbox, it makes sense to fade her out (even if she ends up being a BL3 DLC) and incorporate her backstory in BL3 through missing echo devices (like every other vault hunter or person of interest in Borderlands)

    Rhys & Fiona vault teleport story could even be reduced just to a passing comment in Marcus intro (S2 or BL3) or a quest/quest line

    Season 2? No. Their story is complete, there is no need for a second season. DLC? Sure. I would love to have a second season but I wont be mad if they didnt make one. The game that reallly needs a second season is TWAU.

  • Well, the Rhyona thread actually has more than 150K comments and more than 2M views.

    Green613 posted: »

    sounds way lamer than what you were describing before tbh

  • you know someone's a rhysha when they cant spell rhyiona right LMAO

    Well, the Rhyona thread actually has more than 150K comments and more than 2M views.

  • I like a lot Rhys & Fiona, but their "vault" story is done and their role should be reduced quite a lot and bring others into the frontline

    And your reasoning is what, exactly? If it became some rule of thumb that popular characters should only ever be used in one story, I didn't get the memo and neither did the guys who created the following characters:

    • Link (The Legend of Zelda, 1986)
    • Solid Snake (Metal Gear, 1987)
    • Guybrush Threepwood (The Secret of Monkey Island, 1990)
    • Lara Croft (Tomb Raider, 1996)
    • Max Payne (Max Payne, 2001)
    • Kratos (God of War, 2005)
    • Nathan Drake (Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, 2007)

    ...You get my point. I am not saying there has to be another season, but I am saying that "their story has been told" is not a valid argument.

    jmm posted: »

    I Agree, Rhys & Fiona story is ended, but borderlands is larger than one story and some events could be interesting to explore (like the

  • I do because I wanna know what the the fuck happened to Rhys and Fiona.

  • Telltale has confirmed that they do not plan on making a season 2 for Tales of the Borderland.

  • Dont you want to know what happened then? what was in vault? i want to know so i want season 2.

    jmm posted: »

    I Agree, Rhys & Fiona story is ended, but borderlands is larger than one story and some events could be interesting to explore (like the


    Telltale has confirmed that they do not plan on making a season 2 for Tales of the Borderland.

  • edited November 2015

    I would love to see them as NPCs in someone else's story even. Having Rhys/Atlas/Janey be the new supply chain would be a nice way to see them without anyone losing any more body parts. And I think Gearbox mentioned having Gortys help, too.

    Fiona was more or less being trained to be a vault hunter. Even if she wasn't playable, she could fill the role Athena did for a new protagonist.

  • Right now the only thing that we can have is...
    enter link description here


    Telltale has confirmed that they do not plan on making a season 2 for Tales of the Borderland.

  • let me know what you think

    think you're wrong lol

  • Havent finished this game quite yet , but I second that on TWAU. If I could get a second installment of any game in my library that would be the one.

    Season 2? No. Their story is complete, there is no need for a second season. DLC? Sure. I would love to have a second season but I wont be mad if they didnt make one. The game that reallly needs a second season is TWAU.

  • Their story as a group is ended.
    Fiona is overtly suggested to become a Vault Hunter (In the Borderlands sense, not just "search for the vault" sense), Gearbox could or could not pick that up, but having her getting more "tales" could complicate things too much.
    Rhys is locked as the new Atlas head. Why would he go on a new adventure? it only makes sense for him to be a support character.

    Navoc posted: »

    I like a lot Rhys & Fiona, but their "vault" story is done and their role should be reduced quite a lot and bring others into the frontl

  • Sure, I want to know what happened but that doesn't need a new season. It could be easily explained on a single DLC episode or inside a quest in BL3.
    But I have a feeling that the ending scene (Athena's scene) on the pre-sequel and the vault event will be tied and the explanation will be given in the intro for BL3

    TimberlyPL posted: »

    Dont you want to know what happened then? what was in vault? i want to know so i want season 2.

  • I sort of agree with you. I actually would have preferred it if they shaved the last five or so seconds off the end, and it just ended with them opening the vault. We would be left wondering what was inside, but be overall satisfied. I'd rather have it end on a good note than churn out a sequel.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I wanna know what happened to Rhys and Fiona. They just yeah I want a season two. Or at the very least a DLC that resolves that mystery.

  • if season 2 dosent happen i would like a dlc episode lke twd 400days for example as rhys and fiona are searching the vault they talk about their pasts like how rhys met vaughn how he got his robotic arm etc amd fiona talks about how they met felix and events in her past

  • It would be too hard to make a better story than the one we have for Tales From The Borderlands right now.

  • Whats wrong with you guyz? S1 had a cliffhanger end! Rhys and Fiona were teleported by vault box to nowhere.. S2 is surely coming..m pumped

  • Fiona is overtly suggested to become a Vault Hunter, [...] Rhys is locked as the new Atlas head.

    They talked about these possibilities before they were teleported to a place unknown, which already opens up tons of possibilities.

    Why would he go on a new adventure?

    Because things happen. Because he wants to rescue a friend, maybe. Because a new villain emerges who tries to take over Atlas. I have absolutely no doubt that a good writer can come up with something cool and there happen to be some pretty good writers over at TTG.

    jmm posted: »

    Their story as a group is ended. Fiona is overtly suggested to become a Vault Hunter (In the Borderlands sense, not just "search for the va

  • I see you're spreading false information again.

    Telltale has confirmed that they do not plan on making a season 2 for Tales of the Borderland.

  • The soundtrack for Undertale is just... wow

    Gideowl posted: »

    Right now the only thing that we can have is... enter link description here

  • they can continue the borderlands story in borderlands 3, they would be stupid if they didn't add the TFTB characters into the game though

  • Show me confirmation on where you read that. Because I can almost garuntee! That there will be a season 2. The game got great reviwes.

    Telltale has confirmed that they do not plan on making a season 2 for Tales of the Borderland.

  • maybe same reason as the wolf among us, witch ended in a cliffhanger as well.

  • edited November 2015

    I'd be happy with season 2 not happening IF all the main characters have a small or large role in borderlands 3.

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