Whats wrong with cliffhangers?

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Many users here seem to complain bout sad or cliffhanger endings.. Whts wrong with u guyz. Ttg needs some major stuff/storylines for further season...


  • Cliffhangers are fine, but they didn't finish any of the plot threads except Mira's, if she died. That's just a lazy cash-in by the writers/developers. For a well executed cliffhanger see TWD season 1, the story was completed but it still left an ending that could be expanded on. I'm not going to buy the second season just so I can finish the story from the first season, that's not how this works. I'm not waiting 2.5 years and paying another 30 for the original story to finish (if it even finishes then), I'll have forgotten it.

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