The "FUCK YOU AWARD" goes to.....



  • Gryff. Just die dude. You're missing half your god damn neck! Sheesh.

  • It isn't even about the stab. I'm mad at her because she still wanted peace after everything that had happened.

    UrbanRodrik posted: »

    About Gwyn: i still think that stab was reasonable... what would you do if you best friend/boyfriend/girlfriend murdered your brother/father

  • Hary's. Fuck him and his laugh. How dare he stab Elissa, followed by Asher/Rodrik. I hope that sword tasted delicious.

  • That's literally what I said so maybe you should pay more attention before you start calling people liars. :)

    UrbanRodrik posted: »

    wow what a lie if you call off the plan and go with her plan Gryff dies and Gwyn saves you from being murdered by a whitehill soldier

  • Well some of the time. Maybe she likes going cowgirl? Either way they both win!

    The Forrester would have been on top if you know what I mean.

  • Morgryn. I shipped Mirgryn after episode four....kind of expected a betrayal, but not for him to be such a giant prick. Also, it's because of him that Mira/Tom dies.

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