Mira plot in ep6 made very little sense

  • You admit to drinking, going to visit the party due to urgent business yet somehow margs believes it wasn't her idea. ???. What was Sera motive? Margs didn't get to where she was by being that stupid.

  • You have the seal on your person. Why exactly?

  • Why didn't she dispose of the knife? Saying she should have just made the plot hole all the more glaring.

  • How exactly did Morgryns become so powerful. I get it hes a merchant who sells Ironwood but where does he get off not only getting margs to back off but the lannisters to do his bidding. Money may have been the original motive but moving forward you would think they'd start asking questions how he fit into things. He then is able to pivot to the coal boy making his original assertion of you can't just kill a lannister dubious .

  • Where exactly was the evidence? Why would he drop her off at the gate and give a chance to blab Morgryn secrets? Why did no Lannister visit her cell to find out what really happened?


  • Telltale ran out of ideas so they made her determinant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • They really didn't care at that point. I think they realized that 6 episodes in King's Landing with nothing to show for it and very little accomplished it was time to wrap it up

  • Another thing I didn't really understand is Sera being hysterical about being sent back. If you chose to not reveal her secret she is marrying into power. She may have not been able to stay Margs handmaiden at that point much longer anyways.

    Besides she knows the stakes for your house. She should should be angry you lied but the white hot rage she showed was just off putting considering the situation. It made her look mentally unbalanced. Then her epilogue in the end shows her being more reasonable why couldn't that have been written into the story?

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