So Ramsey, Ludd or Gryff
If you could kill one of these guys with Asher/Rodrik (Removing all the plot armor on Ramsey), who would you choose ?
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If you could kill one of these guys with Asher/Rodrik (Removing all the plot armor on Ramsey), who would you choose ?
Ramsay by far, followed by Gryff and then Ludd.
I don't deserve to kill Ramsay. Leave that to Sansa..
Not sure if I even could kill Ramsay considering he's got a pretty massive plot shield surrounding him whether it be book, game, or show.
Ludd - strategy wise.
i want to kill Ramsay the most, but Lard is a better, more logical choice. kill him quietly then go for ramsay next
If you kill Ludd, it will leave Gryff without power and end the war. If you kill Gryff, I imagine Ludd will retaliate in a way to make your success impossible. If you kill Ramsay, all of the north will come for you and you'll still have to deal with the Whitehills as well. Usually the best things are worth waiting for.