Can I get some help?

Hi, thanks if you're reading this.
I have a frustrating problem:
I bought Game of Thones Telltalle Games on Steam, but I got a nasty surprise because that not contain subtitles in Spanish. That was about two months ago. I spent the time waiting for any updates or news regarding subtitles in Spanish, and I was excited because I read that the game is now available with subtitles in Spanish for consoles like PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Xbox 360, and after I see that, I install again the game, but it not contain spanish subtitles. Will be the spanish subtitles avaible for GoT TG on Steam? When?
Sorry for my english. Thanks again.


  • no now bugger off pepe...

    lol im just kidding, no habla espanyol tho

  • This section is more to discuss the game. Now I know the mods will probably see this and help you more, but I believe you have to post these kinda threads in the support section. That's where the telltale staff could give you more assistance with this.

    Sorry man that sucks by the way

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