Rodrik Forrester vs Roderick Dustin

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Roderick Dustin, known as Roddy the Ruin, was a Lord of Barrowton and head of House Dustin during the Targaryen civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons.

Lord Roderick Dustin then lead the Winter Wolves out a postern gate against the Hightowers. Although the northmen were outnumbered ten-to-one, the Winter Wolves managed to reach the commander of the greens. Roderick managed to slay Lord Ormund and his cousin, Ser Bryndon Hightower, before succumbing to his wounds.


  • edited November 2015

    I would still choose Rodrik Forrester. History can be very exaggerated and unreliable. We are playing as Rodrik and there are no elements of unreliable narrator in the game, so we can safely assume that everything that we have experienced and will continue to experience through Rodrik is true.

  • I just think it's funny that they have almost identical name, nickname and tactic in final battle.

    I would still choose Rodrik Forrester. History can be very exaggerated and unreliable. We are playing as Rodrik and there are no elements of

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