Elsera Snow Warriors

One of warriors in north grove(he is the one who slapped Elsera Snow) isnt just the Frostfinger at Castle black? If it is, when did frostfinger become one of them, if it isnt, why Telltale games use same face for two characters? Did someoen realize it


  • Telltale always uses re-used models, that's why that warrior looked like Frostfinger.

    But that one was too obvious xD

  • I mean, you didn't call out that Elsera is Ethan reborn but you see Frostfinger as a wight?

    Jk but in all seriousness it's reused models. I'm pretty sure I've killed the same whitehill about 5 times now

  • They look similar but Frostfinger's face is more skinny and chiselled.

  • Ethan and Elsera look quite similar.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I mean, you didn't call out that Elsera is Ethan reborn but you see Frostfinger as a wight? Jk but in all seriousness it's reused models. I'm pretty sure I've killed the same whitehill about 5 times now

  • If you say so, look at Mira's execution, you will see a dozen of other Mira and Sera as well as the woman in your opposite cellar :D

  • hahahah yeah you have a point :D

    If you say so, look at Mira's execution, you will see a dozen of other Mira and Sera as well as the woman in your opposite cellar

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