So, if Ethan...

So, let's say that if Ethan survived his encounter with Ramsay Snow and lived, and Rodrik doesn't come back from the dead and Ethan remains lord, how do you think he would of turned out in the season during the Whitehill conflict. I don't know if he would of been a great lord like Rodrik and Gregor were, but would of been interesting to see how he would of handled the Gryff situation, somehow managing to make a alliance with the Glenmores without Rodrik, his reaction to Duncan/Royland being the traitor because he din't choose the other as his Sentinel, the possibility of a Asher or Ethan choice, and manage to keep Ethan's promise to Talia about not changing or breaking the promise by doing things that Talia wouldn't like.

So, yeah, what do you think would of happened if Ethan lived and remained the main character for the entire season instead of Rodrik?


  • It certainly would've been interesting, and he'd be a great character to see grow but I'm not sure how they'd handle big battles like the ambush in EP5 and the War in EP6.

  • edited November 2015

    It would've been pretty bad given how abusive Gryff is. Its almost a mercy that Rodrik was there instead to soak up the emotional and physical beatings that Ethan would have been in no way prepared for. Plus Ethan was a child and would not have been able to lead men in battle for some time.

  • I think the Forrester's chances might have been slightly bigger. Duncan said that the Whitehills have five times as many men in episode 1 and in episode 6, it is said that they are outnumbered 10 to 1.

    Ethan managed to endure Gryff's abuse and become stronger, more mature and maybe colder. Because no one deserted because Ethan die, he might have devised a plan with the small council to deal with Gryff.

    Let's say that Asher return home and instead of Ethan going off to greet him, he send his sentinel instead and the sentinel or Beskha sacrifice themselves in order to save Asher.

    Asher returns home with his pit fighters and the defense of Ironrath are no doubt stronger because not as many men deserted because Ethan didn't die.

    Not a perfect scenario and there are a lot of things that can turn out differently, but it is as good as I could think.

  • Telltale will allow Ramsay stab him in another episode :D

  • edited November 2015

    I think Ethan was doomed no matter what. I believe Ransay went to Ironrath intending to kill Ethan. At the beginning of episode 1 Ramsay and Ludd believe that both Gregor and Rodrik were dead and if Ethan were to die as well then little Ryon would be Lord of Ironrath, which is why they intended to take him hostage. With Ironrath's lord in Whitehill hands the rest of the Foresters would have been easy to control.

    Rodrik returning from the dead upset the apple cart. Griff was only acting aggressive to create an excuse to kill/remove Rodrik. And in episode 4 Ramsay says he came back to Ironrath to kill Rodrik but decided not to because it would be more fun to watch the houses fight it out. But his original intention was to restore the balance he created when he murdered Ethan. That's my read on it all anyway.

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