The traitor thing still bothers me...

TBH its frustrating how we get a story with too many plotholes that makes it seem that the story makes sense. Like the time and distance it takes to travel as TT acts as if the characters can magically time travel. I want to discuss how the whole traitor/ asher/rodrik thng went down, because IMO it should have never went down like that. It should have been scrapped away or done better but either way it was poorly done. A close member of our own house betrays us just because of a bracer that doesn't even make a difference like ethan was a boy when he made that choice and he had no idea how to run a house and the traitor lets gryff go like what the fuck man, you "did it to save our house". OK lets say that the traitor thing went down was legit, and you spared him he tells you that asher was going to get ambushed. Then that decision to choose which bro stays and dies shouldnt have happened as you knew Ludd was gonna ambush them. It seems that Rodrik was already there when asher made it to land so the forresters should have scouted out the area and made sure no whitehills were in the area. If that whole thing didnt go down it would have gotten rid of the fears of determinant characters in the game and would have been a better story without the plotholes. The few scenes we got with asher and rodrik fighting side by side would have been a much better story as we could have pov of both characters that alternates with each interaction they have as we can see both characters from the other bro's view. It would have made the whole war in the end much better like we could create a more complex plan to destroy the whitehills or we could see how asher still loves gwyn and how rodrik wants them destroyed and the conflict between them. If telltale could have handled it better instead of making the cliche of how "oh no one of us has to stay" or "oh wow the traitor was the one in the small council who didnt become sentinel, who knew?" gasp

tl;dr No traitor= no ambush= no determinant characters, and a better story.


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