Endermen Questions

First off, over a year ago Dinnerbone actually confirmed that the collective noun for endermen is "A Haunting of Endermen" so I figured I would get that out of the way.

Secondly, what do they actually smell like? Now that I think of it, I imagine that the fact that Endermen can not touch water without getting damaged might suggest that they emit some sort of scent. I know that it is a possibility that the reason that the Endersuit stunk was because it was worn by Soren, but I don't know for sure if he wasn't just hanging with the Endermen so often that the smell rubbed off or if he fashioned his own enderman fragrance.

How sentient are the Endermen? In the official minecraft game they just take blocks and teleport away, however in the Story Mode there seems to be some sort of advanced Endermen Psychology going on. The Endermen apparently never teleported into Soren's home before Jesse Stole from that one Enderman. Is there any reasoning behind their actions? Can they actually be trained?

And finally, what do you think they actually ARE anyways? I know they are inspired by the good ol' Slenderman scary story, but they seem very different overall and they could easily be tied to the Ender Dragon as far as appearance and naming goes.


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