Gared and Talia seem to be very good to each other, but I don't know if this is a "Brother-Sister" thing because, according to Gared, they grew up together. But if it was optional, I'd go with it. (Edit) I seriously can't tell what age Talia is. I know ages are weird when it comes to Game of Thrones, but she comes off as a sixteen for me, so that'd make things a bit awkward for me. If she was older, then yeah.
Gared and Sylivi are becoming a bit more friendly to each other, but I doubt romance would come into play between them. If it was optional, I'd go with it too. (Edit) She seems young though, but if she was older in season two that'd be less weird.
Gared and Elsera are becoming quite friendly, but she creeped me out in the final episode of season 1.
The best ship of all was forever lost, all because of that dirty traitor Duncan, if lonely bacon-loving Gared would just meet face to face with lonely food-loving Ludd the whole story would turn out very sweet, I'm sure.
Gared and Talia seem to be very good to each other, but I don't know if this is a "Brother-Sister" thing because, according to Gared, they g… morerew up together. But if it was optional, I'd go with it. (Edit) I seriously can't tell what age Talia is. I know ages are weird when it comes to Game of Thrones, but she comes off as a sixteen for me, so that'd make things a bit awkward for me. If she was older, then yeah.
Gared and Sylivi are becoming a bit more friendly to each other, but I doubt romance would come into play between them. If it was optional, I'd go with it too. (Edit) She seems young though, but if she was older in season two that'd be less weird.
Gared and Elsera are becoming quite friendly, but she creeped me out in the final episode of season 1.
I prefer to keep Jon Snow and Gared bros.
I don't really have anything to say on the rest.
isn't it Mira? Because when Gared is looking at the Forrester painting, he says something about his wondering about Mira's going back to Ironrath. It looked like Gared was in love with Mira for me.
I'm surprised so many people ship Gared with Elsera. I don't get along with her at all, I mostly agreed with Josera.
But I don't really ship Gared with anyone anyway. I liked that love/hate realtionship kinda thing with Finn at first but meh.
I'm surprised so many people ship Gared with Elsera. I don't get along with her at all, I mostly agreed with Josera.
But I don't really ship Gared with anyone anyway. I liked that love/hate realtionship kinda thing with Finn at first but meh.
The best ship of all was forever lost, all because of that dirty traitor Duncan, if lonely bacon-loving Gared would just meet face to face with lonely food-loving Ludd the whole story would turn out very sweet, I'm sure.
Tbh, I do not think Gared interest with any girls atm, look at his face guys, he eager to help his family, not wooing some chicks
About all those girls you mentioned, here is what I think:
Talia: no, they are much more like brother-sister than lover.
Elsera: yeah, maybe, sexy voice, nice look, not stunning beauty but good enough. Beside Elsera was alone for a long time, so everything could happen. Do not tell me she spent her free time with her soldiers, or her brother, or much worse her brother's bear
Sylvi: no, absolutely not. First, Sylvi still to young, maybe much younger than Talia, same with Ryon. Second she's too beautiful, so she is mine ). Just kidding, after all, she's still a wildling, and maybe Gared will mind that, like all the man from the South of the Wall.
I always thought that Gared and Talia would be a good couple.
I still remember this sweet picture made by Jakest123. AKA Badgershite.
Well, he could be a bisexual.
Gared and Talia seem to be very good to each other, but I don't know if this is a "Brother-Sister" thing because, according to Gared, they grew up together. But if it was optional, I'd go with it. (Edit) I seriously can't tell what age Talia is. I know ages are weird when it comes to Game of Thrones, but she comes off as a sixteen for me, so that'd make things a bit awkward for me. If she was older, then yeah.
Gared and Sylivi are becoming a bit more friendly to each other, but I doubt romance would come into play between them. If it was optional, I'd go with it too. (Edit) She seems young though, but if she was older in season two that'd be less weird.
Gared and Elsera are becoming quite friendly, but she creeped me out in the final episode of season 1.
I prefer to keep Jon Snow and Gared bros.
I don't really have anything to say on the rest.
They're perfect for each other.
Gared and Frostfinger.
Elsera. She is the coolest
. Besides the other ones would just be creepy
I dont really want him with anyone, plus by the looks of things gared doesnt even care about anything like that
If Talia or Sylvi had been older, it might have been cute, but as it is, it would just be another Cluke (maybe a bit less extreme, but still)
I could see him end up with Elsera, but then again, does he really need to end up with anyone?
Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know.
Why Not Mira+Gared? Gira? Mared?
The best ship of all was forever lost, all because of that dirty traitor Duncan, if lonely bacon-loving Gared would just meet face to face with lonely food-loving Ludd the whole story would turn out very sweet, I'm sure.
Bad case of the cold I see
I sense Elsera is being set up as the Telltale version of Ygritte. She'll definitely be the one for Gared, only to die horribly.
Aren't Ethan and Talia twins?
If so, Talia is YOUNG.
I think I like him the best with Josera or Elsera. I never felt the Talia x Gared ship to be honest. I can only see Sylvi as a friend also.
isn't it Mira? Because when Gared is looking at the Forrester painting, he says something about his wondering about Mira's going back to Ironrath. It looked like Gared was in love with Mira for me.
Does he need a lover?
I swear shipping is asboutely everywhere on this forum
Not really. I don't actually think he needs one in canon. It's just fun to ship, is all. ^_^
I would actually prefer if he never has a lover. I just can't resist shipping. :P
Bacon from Lard! Gudd be praised!
His right hand
... Oh yeah.
I'm surprised so many people ship Gared with Elsera. I don't get along with her at all, I mostly agreed with Josera.
But I don't really ship Gared with anyone anyway. I liked that love/hate realtionship kinda thing with Finn at first but meh.
I would ship Gared + Sylvi, that snowflake have some cold beauty in her. :-)
I sided mostly with Josera as well, but I don't have to agree with a character to like them, and ship them with Gared ^_^
Winter is coming.
"I sow my Ironwood wherever the fook I please"
I hope Elsera. She has a sexy voice.
same here.
Tbh, I do not think Gared interest with any girls atm, look at his face guys, he eager to help his family, not wooing some chicks
About all those girls you mentioned, here is what I think:
Why the hell are people shipping Sylvi to Gared? You People are pedophiles. Sylvi is Like 13 or 14, while Gared is In his Early 20s.
I know right, and Talia is like 14ish.
Potatoes.......nah he'd never bust up a commited relationship......But Widowed Taters so who knows!
Am I the only one who ships Josared?
I'm serious... they're cute
A few people in this thread do. Not me though
Gared/Elsera all the way.
You know what, I was unsure whether I wanted to ship it or not but if that's their ship name then I'm shipping it. :P
I would lose it if Telltale made Gared decide between Elsera and Josera and turned it into a whole life threatening choice sort of thing XD
It sounds adorable doesn't it?
Fuck it.
I ship both Gared x Elsera and Gared x Josera ^-^