Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Mac - CRASH

I've tried emailing etc no response. Spectacular.

Everytime I open Game of Thrones it crashes now. What can I do?

I'm amazed this stuff is still going on. Seriously if this was how my work turned out I would be genuinely ashamed.


  • I am not a Telltale Staff member, just a volunteer Moderator, but I looked over some older Support Forum posts by Telltale Staff Members and saw a thread where another user's problem with an earlier episode on Mac was resolved by reinstalling that particular episode in the "Episodes" menu in the game.

    After looking over your Support Tool information, everything appears to be set up correctly, and your system should be able to run the game successfully. If you are currently experiencing issues with items missing in an episode or sounds not playing fully/correctly, you may have received an incomplete or corrupted download file. Please try going to the Episode menu in-game, and click on Episode 2 to uninstall it. Then reinstall it by clicking on the episode again after it has uninstalled. Once it is done downloading, start the episode from the beginning, and you should not experience the issue again.

    Again, I am just a volunteer Moderator trying to (unofficially) point you towards a potential solution given by a Telltale staff member that worked for someone else with a previous episode since you have not gotten a response via email.

    If that doesn't work, you may get better results from submitting a Request at the Telltale Games Support Center for Telltale Staff members to directly assist you from there instead of email.

    I'm going to close this discussion and move it to the archived Support Forum section, but you can still receive help from Telltale Staff members by submitting a ticket if you have not done so after you emailed them.

This discussion has been closed.